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File: class.CachedFastTemplate.php

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File: class.CachedFastTemplate.php
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class allowing caching of Fastemplate based pages
Class: CachedFastTemplate
Simple class extending CDI's Fastemplate Class
Author: By
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Date: 24 years ago
Size: 5,008 bytes



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<?php /* * Class CachedFastTemplate * by Jesus M. Castagnetto ( * (c) 2000. Version 1.1 * * Description: * This class extends CDI's ( FastTemplate class, * implementing methods to cache the output to a file. This would be * useful for cases in which a template is used for both, the static * pages in a web site, and pages created from PHP scripts. In this * way we will avoid processing pages that do not change too often. * * Changes: * 2000/06/06 - Merged in some modifications submitted by Aaron Bush * (AB) <>. In fact he sent * these some time ago, and I finally unearth them from * my filesystem. Mainly changed to recognize if the * the file calling this class or the templates have * been modified. * 2000/06/07 - Added some logic, so the same template can be used for * storing a cached template for seconds/minutes/hours/days * added 2 new methods: set_time_unit and _is_valid_time_unit, * and renamed internal methods (the ones with names prefixed * by "_"), from _mkdatestamp to _mktimestamp, and from * _diff_days to _diff_time, renamed/modified also some internal * variables in methods. * */ class CachedFastTemplate extends FastTemplate { var $CACHEDIR = "./cache"; // directory to save cached files var $CACHELENGTH = 30; // length of caching, 30 units. var $TIMEUNIT = "day"; // time unit var $TIMEUNITSARR = array ("sec"=>1, "min"=>60, "hour"=>3600, "day"=>86400); function CachedFastTemplate($path_to_tpls="", $cdir="", $clen="") { $this->FastTemplate($path_to_tpls); if (!empty($cdir)) { $this->set_cache_dir($cdir); } if (!empty($clen)) { $this->set_cache_length($clen); } } function set_cache_dir($dir) { if (substr($dir,(strlen($dir) - 1), 1) == "/") { $dir = substr($dir,0,-1); } $this->CACHEDIR = $dir; } function set_cache_length($length) { $this->CACHELENGTH = $length; } function write_to_cache($filename="", $content="") { global $PHP_SELF; if (empty($filename)) { $filename = str_replace("/", "_", $PHP_SELF); } if (empty($content)) { $content = $this->fetch(); } // write the contents $fp = fopen($this->CACHEDIR."/".$filename.".cache", "w"); fwrite($fp,$content); fclose($fp); // write the cache control file $timestamp = $this->_mktimestamp(); $fp = fopen($this->CACHEDIR."/".$filename.".cntrl", "w"); fwrite($fp, $timestamp.":".$this->CACHELENGTH); fclose($fp); } function read_from_cache($filename="") { global $PHP_SELF; if (empty($filename)) { $filename = str_replace("/", "_", $PHP_SELF); } if ($this->is_cached($filename)) { readfile($this->CACHEDIR."/".$filename.".cache"); return true; } else { return false; } } function is_cached($filename) { return (is_file($this->CACHEDIR."/".$filename.".cache") && is_file($this->CACHEDIR."/".$filename.".cntrl")); } function valid_cache_file($filename="") { global $PHP_SELF, $PATH_TRANSLATED; // for new logic (AB) if (empty($filename)) { $filename = str_replace("/", "_", $PHP_SELF); } if ($this->is_cached($filename)) { $info = file($this->CACHEDIR."/".$filename.".cntrl"); $val = explode(":", $info[0]); // the following block from (AB) // check fileHandles time vs. control time if (filemtime($PATH_TRANSLATED) >= $val[0]) return false; if (count($this->FILELIST) > 0 ) { while (list($tag, $fn) = each($this->FILELIST)) { if ( is_file($this->ROOT.$fn) && (filemtime($this->ROOT.$fn) >= $val[0]) ) return false; } } // end check fileHandles $today = $this->_mktimestamp(); return ( $this->_diff_time($today, $val[0]) <= $val[1] ); } else { return false; } } function set_time_unit($str) { if ($this->_is_valid_time_unit($str)) { $this->TIMEUNIT = $str; } else { $this->TIMEUNIT = "day"; } } function _is_valid_time_unit($str) { while (list($key, $val) = each($this->TIMEUNITSARR)) { if ($key == $str) return true; } return false; } function _mktimestamp() { return time(); } function _diff_time($end, $start) { $factor = $this->TIMEUNITSARR[$this->TIMEUNIT]; return intval(($end - $start)/$factor); } } // end of class definition ?>