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File: src/EasyDB.php

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  Classes of Scott Arciszewski   EasyDB   src/EasyDB.php   Download  
File: src/EasyDB.php
Role: Class source
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Description: Class source
Class: EasyDB
Simple Database Abstraction Layer around PDO
Author: By
Last change: Remove (and replace when needed) @psalm-taint-source annotations

The way they are used in the EasyDB codebase seems to be incorrect, it
looks they should be "taint sinks" instead.

For example I would expect the following example to flagged as insecure:
$db = \ParagonIE\EasyDB\Factory::fromArray([
$statement = \ParagonIE\EasyDB\EasyStatement::open()
->with('last_login IS NOT NULL')
->orWith('email = ' . $_POST['search']);
$user = $db->single("SELECT * FROM users WHERE $statement", $statement->values());

but with the current annotations it is considered fine.

`@psalm-taint-source` does not work on a specific parameter of a method
but on the returned value [0]. This PR only make sure the sinks are
properly defined but it could be interesting to mark the methods
returning something the DB in the EasyDB class as an input source.

Psalm: accept EasyPlaceholder

To avoid
>Argument 2 of ParagonIE\EasyDB\EasyDB::insertReturnId expects array<string, null|scalar>
Version 3.0.2
Always return an array

Supersedes #144
This should be nullable
Fix #143
Support Psalm taint analysis

- Change exceptions to extend the same base class
- Update code style to avoid \\ prefixes (use imports instead)
Make use of PHP 8's type system
We cover edge-cases here
Docblock cleanup
Merge pull request #137 from paragonie/run-csv

Add csv() method
Merge branch 'master' of into run-csv
Remove unnecessary annotations
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 46,638 bytes



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<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace ParagonIE\EasyDB; use ParagonIE\EasyDB\Exception\{ EasyDBException, InvalidIdentifier, InvalidTableName, MustBeOneDimensionalArray, QueryError }; use PDO; use PDOStatement; use InvalidArgumentException; use Throwable; use TypeError; use function array_fill, array_filter, array_keys, array_map, array_merge, array_push, array_values, count, explode, gettype, get_class, implode, is_array, is_bool, is_int, is_null, is_numeric, is_object, is_scalar, is_string, preg_replace, sprintf, str_contains, var_export; /** * Class EasyDB * * @package ParagonIE\EasyDB */ class EasyDB { const DEFAULT_FETCH_STYLE = 0x31420000; protected string $dbEngine = ''; protected PDO $pdo; protected array $options = []; protected bool $allowSeparators = false; /** * Dependency-Injectable constructor * * @param PDO $pdo * @param string $dbEngine * @param array $options Extra options */ public function __construct(PDO $pdo, string $dbEngine = '', array $options = []) { $this->pdo = $pdo; $this->pdo->setAttribute( PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false ); $this->pdo->setAttribute( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION ); if (empty($dbEngine)) { $dbEngine = (string) $this->pdo->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME); } $this->dbEngine = $dbEngine; $this->options = $options; } /** * Variadic version of $this->column() * * @param string $statement SQL query without user data * @param int $offset How many columns from the left are we grabbing * from each row? * @param scalar|null|object ...$params Parameters * @return array|false * * @psalm-taint-sink sql $statement */ public function col(string $statement, int $offset = 0, ...$params): array|bool { return $this->column($statement, $params, $offset); } /** * Fetch a column * * @param string $statement SQL query without user data * @param array $params Parameters * @param int $offset How many columns from the left are we grabbing * from each row? * @return array|false * * @psalm-taint-sink sql $statement */ public function column(string $statement, array $params = [], int $offset = 0): array|bool { $stmt = $this->prepare($statement); if (!$this->is1DArray($params)) { throw new MustBeOneDimensionalArray( 'Only one-dimensional arrays are allowed.' ); } $stmt->execute($params); return $stmt->fetchAll( PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, $offset ); } /** * Variadic version of $this->single() * * @param string $statement SQL query without user data * @param scalar|null|object ...$params Parameters * @return scalar|null * * @psalm-taint-sink sql $statement */ public function cell( string $statement, float|object|bool|int|string|null ...$params ): float|bool|int|string|null { return $this->single($statement, $params); } /** * Alternative to run() that returns the keys as the first row, then * the values in all subsequent rows. * * @param string $statement SQL query without user data * @param scalar|null|object ...$params Parameters * @return array[] - If successful, a 2D array * * @throws TypeError * * @psalm-taint-sink sql $statement */ public function csv(string $statement, float|bool|int|string|null|object ...$params): array { /** @var array<int, array<string, scalar>> $results */ $results = $this->safeQuery( $statement, $params, self::DEFAULT_FETCH_STYLE, false, true ); if (empty($results)) { /* Array containing an array of empty keys and no subsequent rows */ return [[]]; } $mapping = []; array_push($mapping, array_keys($results[0])); foreach ($results as $row) { array_push($mapping, array_values($row)); } return $mapping; } /** * Delete rows in a database table. * * @param string $table Table name * @param EasyStatement|array $conditions Defines the WHERE clause * @return int * * @throws TypeError */ public function delete(string $table, EasyStatement|array $conditions): int { if ($conditions instanceof EasyStatement) { return $this->deleteWhereStatement($table, $conditions); } return $this->deleteWhereArray($table, $conditions); } /** * Delete rows in a database table. * * @param string $table Table name * @param array $conditions Defines the WHERE clause * @return int * * @throws InvalidTableName * @throws MustBeOneDimensionalArray * @throws TypeError */ protected function deleteWhereArray(string $table, array $conditions): int { if (empty($table)) { throw new InvalidTableName( 'Table name must be a non-empty string.' ); } if (empty($conditions)) { // Don't allow foot-bullets return 0; } if (!$this->is1DArray($conditions)) { throw new MustBeOneDimensionalArray( 'Only one-dimensional arrays are allowed.' ); } /** @psalm-taint-escape sql */ $queryString = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->escapeIdentifier($table) . ' WHERE '; // Simple array for joining the strings together $params = []; $placeholders = []; /** * @var string $i * @var string|int|bool|float|null $v */ foreach ($conditions as $i => $v) { /** @psalm-taint-escape sql */ $i = $this->escapeIdentifier($i); if ($v === null) { $placeholders [] = " {$i} IS NULL "; } elseif (is_bool($v)) { $placeholders []= $this->makeBooleanArgument($i, $v); } else { $placeholders []= " {$i} = ? "; $params[] = $v; } } $queryString .= implode(' AND ', $placeholders); return (int) $this->safeQuery( $queryString, $params, PDO::FETCH_BOTH, true ); } /** * Delete rows in a database table. * * @param string $table Table name * @param EasyStatement $conditions Defines the WHERE clause * @return int * * @throws InvalidTableName */ protected function deleteWhereStatement(string $table, EasyStatement $conditions): int { if (empty($table)) { throw new InvalidTableName( 'Table name must be a non-empty string.' ); } if ($conditions->count() < 1) { // Don't allow foot-bullets return 0; } /** @psalm-taint-escape sql */ $queryString = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->escapeIdentifier($table) . ' WHERE ' . $conditions; $params = []; /** * @var ?scalar $v */ foreach ($conditions->values() as $v) { $params[] = $v; } return (int) $this->safeQuery( $queryString, $params, PDO::FETCH_BOTH, true ); } /** * Make sure only valid characters make it in column/table names * * @ref * * @param string $string Table or column name * @param bool $quote Certain SQLs escape column names (i.e. mysql with `backticks`) * @return string * * @throws InvalidIdentifier */ public function escapeIdentifier(string $string, bool $quote = true): string { if (empty($string)) { throw new InvalidIdentifier( 'Invalid identifier: Must be a non-empty string.' ); } switch ($this->dbEngine) { case 'sqlite': $patternWithSep = '/[^.0-9a-zA-Z_\/]/'; $patternWithoutSep = '/[^0-9a-zA-Z_\/]/'; break; default: $patternWithSep = '/[^.0-9a-zA-Z_]/'; $patternWithoutSep = '/[^0-9a-zA-Z_]/'; } // This behavior depends on whether or not separators are allowed. if ($this->allowSeparators) { $str = preg_replace($patternWithSep, '', $string); if (str_contains($str, '.')) { $pieces = explode('.', $str); foreach ($pieces as $i => $p) { /** @psalm-taint-escape sql */ $pieces[$i] = $this->escapeIdentifier($p, $quote); } return implode('.', $pieces); } } else { $str = preg_replace($patternWithoutSep, '', $string); if ($str !== trim($string)) { if ($str === str_replace('.', '', $string)) { throw new InvalidIdentifier( 'Separators (.) are not permitted.' ); } throw new InvalidIdentifier( 'Invalid identifier: Invalid characters supplied.' ); } } // MySQL allows weirdly wrong column names: if ($this->dbEngine !== 'mysql') { // The first character cannot be [0-9]: if (preg_match('/^[0-9]/', $str)) { throw new InvalidIdentifier( 'Invalid identifier: Must begin with a letter or underscore.' ); } } if ($quote) { return match ($this->dbEngine) { 'mssql' => '[' . $str . ']', 'mysql' => '`' . $str . '`', default => '"' . $str . '"', }; } return $str; } /** * Create a parenthetical statement e.g. for NOT IN queries. * * Input: ([1, 2, 3, 5], int) * Output: "(1,2,3,5)" * * @param array $values * @param string $type * @return string * * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws MustBeOneDimensionalArray */ public function escapeValueSet(array $values, string $type = 'string'): string { if (empty($values)) { // Default value: a sub-query that will return an empty set return '(SELECT 1 WHERE FALSE)'; } // No arrays of arrays, please if (!$this->is1DArray($values)) { throw new MustBeOneDimensionalArray( 'Only one-dimensional arrays are allowed.' ); } // Build our array $join = []; /** * @var string|int $k * @var string|int|bool|float|null $v */ foreach ($values as $k => $v) { switch ($type) { case 'int': if (!is_int($v)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Expected a integer at index ' . (string) $k . ' of argument 1 passed to ' . static::class . '::' . __METHOD__ . '(), received ' . $this->getValueType($v) ); } $join[] = $v + 0; break; case 'float': case 'decimal': case 'number': case 'numeric': if (!is_numeric($v)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Expected a number at index ' . (string) $k . ' of argument 1 passed to ' . static::class . '::' . __METHOD__ . '(), received ' . $this->getValueType($v) ); } $join[] = (float) $v + 0.0; break; case 'string': if (is_numeric($v)) { $v = (string) $v; } if (!is_string($v)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Expected a string at index ' . (string) $k . ' of argument 1 passed to ' . static::class . '::' . __METHOD__ . '(), received ' . $this->getValueType($v) ); } $join[] = $this->pdo->quote($v, PDO::PARAM_STR); break; default: break 2; } } if (empty($join)) { return '(SELECT 1 WHERE FALSE)'; } return '(' . implode(', ', $join) . ')'; } /** * Escape a value that will be used as a LIKE condition. * * Input: ("string_not%escaped") * Output: "string\_not\%escaped" * * WARNING: This function always escapes wildcards using backslash! * * @param string $value * @return string */ public function escapeLikeValue(string $value): string { // Backslash is used to escape wildcards. $value = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $value); // Standard wildcards are underscore and percent sign. $value = str_replace('%', '\\%', $value); $value = str_replace('_', '\\_', $value); if ($this->dbEngine === 'mssql') { // MSSQL also includes character ranges. $value = str_replace('[', '\\[', $value); $value = str_replace(']', '\\]', $value); } return $value; } /** * Use with SELECT COUNT queries to determine if a record exists. * * @param string $statement * @param mixed ...$params * @return bool * * @psalm-taint-sink sql $statement */ public function exists(string $statement, ...$params): bool { $result = $this->single($statement, $params); return !empty($result); } /** * @param string $statement * @param scalar|null|object ...$params * @return array|false * * @psalm-taint-sink sql $statement */ public function first(string $statement, ...$params): array|bool { return $this->column($statement, $params, 0); } /** * Which database driver are we operating on? * * @return string */ public function getDriver(): string { return $this->dbEngine; } /** * Return a copy of the PDO object (to prevent it from being modified * to disable safety/security features). * * @return PDO */ public function getPdo(): PDO { return $this->pdo; } /** * Insert a new row to a table in a database. * * @param string $table - table name * @param array $map - associative array of which values should be assigned to each field * @return int * * @throws MustBeOneDimensionalArray * * @psalm-param array<string, scalar|EasyPlaceholder|null> $map */ public function insert(string $table, array $map): int { if (!empty($map)) { if (!$this->is1DArray($map)) { throw new MustBeOneDimensionalArray( 'Only one-dimensional arrays are allowed.' ); } } list($queryString, $values) = $this->buildInsertQueryBoolSafe( $table, $map ); /** @var string $queryString */ /** @var array $values */ return (int) $this->safeQuery( $queryString, $values, PDO::FETCH_BOTH, true ); } /** * Insert a row into the table, ignoring on key collisions * * @param string $table - table name * @param array $map - associative array of which values should be assigned to each field * @return int * * @throws MustBeOneDimensionalArray * * @psalm-param array<string, scalar|EasyPlaceholder|null> $map */ public function insertIgnore(string $table, array $map): int { if (!empty($map)) { if (!$this->is1DArray($map)) { throw new MustBeOneDimensionalArray( 'Only one-dimensional arrays are allowed.' ); } } list($queryString, $values) = $this->buildInsertQueryBoolSafe( $table, $map, false ); return (int) $this->safeQuery( $queryString, $values, PDO::FETCH_BOTH, true ); } /** * Insert a row into the table, ignoring on key collisions * * @param string $table - table name * @param array $map - associative array of which values should be assigned to each field * @param array $on_duplicate_key_update * @return int * * @throws MustBeOneDimensionalArray * * @psalm-param array<string, scalar|EasyPlaceholder|null> $map * @psalm-param array<int, string> $on_duplicate_key_update */ public function insertOnDuplicateKeyUpdate( string $table, array $map, array $on_duplicate_key_update ): int { if (!empty($map)) { if (!$this->is1DArray($map)) { throw new MustBeOneDimensionalArray( 'Only one-dimensional arrays are allowed.' ); } } list($queryString, $values) = $this->buildInsertQueryBoolSafe( $table, $map, $on_duplicate_key_update ); return (int) $this->safeQuery( (string) $queryString, $values, PDO::FETCH_BOTH, true ); } /** * Insert a new record then get a particular field from the new row * * @param string $table * @param array $map * @param string $field * @return ?scalar * * @throws InvalidArgumentException * * @psalm-param array<string, scalar|EasyPlaceholder|null> $map */ public function insertGet( string $table, array $map, string $field ): string|int|float|bool|null { if (empty($map)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('An empty array is not allowed for insertGet()'); } if ($this->insert($table, $map) < 1) { throw new QueryError('Insert failed'); } $post = []; $params = []; /** * @var string $i * @var string|bool|null|int|float $v */ foreach ($map as $i => $v) { // Escape the identifier to prevent stupidity /** @psalm-taint-escape sql */ $i = $this->escapeIdentifier($i); if ($v === null) { $post []= " {$i} IS NULL "; } elseif (is_bool($v)) { $post []= $this->makeBooleanArgument($i, $v); } else { // We use prepared statements for handling the users' data $post []= " {$i} = ? "; $params[] = $v; } } $conditions = implode(' AND ', $post); // We want the latest value: $limiter = match ($this->dbEngine) { 'mysql' => ' ORDER BY ' . $this->escapeIdentifier($field) . ' DESC LIMIT 0, 1 ', 'pgsql' => ' ORDER BY ' . $this->escapeIdentifier($field) . ' DESC OFFSET 0 LIMIT 1 ', default => '', }; /** @psalm-taint-escape sql */ $query = 'SELECT ' . $this->escapeIdentifier($field) . ' FROM ' . $this->escapeIdentifier($table) . ' WHERE ' . $conditions . $limiter; return $this->single($query, $params); } /** * Insert many new rows to a table in a database. using the same prepared statement * * @param string $table - table name * @param array $maps - array of associative array specifying values * should be assigned to each field * @return int * * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws MustBeOneDimensionalArray * @throws QueryError */ public function insertMany(string $table, array $maps): int { if (count($maps) < 1) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Argument 2 passed to ' . static::class . '::' . __METHOD__ . '() must contain at least one field set!' ); } $mapsKeys = array_keys($maps); /** @var array-key $firstKey */ $firstKey = array_shift($mapsKeys); /** * @var array $first */ $first = $maps[$firstKey]; /** * @var array $map */ foreach ($maps as $map) { if (!$this->is1DArray($map)) { throw new MustBeOneDimensionalArray( 'Every map in the second argument should have the same number of columns.' ); } } $queryString = $this->buildInsertQuery($table, array_keys($first)); // Now let's run a query with the parameters $stmt = $this->prepare($queryString); $count = 0; /** * @var array $params */ foreach ($maps as $params) { $stmt->execute(array_values($params)); $count += $stmt->rowCount(); } return $count; } /** * Wrapper for insert() and lastInsertId() * * Do not use this with the pgsql driver. It is extremely unreliable. * * @param string $table * @param array $map * @param string $sequenceName (optional) * @return string * * @throws EasyDBException * @throws QueryError * * @psalm-param array<string, scalar|EasyPlaceholder|null> $map */ public function insertReturnId(string $table, array $map, string $sequenceName = ''): string { if ($this->dbEngine === 'pgsql') { throw new EasyDBException( 'Do not use insertReturnId() with PostgreSQL. Use insertGet() instead, ' . 'with an explicit column name rather than a sequence name.' ); } if (!$this->insert($table, $map)) { throw new QueryError('Could not insert a new row into ' . $table . '.'); } if ($sequenceName) { return $this->lastInsertId($sequenceName); } return $this->lastInsertId(); } /** * Get a query string for an INSERT statement. * * @param string $table * @param array $columns list of columns that will be inserted * @return string * * @throws MustBeOneDimensionalArray * If $columns is not a one-dimensional array. */ public function buildInsertQuery(string $table, array $columns): string { if (!empty($columns)) { if (!$this->is1DArray($columns)) { throw new MustBeOneDimensionalArray( 'Only one-dimensional arrays are allowed.' ); } } $columns = array_map([$this, 'escapeIdentifier'], $columns); $placeholders = array_fill(0, count($columns), '?'); return sprintf( 'INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)', $this->escapeIdentifier($table), implode(', ', $columns), implode(', ', $placeholders) ); } /** * Get an query string for an INSERT statement. * * @template T as array<string, scalar|null> * * @param string $table * @param array $map * @param bool|array<int, string>|null $duplicates_mode - null for straight-forward insert, * false for ignore, * array for on-duplicate-key-update * @return array {0: string, 1: array} * * @throws MustBeOneDimensionalArray * If $columns is not a one-dimensional array. * * @psalm-param array<string, scalar|EasyPlaceholder|null> $map * @psalm-param null|false|array<int, string> $duplicates_mode * @psalm-return array{0:string, 1:array<int, scalar>} * */ public function buildInsertQueryBoolSafe( string $table, array $map, array|bool|null $duplicates_mode = null ): array { /** @var array<int, string> $columns */ $columns = []; /** @var array<int, string> $placeholders */ $placeholders = []; $values = []; /** * @var string $key * @var scalar|EasyPlaceholder|null $value */ foreach ($map as $key => $value) { $columns[] = $key; if (is_null($value)) { $placeholders[] = 'NULL'; } elseif (is_bool($value)) { if ($this->dbEngine === 'sqlite') { $placeholders[] = $value ? "'1'" : "'0'"; } else { $placeholders[] = $value ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; } } elseif ($value instanceof EasyPlaceholder) { $placeholders[] = $value->mask(); $values = array_merge($values, $value->values()); } else { $placeholders[] = '?'; $values[] = $value; } } $columns = array_map([$this, 'escapeIdentifier'], $columns); /** * @var array<int, string> */ $duplicates_updates = []; if (is_array($duplicates_mode)) { foreach ($duplicates_mode as $column_name) { $escaped_column_name = $this->escapeIdentifier($column_name); $duplicates_updates[] = $escaped_column_name . ' = VALUES(' . $escaped_column_name . ')'; } } $query = sprintf( 'INSERT%sINTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)%s', (false === $duplicates_mode ? ' IGNORE ' : ' '), $this->escapeIdentifier($table), implode(', ', $columns), implode(', ', $placeholders), ( (count($duplicates_updates) > 0) ? ( ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ' . implode(', ', $duplicates_updates) ) : '' ) ); /** * @psalm-var array{0:string, 1:array<int, scalar>} */ return array($query, $values); } /** * Variadic shorthand for $this->safeQuery() * * @param string $statement SQL query without user data * @param mixed ...$params Parameters * @return mixed * * @throws TypeError * * @psalm-taint-sink sql $statement */ public function q(string $statement, ...$params): array { $result = $this->safeQuery( $statement, $params, self::DEFAULT_FETCH_STYLE, false, true ); if (!is_array($result)) { throw new TypeError('Return value must be an array'); } return $result; } /** * Similar to $this->q() except it only returns a single row * * @param string $statement SQL query without user data * @param string|int|float|bool|null ...$params Parameters * @return array * * @throws TypeError * * @psalm-taint-sink sql $statement */ public function row(string $statement, ...$params): array { /** * @var array|int $result */ $result = $this->safeQuery( $statement, $params, self::DEFAULT_FETCH_STYLE, false, true ); if (is_array($result)) { $first = array_shift($result); if (!is_array($first)) { /* Do not TypeError on empty results */ return []; } return $first; } return []; } /** * Variadic shorthand for $this->safeQuery() * * @param string $statement SQL query without user data * @param scalar|null ...$params Parameters * @return array * * @psalm-taint-sink sql $statement */ public function run(string $statement, ...$params): array { $results = $this->safeQuery( $statement, $params, self::DEFAULT_FETCH_STYLE, false, true ); if (!is_array($results)) { return []; } return $results; } /** * Perform a Parametrized Query * * @param string $statement The query string (hopefully untainted * by user input) * @param array $params The parameters (used in prepared * statements) * @param int $fetchStyle PDO::FETCH_STYLE * @param bool $returnNumAffected Return the number of rows affected? * @param bool $calledWithVariadicParams Indicates method is being invoked from variadic $params method * @return array|int|object * * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws MustBeOneDimensionalArray * @throws QueryError * @throws TypeError * * @psalm-taint-sink sql $statement */ public function safeQuery( string $statement, array $params = [], int $fetchStyle = self::DEFAULT_FETCH_STYLE, bool $returnNumAffected = false, bool $calledWithVariadicParams = false ): array|int|object { if ($fetchStyle === self::DEFAULT_FETCH_STYLE) { if (isset($this->options[PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE])) { /** * @var int $fetchStyle */ $fetchStyle = $this->options[PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE]; } else { $fetchStyle = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC; } } if (empty($params)) { $stmt = $this->pdo->query($statement); if ($returnNumAffected) { return (int) $stmt->rowCount(); } return $this->getResultsStrictTyped($stmt, $fetchStyle); } if (!$this->is1DArray($params)) { if ($calledWithVariadicParams) { throw new MustBeOneDimensionalArray( 'Only one-dimensional arrays are allowed, please use ' . __METHOD__ . '()' ); } throw new MustBeOneDimensionalArray( 'Only one-dimensional arrays are allowed.' ); } $stmt = $this->prepare($statement); $stmt->execute($params); if ($returnNumAffected) { return (int) $stmt->rowCount(); } return $this->getResultsStrictTyped($stmt, $fetchStyle); } /** * Fetch a single result -- useful for SELECT COUNT() queries * * @param string $statement * @param array $params * @return string|int|float|bool|null * * @throws MustBeOneDimensionalArray */ public function single(string $statement, array $params = []): string|int|float|bool|null { if (!$this->is1DArray($params)) { throw new MustBeOneDimensionalArray( 'Only one-dimensional arrays are allowed.' ); } $stmt = $this->prepare($statement); $stmt->execute($params); return $stmt->fetchColumn(0); } /** * Update a row in a database table. * * @param string $table Table name * @param array $changes Associative array of which values should be * assigned to each field * @param array|EasyStatement $conditions WHERE clause * @return int * * @throws QueryError * @throws InvalidTableName */ public function update( string $table, array $changes, EasyStatement|array $conditions ): int { if (empty($table)) { throw new InvalidTableName( 'Table name must be a non-empty string.' ); } if ($conditions instanceof EasyStatement) { return $this->updateWhereStatement($table, $changes, $conditions); } return $this->updateWhereArray($table, $changes, $conditions); } /** * Update a row in a database table. * * @param string $table Table name * @param array $changes Associative array of which values should be * assigned to each field * @param array $conditions WHERE clause * @return int */ protected function updateWhereArray(string $table, array $changes, array $conditions): int { if (empty($changes) || empty($conditions)) { return 0; } if (!$this->is1DArray($changes) || !$this->is1DArray($conditions)) { throw new MustBeOneDimensionalArray( 'Only one-dimensional arrays are allowed.' ); } /** @psalm-taint-escape sql */ $queryString = 'UPDATE ' . $this->escapeIdentifier($table) . ' SET '; $params = []; // The first set (pre WHERE) $pre = []; /** * @var string $i * @var string|int|bool|float|EasyPlaceholder|null $v */ foreach ($changes as $i => $v) { /** @psalm-taint-escape sql */ $i = $this->escapeIdentifier($i); if ($v === null) { $pre []= " {$i} = NULL"; } elseif (is_bool($v)) { $pre []= $this->makeBooleanArgument($i, $v); } elseif ($v instanceof EasyPlaceholder) { $pre []= " {$i} = ".$v->mask(); $params = array_merge($params, $v->values()); } else { $pre []= " {$i} = ?"; $params[] = $v; } } $queryString .= implode(', ', $pre); $queryString .= " WHERE "; // The last set (post WHERE) $post = []; /** * @var string $i * @var string|int|bool|float|null $v */ foreach ($conditions as $i => $v) { /** @psalm-taint-escape sql */ $i = $this->escapeIdentifier($i); if ($v === null) { $post []= " {$i} IS NULL"; } elseif (is_bool($v)) { $post []= $this->makeBooleanArgument($i, $v); } else { $post []= " {$i} = ? "; $params[] = $v; } } $queryString .= implode(' AND ', $post); return (int) $this->safeQuery( $queryString, $params, PDO::FETCH_BOTH, true ); } /** * Update a row in a database table. * * @param string $table Table name * @param array $changes Associative array of which values * should be assigned to each field * @param EasyStatement $conditions WHERE clause * @return int */ protected function updateWhereStatement( string $table, array $changes, EasyStatement $conditions ): int { if (empty($changes) || $conditions->count() < 1) { return 0; } /** @psalm-taint-escape sql */ $queryString = 'UPDATE ' . $this->escapeIdentifier($table) . ' SET '; $params = []; // The first set (pre WHERE) $pre = []; /** * @var string $i * @var string|int|bool|float|EasyPlaceholder|null $v */ foreach ($changes as $i => $v) { /** @psalm-taint-escape sql */ $i = $this->escapeIdentifier($i); if ($v === null) { $pre []= " {$i} = NULL"; } elseif (is_bool($v)) { $pre []= $this->makeBooleanArgument($i, $v); } elseif ($v instanceof EasyPlaceholder) { $pre []= " {$i} = ".$v->mask(); $params = array_merge($params, $v->values()); } else { $pre []= " {$i} = ?"; $params[] = $v; } } $queryString .= implode(', ', $pre); $queryString .= " WHERE {$conditions}"; /** * @var string|int|bool|float|null $v */ foreach ($conditions->values() as $v) { $params[] = $v; } return (int) $this->safeQuery( $queryString, $params, PDO::FETCH_BOTH, true ); } /** * @param bool $value * @return self */ public function setAllowSeparators(bool $value): self { $this->allowSeparators = $value; return $this; } /** * Make sure none of this array's elements are arrays * * @param array $params * @return bool */ public function is1DArray(array $params): bool { return ( count($params) === count($params, COUNT_RECURSIVE) && count(array_filter($params, 'is_array')) < 1 ); } /** * Try to execute a callback within the scope of a flat transaction * If already inside a transaction, does not start a new one. * Callable should accept one parameter, i.e. function (EasyDB $db) {} * * @template T * * @param callable $callback * * @psalm-param callable(EasyDB):T $callback * * @return string|int|bool|array|object|float|null * * @psalm-return T * * @throws Throwable */ public function tryFlatTransaction(callable $callback): string|int|bool|array|null|object|float { $autoStartTransaction = $this->inTransaction() === false; // If we're starting a transaction, we don't need to catch here if ($autoStartTransaction) { $this->beginTransaction(); } try { /** * @var scalar|array|object|resource|null $out * * @psalm-var T */ $out = $callback($this); // If we started the transaction, we should commit here if ($autoStartTransaction) { $this->commit(); } return $out; } catch (Throwable $e) { // If we started the transaction, we should cleanup here if ($autoStartTransaction) { $this->rollBack(); } throw $e; } } /** * Get the specific type of the given variable. * * @param mixed|null $v * @return string */ protected function getValueType(mixed $v = null): string { if (is_scalar($v) || is_array($v)) { return (string) gettype($v); } if (is_object($v)) { return 'an instance of ' . get_class($v); } return (string) var_export($v, true); } /** * Helper for PDOStatement::fetchAll() that always returns an array or object. * * @param PDOStatement $stmt * @param int $fetchStyle * @return array|object * * @throws TypeError */ protected function getResultsStrictTyped( PDOStatement $stmt, int $fetchStyle = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ): object|array { /** * @var array|object|bool $results */ $results = $stmt->fetchAll($fetchStyle); if (is_array($results)) { return $results; } elseif (is_object($results)) { return $results; } throw new TypeError('Unexpected return type: ' . $this->getValueType($results)); } /** * @param string $column * @param bool $value * @return string */ protected function makeBooleanArgument(string $column, bool $value): string { if ($value === true) { if ($this->dbEngine === 'sqlite') { return " {$column} = 1 "; } else { return " {$column} = TRUE "; } } if ($this->dbEngine === 'sqlite') { return " {$column} = 0 "; } else { return " {$column} = FALSE "; } } /** *************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** **** PUNTER METHODS - see PDO class definition **** *************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** **/ /** * Initiates a transaction * * @return bool */ public function beginTransaction(): bool { return $this->pdo->beginTransaction(); } /** * Commits a transaction * * @return bool */ public function commit(): bool { return $this->pdo->commit(); } /** * Fetch the SQLSTATE associated with the last operation on the database * handle * * @return mixed */ public function errorCode(): mixed { return $this->pdo->errorCode(); } /** * Fetch extended error information associated with the last operation on * the database handle * * @return array */ public function errorInfo(): array { return $this->pdo->errorInfo(); } /** * Execute an SQL statement and return the number of affected rows * * @param string ...$args * @return int * * @psalm-taint-sink sql */ public function exec(...$args): int { return $this->pdo->exec(...$args); } /** * Retrieve a database connection attribute * * @param int ...$args * @return mixed */ public function getAttribute(...$args): mixed { return $this->pdo->getAttribute(...$args); } /** * Return an array of available PDO drivers * * @return array */ public function getAvailableDrivers(): array { return $this->pdo->getAvailableDrivers(); } /** * Checks if inside a transaction * * @return bool */ public function inTransaction(): bool { return $this->pdo->inTransaction(); } /** * Returns the ID of the last inserted row or sequence value * * @param string ...$args * @return string */ public function lastInsertId(...$args): string { return $this->pdo->lastInsertId(...$args); } /** * Prepares a statement for execution and returns a statement object * * @psalm-taint-sink sql $args[0] * * @param mixed ...$args * @return PDOStatement * * @throws QueryError * @psalm-taint-sink sql $args */ public function prepare(mixed ...$args): PDOStatement { $trimmed = trim($args[0]); if (empty($trimmed)) { throw new QueryError( "Empty query passed to prepare()" ); } return $this->pdo->prepare(...$args); } /** * Executes an SQL statement, returning a result set as a PDOStatement object * * @param string ...$args * @return PDOStatement * @psalm-taint-sink sql $args */ public function query(...$args): PDOStatement { return $this->pdo->query(...$args); } /** * Quotes a string for use in a query * * @param string ...$args * @return string * @psalm-suppress InvalidArgument */ public function quote(...$args): string { return $this->pdo->quote(...$args); } /** * Rolls back a transaction * * @return bool */ public function rollBack(): bool { return $this->pdo->rollBack(); } /** * Set an attribute * * @param int $attr * @param string|bool|int|float $value * @return bool * * @throws EasyDBException */ public function setAttribute(int $attr, string|bool|int|float $value): bool { if ($attr === PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES) { if ($value !== false) { throw new EasyDBException( 'EasyDB does not allow the use of emulated prepared statements, ' . 'which would be a security downgrade.' ); } } if ($attr === PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE) { if ($value !== PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION) { throw new EasyDBException( 'EasyDB only allows the safest-by-default error mode (exceptions).' ); } } return $this->pdo->setAttribute($attr, $value); } }