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File: src/Contract/SymmetricKeyCryptoInterface.php

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  Classes of Scott Arciszewski   Halite   src/Contract/SymmetricKeyCryptoInterface.php   Download  
File: src/Contract/SymmetricKeyCryptoInterface.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: Halite
Perform cryptography operations with libsodium
Author: By
Last change: For version 2, let's use strict types!
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 1,608 bytes



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 * An interface fundamental to all cryptography implementations
interface SymmetricKeyCryptoInterface
     * Encrypt a message with a Key
     * @param string $plaintext
     * @param KeyInterface $secretKey
     * @param boolean $raw Don't hex encode the output?
public static function encrypt(
string $plaintext,
EncryptionKey $secretKey,
bool $raw = false
): string;
     * Decrypt a message with a Key
     * @param string $ciphertext
     * @param KeyInterface $secretKey
     * @param boolean $raw Don't hex decode the input?
public static function decrypt(
string $ciphertext,
EncryptionKey $secretKey,
bool $raw = false
): string;
     * Authenticate a message, get a message authentication code
     * @param string $message
     * @param KeyInterface $secretKey
     * @param boolean $raw
public static function authenticate(
string $message,
AuthenticationKey $secretKey,
bool $raw = false
): string;
     * Verify the message authentication code
     * @param string $message
     * @param KeyInterface $secretKey
     * @param string $mac
     * @param boolean $raw
public static function verify(
string $message,
AuthenticationKey $secretKey,
string $mac,
bool $raw = false
): bool;