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File: test/EasyCsvReaderAdapterTest.php

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  Classes of nvb   CSV Component for PHP   test/EasyCsvReaderAdapterTest.php   Download  
File: test/EasyCsvReaderAdapterTest.php
Role: Unit test script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Unit test script
Class: CSV Component for PHP
Reader and writer for CSV files
Author: By
Last change: Test enhancement
Date: 6 years ago
Size: 4,703 bytes



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 * @author stev leibelt <>
 * @since 2015-05-17

namespace Test\Net\Bazzline\Component\Csv;


 * Class EasyCsvReaderAdapterTest
 * @package Test\Net\Bazzline\Component\Csv
 * @see
class EasyCsvReaderAdapterTest extends AbstractTestCase
     * @dataProvider getReaders
     * @param EasyCsvReaderAdapter $reader
public function testOneAtATime(EasyCsvReaderAdapter $reader)
        while (
$row = $reader->getRow()) {
$this->assertEquals(3, count($row));

     * @dataProvider getReaders
     * @param EasyCsvReaderAdapter $reader
public function testGetAll(EasyCsvReaderAdapter $reader)
$this->assertEquals(5, count($reader->getAll()));

     * @dataProvider getReaders
     * @param EasyCsvReaderAdapter $reader
public function testGetHeaders(EasyCsvReaderAdapter $reader)

     * @return array
public function getReaders()
$content =
'"column1", "column2", "column3"' . PHP_EOL .
'"1column2value", "1column3value", "1column4value"' . PHP_EOL .
'"2column2value", "2column3value", "2column4value"' . PHP_EOL .
'"3column2value", "3column3value", "3column4value"' . PHP_EOL .
'"4column2value", "4column3value", "4column4value"' . PHP_EOL .
'"5column2value", "5column3value", "5column4value"';
$contentWithSemicolonAsDelimiter =
'"column1"; "column2"; "column3"' . PHP_EOL .
'"1column2value"; "1column3value"; "1column4value"' . PHP_EOL .
'"2column2value"; "2column3value"; "2column4value"' . PHP_EOL .
'"3column2value"; "3column3value"; "3column4value"' . PHP_EOL .
'"4column2value"; "4column3value"; "4column4value"' . PHP_EOL .
'5column2value"; "5column3value"; "5column4value"';

        if (
$this->phpVersionLessThen5Dot4()) {
$path = $this->createRealFilePath('read.csv');
$pathWithSemicolonAsDelimiter = $this->createRealFilePath('read_cs.csv');

file_put_contents($path, $content);
file_put_contents($pathWithSemicolonAsDelimiter, $contentWithSemicolonAsDelimiter);

$reader = new EasyCsvReaderAdapter($path);
$readerWithSemicolonAsDelimiter = new EasyCsvReaderAdapter($pathWithSemicolonAsDelimiter);
        } else {
$file = $this->createFile('read.csv');
$filesystem = $this->createFilesystem();
$fileWithSemicolonAsDelimiter = $this->createFile('read_sc.csv');


$reader = new EasyCsvReaderAdapter($file->url());
$readerWithSemicolonAsDelimiter = new EasyCsvReaderAdapter($fileWithSemicolonAsDelimiter->url());


        return [

    public function
$content = 'column1,column2,column3' . PHP_EOL .
'1test1,"1test2ing this out",1test3' . PHP_EOL .
'2test1,"2test2 ing this out ok",2test3' . PHP_EOL;
$file = $this->createFile('write.csv');
$filesystem = $this->createFilesystem();


$reader = new EasyCsvReaderAdapter($file->url());

$results = $reader->getAll();
$expected = [
'column1' => '1test1',
'column2' => '1test2ing this out',
'column3' => '1test3'
'column1' => '2test1',
'column2' => '2test2 ing this out ok',
'column3' => '2test3'

$this->assertEquals($expected, $results);