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File: mySession.class.php

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File: mySession.class.php
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Class: My Session
Database based session management
Author: By
Last change: Version 2.1
Date: 11 years ago
Size: 38,597 bytes



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<?php /** * * My Session Class By Marco Baldini ( * * My session is a class that stores session data in a database rather * than files. * * This class has been created and released under the GNU GPL and is * free to use and redistribute only if this whole header comments and * copyright statement are not removed. Author gives no warranties. Use * at your own risk. Read the copyright, change log, howto and license. * * @author Marco Baldini * * @copyright 2013 Marco Baldini * * @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2) * * @version MySession 2.1 * * @example example/cookieBasedSessionUsingClassMethod/start.php * <i>An example of how using this class and passing SessionId using cookie</i> * * @example example/cookieBasedSessionUsingOverWritingPHPFunction/start.php * <i>An example of how using this class over writing the default php method</i> * */ class mySession { /* * STATIC FIELD */ /** * Store che class istance (according Singleton desing pattern) * * @var mySession */ private static $instance; /*PUBLIC FIELD */ /** * Store session variables * * @access public * @var array */ public $VARS = array(); /* PRIVATE FIELDS * All fields are private, accesible from outside only by get method */ /** * Store the sessionId * * @access private * @var string */ private $sessionId; /** * PDO connection * * @access private * @var resource connesione */ private $connessione; /** * DBMS Types (only MySql supported) * * @access private * @var string */ private $db_type = ''; /** * Database Name * * @access private * @var string */ private $db_name = ''; /** * Database password * * @access private * @var string */ private $db_pass = ''; /** * Database Server * * @access private * @var string */ private $db_server = ''; /** * Database Username * * @access private * @var string */ private $db_username = ''; /** * Name of the database table where the sessions are stored * * @access private * @var string */ private $table_name_session = ''; /** * Name of the database table where the variables are stored * * @access private * @var string */ private $table_name_variable = ''; /** * Name of the table field that store session_ids * * @access private * @var string */ private $table_column_sid = ''; /** * Name of the table field that store session var names * * @access private * @var string */ private $table_column_name = ''; /** * Name of the table field that store session value names * * @access private * @var string */ private $table_column_value = ''; /** * Name of the table field that store session expire times * * @access private * @var string */ private $table_column_exp = ''; /** * Name of the table field that store session forced expire times * * @access private * @var string */ private $table_column_fexp = ''; /** * Name of the table field that store ua information * * @access private * @var string */ private $table_column_ua = ''; /** * Session variable name * You will use this name to propagate session (like PHPSESSID) * * @access private * @var string */ private $sid_name = 'PHPSESSID'; /** * Overwrite php session function, you can use default php function and array * like $_SESSION, and you do not need to change you actual script * * @access private * @var boolean */ private $overwrite = true; /** * Session_id chars length * The length of the session id * * @access private * @var int */ private $sid_len = 32; /** * Session duration in seconds * Session will expires if no reload was made in this period * * @access private * @var int */ private $session_duration = 3600; /** * Max session duration in seconds * Session will expires after this time interval * Set to 0 o FALSE if no forced expired needed * * @access private * @var int */ private $session_max_duration = 0; /** * Use cookie to propagate session. * If yes you do not need to put the session vars in the URL or POST. * * @access private * @var boolean */ private $use_cookie = TRUE; /** * Use AES cryptography to store session vars in the database * * @access private * @var boolean */ private $encrypt_data = FALSE; /** * Encrypt Key: The strongest that your mind can think. * You do not need to remember it!!! * * A valid password is at least 20 char long and contain * both alphanumeric and special chars. * * The class autoerase unfrendly chars, but is not a real problem for you * * @access private * @var string */ private $encrypt_key = ''; /** * Use hijack session blocker. * The class check for a change in the User Agent * * @var boolean * @access private */ private $hijackBlock = TRUE; /** * Used in the hijack session blocker procedure. * This string is added to the User Agent giving more * security to the system * * @var string * @access private */ private $hijackSalt = ''; /** * Actual class version * @access private * @var string version */ private $versione="2.0"; /** * The SQL Statement used for retriving the number of SID's * * @uses $SQLStatement_CountSid->bindParam(':sid', $sid, PDO::PARAM_STR, $this->sid_len); * @var PDO Statement */ private $SQLStatement_CountSid; /** * The SQL Statement used for retriving the number of SID's * * @uses $SQLStatement_InsertSession->bindParam(':sid', $sid, PDO::PARAM_STR, $this->sid_len); * $SQLStatement_InsertSession->bindParam(':expires', $expires, PDO::PARAM_INT); * $SQLStatement_InsertSession->bindParam(':forcedExpires', $forcedExpires, PDO::PARAM_INT); * * @var PDO Statement */ private $SQLStatement_InsertSession; /** * The SQL Statement used for deleting a session (all session vars will be deleted) * * @uses $SQLStatement_DeleteSessionVars->bindParam(':sid', $sid, PDO::PARAM_STR, $this->sid_len); * * @var PDO Statement */ private $SQLStatement_DeleteSession; /** * The SQL Statement used for deleting expired session (used by the garbage collector) * * @uses $SQLStatement_DeleteSessionVars->bindParam(':time', $time, PDO::PARAM_INT); * * @var PDO Statement */ private $SQLStatement_DeleteExpiredSession; /** * The SQL Statement used for retriving the number of SID's * * @uses $SQLStatement_UpdateSessionExpires->bindParam(':sid', $sid, PDO::PARAM_STR, $this->sid_len); * $SQLStatement_UpdateSessionExpires->bindParam(':expires', $expires, PDO::PARAM_INT); * * @var PDO Statement */ private $SQLStatement_UpdateSessionExpires; /** * The SQL Statement used for retriving session info's * * @uses $SQLStatement_GetSessionInfos->bindParam(':sid', $sid, PDO::PARAM_STR, $this->sid_len); * * @var PDO Statement */ private $SQLStatement_GetSessionInfos; /** * The SQL Statement used for retriving session vars are not encrypted * * @uses $SQLStatement_GetSessionVars->bindParam(':sid', $sid, PDO::PARAM_STR, $this->sid_len); * * @var PDO Statement */ private $SQLStatement_GetSessionVars; /** * The SQL Statement used for retriving session vars if the vars are encrypted * * @uses $SQLStatement_GetSessionVars->bindParam(':sid', $sid, PDO::PARAM_STR, $this->sid_len); * * @var PDO Statement */ private $SQLStatement_GetEncryptedSessionVars; /** * The SQL Statement used for deleting a session vars if the vars are encrypted * * @uses $SQLStatement_DeleteSessionVars->bindParam(':sid', $sid, PDO::PARAM_STR, $this->sid_len); * $SQLStatement_DeleteSessionVars->bindParam(':name', $name, PDO::PARAM_STR); * * @var PDO Statement */ private $SQLStatement_DeleteSessionVars; /** * The SQL Statement used for deleting a session vars if the vars are encrypted * * @uses $SQLStatement_DeleteSessionVars->bindParam(':sid', $sid, PDO::PARAM_STR, $this->sid_len); * $SQLStatement_DeleteSessionVars->bindParam(':name', $name, PDO::PARAM_STR); * * @var PDO Statement */ private $SQLStatement_DeleteEncryptedSessionVars; /** * The SQL Statement used for insert a session vars if the vars are not encrypted * * @uses $SQLStatement_InsertSessionVars->bindParam(':sid', $sid, PDO::PARAM_STR, $this->sid_len); * $SQLStatement_InsertSessionVars->bindParam(':name', $name, PDO::PARAM_STR); * $SQLStatement_InsertSessionVars->bindParam(':value', $value, PDO::PARAM_STR); * * @var PDO Statement */ private $SQLStatement_InsertSessionVars; /** * The SQL Statement used for insert a session vars if the vars are not encrypted * * @uses $SQLStatement_InsertEncryptedSessionVars->bindParam(':sid', $sid, PDO::PARAM_STR, $this->sid_len); * $SQLStatement_InsertEncryptedSessionVars->bindParam(':name', $name, PDO::PARAM_STR); * $SQLStatement_InsertEncryptedSessionVars->bindParam(':value', $value, PDO::PARAM_STR); * * @var PDO Statement */ private $SQLStatement_InsertEncryptedSessionVars; /* PUBLIC METHOD */ /** * Get Class version * * @return string Class Version */ public function getVersion() { return $this->versione; } /** * Get a stored var * * @param string $name Variable name * @return object Store variable */ public function getVar($name) { return $this->VARS[$name]; } /** * Get all stored vars * * @return object All stored vars */ public function getVars() { return $this->VARS; } /** * Get the session id * * @access public * @return string SessionId */ public function getSessionId() { return $this->sessionId; } /** * According to singleton design patter * getIstance return an istance of the class * or create one istance * * @access public * @return mySession */ public static function getIstance($_MYSESSION_CONF) { if (!isset(self::$instance)) { $c = __CLASS__; self::$instance = new $c; self::$instance->setUp($_MYSESSION_CONF); } return self::$instance; } /** * Save a variable into the session * * @access public * * @param string $name The name of the session variable * @param string $value The value of the session variable. */ public function save($name,$value) { $this->finalizeSaving($name, $value); } /** * Register a variable into the session * * @access public * * @param object $name The variable to save. This variable is saved into the * session array with the name of the saved variable * * @example $myVars = "fooo";<br> * $this->register($myVars);<br> * <br> * The vars array will be: $this->VARS["myVars"] = "fooo"; */ public function register(&$name) { $this->finalizeSaving($this->varName($name), $name); } /** * Execute the real saving procedure, insert or update the session value * * @access private * @param string $finalName The name of the variable * @param string $finalValue The value of the saved variable */ private function finalizeSaving($finalName,$finalValue) { $finalValue = serialize($finalValue); $this->del($finalName); $this->insert($finalName,$finalValue); $this->loadSesionVars(); } /** * Delete a variable from the session * * @access public * * @param string $name Variable name */ public function delete($name) { $this->del($name); $this->loadSesionVars(); } /* PRIVATE METHOD */ /** * Check if session must expire due to "MAX_DURATA" * * @access private * @return boolean: true if session must expire | false if session can continue */ private function expiredSession() { if (time()>$this->forcedExpire) return true; else return false; } /** * Load session vars to the VARS array * * @access private */ private function loadSesionVars() { $this->VARS = array(); $this->updateSessionExpireTime(); $dati = $this->selectSessionVars(); foreach($dati as $infos) { $this->VARS[$infos["name"]]=unserialize($infos["value"]); } } /** * Read actual sessionId or create a new one * * @access private */ private function readSessionId() { if ($this->use_cookie==true) { //cookie enabled if (isset($_COOKIE[$this->sid_name])) { //there some jam in the cookie $this->sessionId=$_COOKIE[$this->sid_name]; //check if the jam can be eated if ($this->checkSessionId()) { $num = $this->getSidCount($this->sessionId); if ($num != 1) { //there is a sessiod in the cookie and no sessid in the DB //the only thing to do is to generate a new Sid if (!$this->newSid()) { trigger_error("Unable to load session.",E_USER_ERROR); } else { if (!$this->overwrite) setcookie ($this->sid_name, $this->sessionId,time()+$this->session_duration,"/",'',false,true); } } else { //ok the jam is good! if (!$this->overwrite) { setcookie ($this->sid_name, $this->sessionId,time()+$this->session_duration,"/",'',false,true); } $this->loadSesionVars(); } } else { //bad bad bad think ... something goes wrong with the //jam .. maybe uncle tom eated it before .. $this->destroySession(FALSE); trigger_error("Unable to load session.",E_USER_ERROR); } } else { //Damn, no id ... i create some jam! if (!$this->newSid()) { trigger_error("Unable to load session.",E_USER_ERROR); } else { if (!$this->overwrite) setcookie ($this->sid_name, $this->sessionId,time()+$this->session_duration,"/",'',false,true); } } } else { //no cookie allowed.. bad thing! search elsewhere if (isset($_REQUEST[$this->sid_name])) {//bingo! $this->sessionId = $_REQUEST[$this->sid_name]; if ($this->checkSessionId()) { $this->loadSesionVars(); }else { //bad bad bad think ... something goes wrong with the //jam .. maybe uncle tom eated it before .. $this->destroySession(FALSE); trigger_error("Unable to load session.",E_USER_ERROR); } } else { // create a new SID if (!$this->newSid()) die("Unable to save session"); } } } /** * Check if the session id found is able ti be used * * @return boolean True if the session Id is ok, False if not */ private function checkSessionId() { $hijackTest = FALSE; if ($this->hijackBlock) { $this->SQLStatement_GetSessionInfos->bindParam(':sid', $this->sessionId, PDO::PARAM_STR, $this->sid_len); $this->SQLStatement_GetSessionInfos->execute(); $val = $this->SQLStatement_GetSessionInfos->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); //var_dump($val); //echo "<br> UA:".$this->getUa()."<br>"; if ($val[0]["ua"] ==$this->getUa()) { $hijackTest = TRUE; } else { $hijackTest = FALSE; } } else { $hijackTest = TRUE; } if ($hijackTest==TRUE) return true; else return false; } /** * Generate a new unique session id * * @access private * @return bool True if session insert, false elsewhere */ private function newSid() { $this->sessionId=$this->generateString($this->sid_len); while ( $this->getSidCount($this->sessionId) > 0 || is_int($this->sessionId) ) { $this->sessionId=$this->generateString($this->sid_len); } $this->forcedExpire = time()+ $this->session_max_duration; $expireTime = time() + $this->session_duration; $this->SQLStatement_InsertSession->bindParam(':expires', $expireTime, PDO::PARAM_INT); $this->SQLStatement_InsertSession->bindParam(':forcedExpires', $this->forcedExpire, PDO::PARAM_INT); $this->SQLStatement_InsertSession->bindParam(':sid', $this->sessionId, PDO::PARAM_STR, $this->sid_len); $this->SQLStatement_InsertSession->bindParam(':ua', $this->getUa(), PDO::PARAM_STR, 40); return $this->SQLStatement_InsertSession->execute(); } /** * Generate user agent string based on * User Agent and Salt. * The return string is the SHA1 hash. * * @return string */ private function getUa() { return sha1($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].$this->hijackSalt); } /** * Generate a string of "$length" random chars * * @access private * @param number $length * @return string */ private function generateString($length) { $alphabet="qazxswedcvfrtgbnhyujmklpoi0987654321"; $ris=''; for ($i=0; $i < $length; $i++) { srand($this->makeSeed()); $ris .= $alphabet[rand(0,(strlen($alphabet)-1))]; } return($ris); } /** * Setting up random seed random generator * * @access private * @return float */ private function makeSeed() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); return (float) $sec + ((float) $usec * 100000); } /** * Retrive the name of a variable, giving the varaible as argument * * @access private * @param mixed type $var The variable * @param boolean $scope The Scope * @return string The variable name * * @example $this->varName($mySuperVariable);<br> * return: "mySuperVariable" */ private function varName(&$var, $scope=0) { $old = $var; if (($key = array_search($var = 'unique'.rand().'value', !$scope ? $GLOBALS : $scope)) && $var = $old) return $key; } /** * Create a database connection * * @access private */ private function dbConnection() { //if (!is_resource($this->connessione)) // $this->connessione = mysql_connect($this->db_server,$this->db_username,$this->db_pass) or die("Error connectin to the DBMS: " . mysql_error()); if (!is_resource($this->connessione)) try { $this->connessione = new PDO($this->db_type.":dbname=".$this->db_name.";host=".$this->db_server, $this->db_username, $this->db_pass ); //echo "PDO connection object created"; $this->setupSQLStatement(); } catch(PDOException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); die(); } } /** * Destroy session * Delete variable from database and free resources * * @access private * @param boolean $sql True if delete both resource and database rows. False to keep database rows * @return boolen true if all is ok, false elsewhere */ private function destroySession($sql) { $check = true; if ($sql) { $this->SQLStatement_DeleteSession->bindParam('sid', $this->sessionId, PDO::PARAM_STR, $this->sid_len); if ($this->SQLStatement_DeleteSession->execute()===FALSE) $check = FALSE; } if ($this->use_cookie==true) { if (setcookie ($this->sid_name, $this->sessionId,time()-3600,"/",'',false,true) === FALSE) $check = FALSE; } unset ($_REQUEST[$this->sid_name]); unset ($_POST[$this->sid_name]); unset ($_GET[$this->sid_name]); return $check; } /** * Setting up the class, reading * an existing session, check if a session * is expired. * * @access private * @param Array $config Config Array */ private function setUp($config) { //print_r($config); //$this->_MYSESSION_CONF=$config; $this->db_type = $config["DATABASE_TYPE"]; $this->db_name = $config["DB_DATABASE"]; $this->db_pass = $config["DB_PASSWORD"]; $this->db_server = $config["DB_SERVER"]; $this->db_username = $config["DB_USERNAME"]; $this->table_name_session = $config["TB_NAME_SESSION"]; $this->table_name_variable = $config["TB_NAME_VALUE"]; $this->table_column_sid = $config["SID"]; $this->table_column_name = $config["NAME"]; $this->table_column_value = $config["VALUE"]; $this->table_column_fexp = $config["FEXP"]; $this->table_column_ua = $config["UA"]; $this->table_column_exp = $config["EXP"]; $this->sid_name = $config["SESSION_VAR_NAME"]; $this->overwrite = ($config["OVERWRITE_PHP_FUNCTION"]=='1')?true:false; $this->sid_len = intval($config["SID_LEN"]); $this->session_duration = intval($config["DURATION"]); $this->session_max_duration = intval($config["MAX_DURATION"]); $this->use_cookie = ($config["USE_COOKIE"]=='1')?true:false; $this->encrypt_data = ($config["CRIPT"]=='1')?true:false; $this->encrypt_key = $config["CRIPT_KEY"]; $this->hijackBlock = ($config["ENABLE_ANTI_HIJACKING"]=='1')?true:false; $this->hijackSalt = $config["ANTI_HIJACKING_SALT"]; $this->dbConnection(); $this->readSessionId(); //check if i have to overwrite php if ($this->overwrite) { //yes.. i'm the best so i overwrite php function //Make sure session cookies expire when we want it to expires ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', $this->session_duration); //set the value of the garbage collector ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $this->session_max_duration); // set the session name to our fantastic name ini_set('', $this->sid_name); // register the new handler session_set_save_handler( array(&$this, 'open'), array(&$this, 'close'), array(&$this, 'read'), array(&$this, 'write'), array(&$this, 'destroy'), array(&$this, 'gc') ); // start the session and cross finger session_id($this->getSessionId()); session_start(); } //echo "<hr>".$this->sessionId."<hr>"; //if ($this->expireSession()) $this->destroy(); //$_REQUEST[$this->_MYSESSION_CONF['SESSION_VAR_NAME']]=$this->sessionId; } //--------------------OVERWRITED FUNCTION /** * Our open() function * * @access private */ function open($save_path, $session_name) { return true; } /** * Our close() function * * @access private */ function close() { return true; } /** * Our read() function * * @access private */ function read($session_id) { return (string) $this->serializePhpSession($this->getVars()); } /** * Our write() function * * @access private */ function write($session_id, $session_data) { $myData = $this->unserializePhpSession($session_data); foreach ($myData as $name => $value) { $this->save($name, $value); } return true; } /** * Helper function that serialize an object to a string * in the Php session format * * @param mixed object $data Session data (or any object) * @return string serialied object * @access private */ private function serializePhpSession($data) { $serialized = ''; foreach ($this->getVars() as $key => $value) { $serialized .= $key . "|" . serialize($value); } return (string) $serialized; } /** * Helper function that unserialize PHP Session Data string * * @param string $data Sessione serialized data * @return object * @access private */ private function unserializePhpSession( $data ) { if( strlen( $data) == 0) { return array(); } // match all the session keys and offsets preg_match_all('/(^|;|\})([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\|/i', $data, $matchesarray, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); $returnArray = array(); $lastOffset = null; $currentKey = ''; foreach ( $matchesarray[2] as $value ) { $offset = $value[1]; if(!is_null( $lastOffset)) { $valueText = substr($data, $lastOffset, $offset - $lastOffset ); $returnArray[$currentKey] = unserialize($valueText); } $currentKey = $value[0]; $lastOffset = $offset + strlen( $currentKey )+1; } $valueText = substr($data, $lastOffset ); $returnArray[$currentKey] = unserialize($valueText); return $returnArray; } /** * Our destroy() function * * @access private */ function destroy($session_id) { return $this->destroySession(true); } /** * Our gc() function (garbage collector) * * @access private */ function gc($maxlifetime) { $this->SQLStatement_DeleteExpiredSession->bindParam('time', time() - $this->session_max_duration, PDO::PARAM_INT); if ($this->SQLStatement_DeleteExpiredSession->execute()===FALSE) { trigger_error("Somenthing goes wrong with the garbace collector", E_USER_ERROR); } else { return true; } } //--------------------SQL FUNCTION /** * Create the SQL Statement for all the query * needed by the class * * @access private */ private function setupSQLStatement() { $tabella_sessioni = $this->db_name.".".$this->table_name_session; $tabella_variabili = $this->db_name.".".$this->table_name_variable; /*** SQL statement: count SID ***/ $this->SQLStatement_CountSid = $this->connessione->prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM ".$tabella_sessioni." WHERE ".$this->table_column_sid." = :sid"); /*** SQL statement: Insert Session ***/ $this->SQLStatement_InsertSession = $this->connessione->prepare("INSERT INTO ".$tabella_sessioni."(".$this->table_column_sid.",".$this->table_column_exp.",".$this->table_column_fexp.",".$this->table_column_ua.") VALUES (:sid,:expires,:forcedExpires,:ua)"); /*** SQL statement: Update Session Expires ***/ $this->SQLStatement_UpdateSessionExpires = $this->connessione->prepare("UPDATE ".$tabella_sessioni." SET ".$this->table_column_exp." = :expires WHERE ".$this->table_column_sid." = :sid"); /*** SQL statement: Get Session Infos ***/ $this->SQLStatement_GetSessionInfos = $this->connessione->prepare("SELECT * FROM ".$tabella_sessioni." WHERE ".$this->table_column_sid." = :sid"); /*** SQL statement: Get Session Vars ***/ $this->SQLStatement_GetSessionVars = $this->connessione->prepare("SELECT ".$this->table_column_value." as value, ".$this->table_column_name." as name FROM ".$tabella_variabili." WHERE ".$this->table_column_sid." = :sid"); /*** SQL statement: Get Encrypted Session Vars ***/ $this->SQLStatement_GetEncryptedSessionVars = $this->connessione->prepare("SELECT AES_DECRYPT(".$this->table_column_value.",'".$this->encrypt_key."') as value,AES_DECRYPT(".$this->table_column_name.",'".$this->encrypt_key."') as name FROM ".$tabella_variabili." WHERE ".$this->table_column_sid." = :sid"); /*** SQL statement: Delete Session Vars ***/ $this->SQLStatement_DeleteSessionVars = $this->connessione->prepare("DELETE FROM ".$tabella_variabili." WHERE ".$this->table_column_sid." = :sid AND ".$this->table_column_name."= :name "); /*** SQL statement: Delete Encrypted Session Vars ***/ $this->SQLStatement_DeleteEncryptedSessionVars = $this->connessione->prepare("DELETE FROM ".$tabella_variabili." WHERE ".$this->table_column_sid." = :sid AND ".$this->table_column_name."= AES_ENCRYPT(:name,'".$this->encrypt_key."') "); /*** SQL statement: Insert Session Vars ***/ $this->SQLStatement_InsertSessionVars = $this->connessione->prepare("INSERT INTO ".$tabella_variabili."(".$this->table_column_sid.",".$this->table_column_name.",".$this->table_column_value.") VALUE(:sid,:name,:value)"); /*** SQL statement: Insert Encrypted Session Vars ***/ $this->SQLStatement_InsertEncryptedSessionVars = $this->connessione->prepare("INSERT INTO ".$tabella_variabili."(".$this->table_column_sid.",".$this->table_column_name.",".$this->table_column_value.") VALUE(:sid,AES_ENCRYPT(:name,'".$this->encrypt_key."'),AES_ENCRYPT(:value,'".$this->encrypt_key."'))"); /*** SQL statement: Delete Session ***/ $this->SQLStatement_DeleteSession = $this->connessione->prepare("DELETE FROM ".$tabella_sessioni." WHERE ".$this->table_column_sid." = :sid "); /*** SQL statement: Delete Expired Session ***/ $this->SQLStatement_DeleteExpiredSession = $this->connessione->prepare("DELETE FROM ".$tabella_sessioni." WHERE ".$this->table_column_fexp." < :time "); } /** * Count how many "$sid" are in the Session_Vars table * * @access private * @param string $sid: sid searched for * @return int: The number of records */ private function getSidCount($sid) { $this->SQLStatement_CountSid->bindParam(':sid', $sid, PDO::PARAM_STR, $this->sid_len); $this->SQLStatement_CountSid->execute(); $val=$this->SQLStatement_CountSid->fetchColumn(); return $val; } /** * Select all session vars * * @access private * @return array Fetched Vars */ private function selectSessionVars() { //prelevo le variabili e le metto nell'array VARS if ($this->encrypt_data==1) { $this->SQLStatement_GetEncryptedSessionVars->bindParam('sid', $this->sessionId, PDO::PARAM_STR, $this->sid_len); $this->SQLStatement_GetEncryptedSessionVars->execute(); $val = $this->SQLStatement_GetEncryptedSessionVars->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } else { $this->SQLStatement_GetSessionVars->bindParam('sid', $this->sessionId, PDO::PARAM_STR, $this->sid_len); $this->SQLStatement_GetSessionVars->execute(); $val = $this->SQLStatement_GetSessionVars->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } //var_dump($val); return $val; } /** * Update current session expires * * @access private * @return boolean - True if the query succesfully done. False in any other case */ private function updateSessionExpireTime() { $newExprireTime = time()+$this->session_duration; $this->SQLStatement_UpdateSessionExpires->bindParam(':expires', $newExprireTime, PDO::PARAM_INT); $this->SQLStatement_UpdateSessionExpires->bindParam(':sid', $this->sessionId, PDO::PARAM_STR, $this->sid_len); return $this->SQLStatement_UpdateSessionExpires->execute(); } /** * Send a delete query to the DBMS * * Query will be created according to this prototype: * DELETE FROM $db.$table WHERE $cond * * @access private * @param string $name: name of the variable to delete from session * @return boolean - True if the query succesfully done. False in any other case */ private function del($name) { if ($this->encrypt_data==1) { $this->SQLStatement_DeleteEncryptedSessionVars->bindParam('sid', $this->sessionId, PDO::PARAM_STR, $this->sid_len); $this->SQLStatement_DeleteEncryptedSessionVars->bindParam('name', $name, PDO::PARAM_STR); $result = $this->SQLStatement_DeleteEncryptedSessionVars->execute(); } else { $this->SQLStatement_DeleteSessionVars->bindParam('sid', $this->sessionId, PDO::PARAM_STR, $this->sid_len); $this->SQLStatement_DeleteSessionVars->bindParam('name', $name, PDO::PARAM_STR); $result = $this->SQLStatement_DeleteSessionVars->execute(); } return $result; } /** * Send an insert query to the DBMS * * Query will be created according to this prototype: * INSERT INTO $db.$tabelle SET $name = $value * * @access private * @param string $name: variable name * @param string $val: variable value * @return boolean - True if the query succesfully done. False in any other case */ private function insert($name,$val) { if ($this->encrypt_data==1) { $this->SQLStatement_InsertEncryptedSessionVars->bindParam('sid', $this->sessionId, PDO::PARAM_STR, $this->sid_len); $this->SQLStatement_InsertEncryptedSessionVars->bindParam('name', $name, PDO::PARAM_STR); $this->SQLStatement_InsertEncryptedSessionVars->bindParam('value', $val, PDO::PARAM_STR); $result = $this->SQLStatement_InsertEncryptedSessionVars->execute(); } else { $this->SQLStatement_InsertSessionVars->bindParam('sid', $this->sessionId, PDO::PARAM_STR, $this->sid_len); $this->SQLStatement_InsertSessionVars->bindParam('name', $name, PDO::PARAM_STR); $this->SQLStatement_InsertSessionVars->bindParam('value', $val, PDO::PARAM_STR); $result = $this->SQLStatement_InsertSessionVars->execute(); } return $result; } /** * According Singelton design pattern the * constructor is privare * */ private function __construct() { } /** * Accorting to Singleton desing pattern cloning not allowed */ private function __clone() { trigger_error("Clonig not allowed"); } }