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File: hn_urlrewrite.class.php

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  Classes of Horst Nogajski   HN URL Rewrite   hn_urlrewrite.class.php   Download  
File: hn_urlrewrite.class.php
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Description: Classfile
Class: HN URL Rewrite
Emulate request URL rewriting and redirection
Author: By
Last change: Attention! High security risk with htaccess password protected scripts!

I've experienced that, if one use rewriting all URLs and there is also
an URL which refers to a htacces-password protected script, the class
bypasses Apaches protection!

So I've added a rewrite_protected_scripts array to configuration.
This is used like the registered_scripts array but exclude its scripts from rewriting.

If you use the registered_scripts array you don't need it.

BUT if you use the DEFAULT MODE (rewriting all URLs) and you _HAVE_

Scripts registered in that array will neither rewritten nor redirected!
The class uses header('Location: ...') if a (also faked) request is send to the
Date: 20 years ago
Size: 27,873 bytes



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<?PHP /** * PHP-Class HN_URL_rewrite * * @author Horst Nogajski <> * @version 3.1 * @revision $Revision: 1.17 $ * @date $Date: 2004/09/17 19:53:17 $ * $RCSfile: hn_urlrewrite.class.php,v $ * * * License: GNU LGPL ( * * Download: * * If you find it useful, you might rate it on * ... and if you have rated the Version 1 or 2, please update your ratings if you find it better now =:) * **/ /** * VERSION 3.1 because of BIGGEST SECURITY HOLE UNDER THE SUN! * * (shame on me!) * * * Oh no! I've experienced that, if one use rewriting all URLs and there is also * an URL which refers to a htacces-password protected script, the class bypasses * Apaches protection! * * So I've added a rewrite_protected_scripts array to configuration. * This is used like the registered_scripts array but exclude its scripts from rewriting. * * If you use the registered_scripts array you don't need it. * * BUT if you use the DEFAULT MODE (rewriting all URLs) and you _HAVE_ * HTACCESS-PASSWORD-PROTECTED files, YOU MUST REGISTER THESE SCRIPTS IN THE * REWRITE_PROTECTED_SCRIPTS ARRAY! * * Scripts registered in that array will neither rewritten nor redirected! * The class uses header('Location: ...') if a (also faked) request is send to the * redirect-script! * **/ /** * CHANGED & NEW FEATURES IN VERSION 3.0 * * * This is the last (Major)-Version. ;-) * * Now it uses a new RegExp-Searchpattern which allows to rewrite all tags * at once. It's faster now! * * It rewrites the URL links (<a href... </a>), * the IMG links (<img src), * and new: the AREA links in image maps (<map> <area href... </map>) * * Per default it rewrites all tags, but optionally you can disable each of the * tag-groups in configuration with the new config-vars: nourls, nomaps, noimgs. * * Therefore the 3 string-rewrite-methods are not used anymore and has changed * to only one: string-rewrite($string) * * Errorhandling is done! * Now it fixes the minor Errors to guarantee users can reach pages, e.g. at the price * of not rewritten URLs. Have a look to the function at the end of the class. * * Also fixed some minor glitches: * - ? removed from QUERY_STRING; * - now it uses is_file() instead of file_exists() by resolving pathes and checking * if files are available on local system. (file_exists return TRUE on directories also) * Now it resolves 100% of all pathnames, ;-) * - Have cleaned up the syntax for better consistency. * **/ /** * CHANGED & NEW FEATURES IN VERSION 2.1 * * Fixed a Bug with registering hostnames, and also added support for rewriting * of URLs which refers to extern servers. (If their hostnames are registered in * hostnames array). To enbale this, you must set the new config variable * 'rewrite_extern_hostnames' to TRUE. * NOTE: these extern servers must be configured in same way as the local one: * they need have the same rewrite script registered and also the the same * separator string. * **/ /** * CHANGED & NEW FEATURES IN VERSION 2.0 * * Per default, the class now rewrites all URL links which refers to * the own serverhost and where the extension is 'php', when no array with * registered scriptnames is passed. * * The links to rewrite can either relative URIs, absolute URIs, or complete URLs * with scheme, hostname, path. * * It detect complete URLs with and without 'www.' in hostname. * Optionally you can pass an array with additional hostnames e.g. if you have * the same site reachable by different top level domains (.com + .de) * * Relative parent-links (../) in relative and absolute URIs are resolved now! * * Now, registered scripts are stored in array as values, not as keys anymore! * The param names are not stored in array. They will encoded too. * So their order doesn't matter anymore. * * If you don't want use the buffer-methods, you can use three new string-rewriting methods: * string_rewrite_urls($string) * string_rewrite_imgs($string) * string_rewrite_both($string) * All methods return the rewritten string, but do not store it in classes scope. * **/ /** * Tabsize: 4 **/ // CONFIGURATION // set to absolute url of your (apache registered) redirect-script, but without scheme and host! if(!defined('URL_REWRITE_SCRIPT')) { define('URL_REWRITE_SCRIPT','/goto'); } if(!isset($GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']) || !is_array($GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_'])) { $GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_'] = array(); } // string: separates path from params in rewritten URL if(!isset($GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['separator'])) { $GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['separator'] = '--'; } // boolean: set to TRUE to disable rewriting for url tags (<a href) if(!isset($GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['nourls'])) { $GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['nourls'] = FALSE; } // boolean: set to TRUE to disable rewriting for area tags within imagemaps (<map> <area href) if(!isset($GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['nomaps'])) { $GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['nomaps'] = FALSE; } // boolean: set to TRUE to disable rewriting for img tags (<img src) if(!isset($GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['noimgs'])) { $GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['noimgs'] = FALSE; } // boolean: switch encoding on/off // NOTE: if you do not use encoding you have to ensure that there are no slashes // within your param names or param values! If there are (only) one, it can // fool the redirection script! // Therefor the default is TRUE. if(!isset($GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['encode'])) { $GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['encode'] = TRUE; } // boolean: use strong encoding with alpha-key-array, (implies that encode is also TRUE) if(!isset($GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['strong_encode'])) { $GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['strong_encode'] = FALSE; } // array: with chars, this is used for strong encoding if(!isset($GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['CodingKey'])) { $GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['CodingKey'] = array('F','G','R','U','L','B','K','N','T','W','E'); } // string: virtual filename, is added to rewritten URL links if(!isset($GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['add_indexhtml'])) { $GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['add_indexhtml'] = 'index.html'; } // string: virtual filename, is added to rewritten image links if(!isset($GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['add_pictjpg'])) { $GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['add_pictjpg'] = 'pict.jpg'; } // array: list of fileextensions which are parsed by the PHP-Interpreter if(!isset($GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['valid_php_fileextensions'])) { $GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['valid_php_fileextensions'] = array('php'); } // array: list of additional hostnames for the site // NOTE: write complete with '' but without trailing slash! if(!isset($GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['hostnames'])) { $GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['hostnames'] = array(); } // boolean: If you have registered hostnames for rewriting which refers to extern servers, set this to TRUE. // Otherwise the class checks if the file is present in filesystem! if(!isset($GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['rewrite_extern_hostnames'])) { $GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['rewrite_extern_hostnames'] = FALSE; } // boolean:FALSE or array() // if you don't want register specific scripts, this mut be FALSE. // otherwise it must be an array with scriptnames: // the scripts must defined as absolute URIs: // e.g. '/hn_urlrewrite_example/example1.php' // NOTE: this array can be overwritten by an array directly passed // to the class when instantiating! // (passing an empty array suppresses rewriting!) if(!isset($GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['registered_scripts'])) { $GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['registered_scripts'] = FALSE; } // array() // // NOTE: IF YOU USE htaccess password protected DIRECTORIES AND YOU // WANT TO REWRITE ALL URLS, YOU MUST REGISTER THE PROTECTED SCRIPTS // IN THIS ARRAY! OTHERWISE EVERYONE CAN ACCESS YOUR HTACCESS-PROTECTED // FILES BY ONLY CLICKING ON THE REWRITTEN LINK! // // the scripts must defined as absolute URIs: // e.g. '/protected/folder/file.php' if(!isset($GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['rewrite_protected_scripts']) || !is_array($GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['rewrite_protected_scripts'])) { $GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['rewrite_protected_scripts'] = array(); } //$GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['rewrite_protected_scripts'][] = '/protected/folder/file.php'; //$GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['rewrite_protected_scripts'][] = '/other/folder/filename.php'; if(!defined('HN_REWRITECLASS')) { define('HN_REWRITECLASS','loaded'); class hn_urlRewrite { ///////////////////////////////////////////// // PARAMS // PUBLIC var $separator = '--'; var $registered_scripts = FALSE; var $rewrite_protected_scripts = array(); var $hostnames = array(); var $rewrite_extern_hostnames = FALSE; var $valid_php_fileextensions = array('php'); var $noimgs = FALSE; var $nomaps = FALSE; var $nourls = FALSE; var $encode = TRUE; var $strong_encode = FALSE; var $CodingKey = array('F','G','R','U','L','B','K','N','T','W','E'); var $add_indexhtml = 'index.html'; var $add_pictjpg = 'pict.jpg'; // PRIVATE var $host = ''; var $path; var $compare; var $script; var $querystring; var $page; var $DOCUMENT_ROOT; ///////////////////////////////////////////// // CONSTRUCTOR function hn_urlRewrite($registered_scripts=FALSE) { // store DOCUMENT_ROOT without optionally trailing slash! $this->DOCUMENT_ROOT = (strrpos($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],'/')==strlen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])-1) ? $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = substr($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], 0, strlen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])-1) : $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; if(is_array($GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['rewrite_protected_scripts'])) { $this->rewrite_protected_scripts = $GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['rewrite_protected_scripts']; } if(is_array($registered_scripts)) { $this->compare = TRUE; $this->registered_scripts = $registered_scripts; } elseif(is_array($GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['registered_scripts'])) { $this->compare = TRUE; $this->registered_scripts = $GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['registered_scripts']; } else { $this->compare = FALSE; $this->registered_scripts = null; } if($this->compare && !is_array($this->registered_scripts)) { $this->_ErrorHandler('no_array'); } if($this->compare && count($this->registered_scripts)<1) { $this->_ErrorHandler('no_array_values'); } if(is_string($GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['separator'])) { $this->separator = $GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['separator']; } // slashes are not allowed in separator! (pathdivider) $this->separator = str_replace('/','',$this->separator); if($this->separator===FALSE || trim($this->separator)=='') { $this->_ErrorHandler('no_separator'); } // build an array with valid hostnames if(is_array($GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['hostnames'])) { foreach($GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['hostnames'] as $k=>$v) { if(strstr($$v,'http://www.')!==FALSE) { $GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['hostnames'][$k] = str_replace('http://www.','http://',$v); } } $this->hostnames = array_merge($this->hostnames,$GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_']['hostnames']); } $host = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $this->hostnames[] = $host; if(strstr($host,'http://www.')!==FALSE) { $this->hostnames[] = str_replace('http://www.','http://',$host); } // do other configuration $valid = array('nourls','nomaps','noimgs','encode','strong_encode','rewrite_extern_hostnames','valid_php_fileextensions','CodingKey','add_indexhtml','add_pictjpg'); foreach($valid as $v) { if(isset($GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_'][$v])) { $this->{$v} = $GLOBALS['_HNURLRW_'][$v]; } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////// // REDIRECTION - PART | PUBLIC function redirect($path=FALSE) { $this->path = $path; if($this->path===FALSE) { $this->_ErrorHandler('no_path'); } if(!$this->_parse_path()) { $this->_ErrorHandler('no_file'); } // WE WANT NOT BYPASS APACHES HTACCESS PASSWORD PROTECTION! // NORMALLY PROTECTED SCRIPTNAMES WILL NOT REWRITTEN, BUT A HACKER // THAT KNOWS THIS CLASS MAY TRY TO SEND A FAKED REQUEST TO THE REWRITE- // SCRIPT. THIS CHECK AVOIDS SUCH COMPROMISING. if(in_array($this->script,$this->rewrite_protected_scripts) || preg_match('/.*\.htaccess$/',$this->script)) { header('Location: '.$this->script); exit(0); } // Tweaking some params $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = $this->DOCUMENT_ROOT.$this->script; $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = $this->script; $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = $this->script; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $this->script; $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'] = realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $this->querystring; // also the older ones, if present if(isset($SCRIPT_FILENAME)) { $SCRIPT_FILENAME = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']; } if(isset($SCRIPT_NAME)) { $SCRIPT_NAME = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; } if(isset($PHP_SELF)) { $PHP_SELF = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; } if(isset($REQUEST_URI)) { $REQUEST_URI = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } if(isset($PATH_TRANSLATED)) { $PATH_TRANSLATED = $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']; } if(isset($QUERY_STRING)) { $QUERY_STRING = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } if(!file_exists($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) { $this->_ErrorHandler('no_file'); } // if the scriptfile is available, we change working directory to it's dir and return filepath to redirection_script chdir(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])); return $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // REDIRECTION | PRIVATE function _parse_path() { // get scriptname-part and params-part $temp = explode('/'.$this->separator.'/', $this->path); // check if file exists $script = $this->_file_available($temp[0]); // if no file is found, we stop! if($script===FALSE) { return FALSE; } if($this->compare) { // compare against registered scripts $ok = FALSE; $check = array('','.php','index.php','/index.php'); foreach($check as $k=>$v) { if(in_array($temp[0].$v,$this->registered_scripts)) { $script = $temp[0].$v; $ok = TRUE; break; } } // if no valid entry is found, we stop! if(!$ok) { return FALSE; } } // write to module_global variable $this->script = $script; // parse params-part if(isset($temp[1])) { $params = array(); $temp = str_replace(array('/'.$this->add_indexhtml,'/'.$this->add_pictjpg),'',$temp[1]); $temp = explode('/',$temp); foreach($temp as $p) { $p = $this->encode ? $this->_decode($p,$this->strong_encode) : $p; $params[] = explode('=',$p); } } else { $params = array(); } // add params to the GET-Array foreach($params as $v) $_GET[strip_tags($v[0])] = strip_tags($v[1]); // build querystring if(count($params)>0) { $this->querystring = "{$params[0][0]}={$params[0][1]}"; } if(count($params)>1) { for($i=1;$i<count($params);$i++) { $this->querystring .= "&{$params[$i][0]}={$params[$i][1]}"; } } return TRUE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PAGE-REWRITING - PART with OUTPUT-BUFFERING | PUBLIC function buffer_start($HeadersAgainstCaching=FALSE) { // Output-Buffering starten ob_start(); ob_implicit_flush(0); // Header gegen uebereifrige Caches senden if(!headers_sent() && $HeadersAgainstCaching) { header ("expires: Sun, 06 Jan 2002 01:00:00 GMT"); // Datum in der Vergangenheit header ("Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT"); // immer geaendert header ("pragma: no-cache"); // HTTP/1.0 header ("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 } } function buffer_end() { // Output-Buffering beenden $page = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->page = $this->_rewrite_page($page); } function send_page($compressed=FALSE) { if($compressed && ereg('gzip',$_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"])) { // Browser kann komprimierte Daten verarbeiten: header ("Content-Encoding: gzip"); // Content-Encoding senden (damit der Browser was merkt) echo "\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; // hmm, gzip-start? $Size = strlen($this->page); // Groesse bestimmen $Crc = crc32($this->page); // Checksumme bestimmen $this->page = gzcompress($this->page, 9); // Komprimieren $this->page = substr($this->page, 0, strlen($this->page) - 4); // letzte 4 Bytes abschneiden echo $this->page; // komprimiertes Zeugs ausgeben gzip_PrintFourChars($Crc); // Checksumme ausgeben gzip_PrintFourChars($Size); // Groesse ausgeben } else { // Unkomprimierte Daten senden: echo $this->page; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // STRING-REWRITING - PART | PUBLIC (without OUTPUT-BUFFERING) function string_rewrite($string) { return $this->_rewrite_page($string); } /////////////////////////////////////////////// // REWRITING | PRIVATE function _rewrite_page($page) { $a = array(); $newpage = ''; // 1 2 3 4 <5> 6 7 $pattern = '=^(.*?)(<area|<a|<img)(.*?)(href\=|src\=)["|\'](.*?)["|\']([^>]*?)(>.*$|>.*?</a>.*$)=msi'; while(preg_match($pattern, $page, $a)) { if(count($a)>1) { $page = $a[7]; $newpage .= $a[1].$a[2].$a[3].$a[4].'"'; switch($a[2]) { case '<img': $newpage .= $this->noimgs ? $a[5].'"'.$a[6] : $this->_rewrite_url($a[5],TRUE).'"'.$a[6]; break; case '<area': $newpage .= $this->nomaps ? $a[5].'"'.$a[6] : $this->_rewrite_url($a[5]).'"'.$a[6]; break; case '<a': $newpage .= $this->nourls ? $a[5].'"'.$a[6] : $this->_rewrite_url($a[5]).'"'.$a[6]; break; } } } return $newpage.$page; } function _rewrite_url($url,$img=FALSE) { // Quick-Check if(in_array($url,$this->rewrite_protected_scripts)) { return $url; } $ok = FALSE; $temp = explode('?',$url); $this->host = ''; // give up on (none registered) extern URL, mailto or javascript if(!$this->_is_localURL($url) || substr($url,0,11)=='javascript:' || substr($url,0,7)=='mailto:') { return $url; } // check / fix URL $temp[0] = $this->_fix_url($temp[0],$ok); if(!$ok) { return isset($temp[1]) ? $temp[0].'?'.$temp[1] : $temp[0]; } // Oncemore-Checking if(in_array($temp[0],$this->rewrite_protected_scripts)) { return $url; } // build new URL $temp[0] = str_replace('.php','',$temp[0]); $newurl = $this->host.URL_REWRITE_SCRIPT.$this->_checkTrailingSlash($temp[0]).$this->separator; $this->_checkTrailingSlash($newurl); // rewrite params $params = isset($temp[1]) ? explode('&',$temp[1]) : array(); foreach($params as $param) { if($this->encode) { $newurl .= $this->_encode($param,$this->strong_encode).'/'; } else { $newurl .= $param.'/'; } } $this->_checkTrailingSlash($newurl); return $img ? $newurl.$this->add_pictjpg : $newurl.$this->add_indexhtml; } function _fix_url($url,&$ok) { // here, we always have a local URL! if(substr($url,0,4)=='http') { // we have full URL and host-part is already stored in this->host $newurl = str_replace($this->host,'',$url); // compare $path = $this->_compare_url($newurl,'',$ok); if($ok) { return $path; } return $url; } else { // we have absolute or relative URI if(preg_match('/^.*\.\.\/.*$/',$url)) { // we have relative Parentlinks in URL $UpLinks = $this->_calculate_UpLinks($url); if($UpLinks!==FALSE) { // ParentLinks are succesfully resolved $url = $UpLinks; } else { // ParentLinks are NOT succesfully resolved return $url; } } // absolute path, that's OK! if(substr($url,0,1)=='/') { return $this->_compare_url($url,'',$ok); } // we have a relative path, concatenate it $newurl = $this->_checkTrailingSlash($this->_nobacks(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))).$url; return $this->_compare_url($url,$newurl,$ok); } } function _compare_url($url,$newurl,&$ok) { // here, we always have an absolute URI $comp = $newurl!='' ? $newurl : $url; $res = $this->_file_available($comp); // if file does not exists if($res===FALSE) { return $url; } // no special array is defined, so we have to check extension and if file_exists if(!$this->compare) { if($this->rewrite_extern_hostnames && $this->host!='' && strtolower($this->host)!=strtolower('http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { // file from extern server: we only check for file-extension and once more, we only can trust in god! ;-) foreach($this->valid_php_fileextensions as $ext) { if(substr($res,strlen($res)-strlen($ext)) == $ext) { $ok = TRUE; return $res; } } // if we have no match return $url; } else { // file is local and exists, we check extension $temp = pathinfo($this->DOCUMENT_ROOT.$res); if(!in_array(strtolower($temp['extension']),$this->valid_php_fileextensions)) { return $url; } $ok = TRUE; return $res; } } else { $check = array('','.php','index.php','/index.php'); foreach($check as $k=>$v) { if(in_array($comp.$v,$this->registered_scripts)) { $ok = TRUE; return $comp.$v; } } return $url; } } function _file_available($url) { // we cannot check on extern servers ;-) (takes to much time) - so we trust in god! if($this->rewrite_extern_hostnames && $this->host!='' && strtolower($this->host)!=strtolower('http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { return $url; } // if the url refers to local server we check for file $ext = array('','.php','index.php','/index.php'); foreach($ext as $k=>$v) { $file = $this->DOCUMENT_ROOT.$url.$v; //if(file_exists($file)) return $url.$v; if(is_file($file)) { return $url.$v; } } return FALSE; } function _is_localURL($url) { // absolute or relative URI if(!preg_match('/^http.*$/',$url)) { return TRUE; } // comparing against local hostnames $temp = parse_url($url); $url = $temp['scheme'].'://'.$temp['host']; if(isset($temp['port'])) { $url .= ':'.$temp['port']; } foreach($this->hostnames as $v) { if(strtolower($v)==strtolower($url)) { $this->host = $v; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } function _calculate_UpLinks($url) { // make it an absolute url if(substr($url,0,1)!='/') { $url = $this->_checkTrailingSlash($this->_nobacks(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))).$url; } // strip out root and filename $file = ''; if(strrpos($url,'/') != strlen($url)) { $file = basename($url); } if(substr($url,0,1) == '/') { $url = substr($url,1); } $url = $this->_nobacks(dirname($url)); $pathsegments = explode('/',$url); $uplinks = 0; foreach($pathsegments as $ps) { if($ps == "..") { $uplinks++; } } $k = count($pathsegments); $newurl = ''; // No Uplinks in string! if($uplinks <= 0) { return FALSE; } // Error: Bad Uplink! The given PathString has an Uplink wich refers higher than Root. if($pathsegments[0] == "..") { return FALSE; } // Error: Bad Uplinks! The given PathString contains to many UpLinks. if(($uplinks * 2) > $k) { return FALSE; } Do { // Error: Bad Uplink! The given PathString has Uplinks wich refers higher than Root! if($k < 0) { return FALSE; } $ups = 0; $finished = False; Do { if($pathsegments[$k - $ups -1] == "..") { $ups++; } else { $finished = TRUE; } } While(!$finished); $k = $k - (2 * $ups); if($k > -1) { if(isset($pathsegments[$k-1]) && $pathsegments[$k-1] != "..") { $newurl = "/".$pathsegments[$k-1].$newurl; $k--; } } } while($k > 0); return $newurl.'/'.$file; } function _checkTrailingSlash(&$path) { if(substr($path,strlen($path)-1,1)!='/') { $path .= '/'; } return $path; } function _noTrailingSlash(&$path) { if(substr($path,strlen($path)-1,1)=='/') { $path = substr($path,0,strlen($path)-1); } return $path; } function _noBacks($PathStr) { return str_replace("\\","/",$PathStr); } /////////////////////////////////////////////// // EN-/Decode | PRIVATE function _encode($txt,$strong=FALSE) { return $strong ? $this->_strong_encoded($txt) : base64_encode($txt); } function _decode($txt,$strong=FALSE) { return $strong ? $this->_strong_decoded($txt) : base64_decode($txt); } function _strong_encoded($ses) { // strong_encoding with $alpha_array found at php-manual $alpha_array = $this->CodingKey; $sesencoded = $ses; $num = mt_rand(3,9); for($i=1;$i<=$num;$i++) { $sesencoded = base64_encode($sesencoded); } $sesencoded = $sesencoded."+".$alpha_array[$num]; $sesencoded = base64_encode($sesencoded); return $sesencoded; } function _strong_decoded($str) { $alpha_array = $this->CodingKey; $decoded = base64_decode($str); list($decoded,$letter) = split("\+",$decoded); for($i=0;$i<count($alpha_array);$i++) { if($alpha_array[$i] == $letter) break; } for($j=1;$j<=$i;$j++) { $decoded = base64_decode($decoded); } return $decoded; } /////////////////////////////////////////////// // ERRORHANDLING | PRIVATE function _ErrorHandler($id='') { switch($id) { // general: case 'no_separator': $this->separator = '--'; return; break; case 'no_array': $this->registered_scripts = array(); return; break; case 'no_array_values': return; break; // redirect part: case 'no_file': header("Location: /404"); // DIRTY FIX! - Don't know, what other makes sense here? exit(1); break; case 'no_path': $this->path = '/'; // ALSO A DIRTY FIX! return; break; default: return; break; } } } // END CLASS } // END if defined ?>