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File: example.4.php

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  Classes of Salettes Rémy   PHPalm Calendar   example.4.php   Download  
File: example.4.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: 4th example
Class: PHPalm Calendar
Output month calendars with links day detail pages
Author: By
Last change: * Comments changed so as to fit woth the new feature.

* Usage of the new feature (changing the month by clicking on links)

* Usage of 'standard' mysql functions

* Scheme of the table

* More ...
Date: 19 years ago
Size: 2,361 bytes



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/* PHPalm - Calendar
 * Example 4 : Display an advanced calendar with the current year and month, a specific language, with monday as
 * the first day,links on days when something have been saved in a database and with specific strings to change the month.
 * Here's the scheme of the mysql database called 'save' :
 * +-------+-------+-------+-------+--------+
 * | id | month | year | day | text |
 * |-------|-------|-------|-------|--------|
 * | int | int | int | int | text |
 * +-------+-------+-------+-------+--------+
 * 03/06/2005
 * Author : Rémy Salettes
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation.

// We include the class
require_once ("calendar.class.php");

// What is the expected date ?
if($_GET['calmonth'] == '')
$month = date("m");
$month = $_GET['calmonth'];
$_GET['calyear'] == '')
$year = date("Y");
$year = $_GET['calyear'];

// We create an instance of the class
$MyCal = new calendar('auto', 'auto', 'fr');
// We indicate to the class we want monday as the first day
$MyCal->monday_1st = '1';

// We change the strings to change the month.
$MyCal->prev = '-';
$MyCal->next = '+';

// Mysql stuffs
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM save WHERE month = $month AND year = $year");
// Thanks to this loop, we get a string ($DAYS) in which are the days when something have been added to the sql table
// Please note the numbers in the string must be separated by a ':' (ex: '02:09:15:29')
while ($fetch = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
$day = $fetch['day'];
$DAYS .= $day . ':';
// Deletes the final ':'
$DAYS = substr($DAYS, 0, -1);
// We call the links() function : we give first the string in which are the days and then the pattern of the link
// {D} = the linked day
// {M} = the month of the calendar
// {Y} = the year of the calendar
$MyCal->links($DAYS, "?op=inc/;jour={D}&amp;mois={M}&amp;an={Y}");
// We call the generate() function, all is in its name
// We call the draw() function which allow you to display the calendar generated before
