PHP Classes

File: class.auriumform.php

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  Classes of Alfred R. Baudisch   AuriumForm   class.auriumform.php  
File: class.auriumform.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Engine of forms fields manipulator and generator
Class: AuriumForm
Validate and output forms using HTML or Smarty
Author: By
Last change: - Added full integration with Smarty
- Added a new if case in function TemplateReplace. Is the if to recognize
the fields that have attribute no_template
- ereg functions on SetTemplate replaced by strstr, to avoid conflicts in case
of using chars like |, ( and ) on template definitions (e.g.: AURIUMFORM_TP_LABEL)
- Added new field Type, brstates
- Added new parameter to ShowError, if $Print is true (default value) the error message
will be directly printed
- Added function SetConfig
- Added new features on function Debug, now it shows info about the forms
- Added aliases and function ProcessAliases to process them
- Added function Debug
- Corrected a bug in SetData() on the moment of calling ProcessAliases. It were giving
a multiarray instead of array of a unique field.
Before: $this->ProcessAliases($Data); - Now: $this->ProcessAliases($Data[$i]);
Date: 19 years ago
Size: 22,410 bytes


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