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File: src/Installer/skins/cabins.twig

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  Classes of Scott Arciszewski   CMS Airship   src/Installer/skins/cabins.twig   Download  
File: src/Installer/skins/cabins.twig
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: CMS Airship
Content management system with security features
Author: By
Last change: Installer: Allow pre-auth password
Date: 6 years ago
Size: 7,811 bytes



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{% extends "base.twig" %} {% block content %} <div class="rwidth66 center" id="setup-main"> <form id="dbForm" action="/" method="post" >{{ form_token() }} <h1>{{ __("Cabin Configuration") }}</h1> <p> Cabins are (more-or-less standalone) applications built into your Airship. By default, we ship with two: </p> <ol> <li>Bridge: The admin control panel</li> <li>Hull: The public-facing website</li> </ol> <p> For each cabin, you can use a <code>*</code> in place of the domain name if you wish to catch any domain name. </p> <p> All of these settings can be changed at a later date. </p> <fieldset class="cabin bridge"> <legend>Bridge Settings</legend> <div class="pure-form pure-form-stacked"> <label for="bridge_path"> Hostname and Path: </label> <input id="bridge_path" class="pure-input-1" type="text" name="cabin[Bridge][path]" value="{{ SERVER.HTTP_HOST|e('html_attr') }}/bridge" /> <label for="bridge_url"> Canon URL (for hyperlinks from other Cabins): </label> <input id="bridge_url" class="pure-input-1" type="text" name="cabin[Bridge][canon_url]" value="http://{{ SERVER.HTTP_HOST|e('html_attr') }}/bridge" /> <div> <input id="bridge_https" class="inblock" type="checkbox" name="cabin[Bridge][https]" value="1" {% if is_https %} checked{% endif %} /> <label for="bridge_https" class="inblock"> Only allow HTTPS connections? (Recommended) </label> </div> <label for="bridge_lang"> Language: </label> <select id="bridge_lang" class="pure-input-1" id="bridge_lang" name="cabin[Bridge][lang]"> <option value="en-us">English (U.S.)</option> </select> <hr /> </div> <fieldset class="cabin bridge"> <legend>Extra Configuration</legend> {% set form_key_config = "config_extra[Bridge]" %} {% set form_key_twig = "twig_vars[Bridge]" %} {% set config_extra = { "board": { "enabled": true, "captcha": true }, "editor": { "default-format": "Markdown" }, "file": { "cache": 3600 }, "password-reset": { "enabled": true, "logout": true, "ttl": 3600 }, "recaptcha": { "secret-key": "", "site-key": "" }, "two-factor": { "issuer": "", "label": "", "length": 6, "period": 30 }, "user-directory": { "per-page": 20 } } %} {% set motifs = { "name": { "config": { "display_name": "Airship Classic (You can change this later)", "name": "airship-classic", "supplier": "paragonie", } } } %} {% set twig_vars = { "title": "Airship " ~ airship_version, "tagline": "Even the sky shall not limit you." } %} {% include "cabin_links/Bridge/cabin_config.twig" %} </fieldset> </fieldset> <hr /> <fieldset class="cabin hull"> <legend>Hull Settings</legend> <div class="pure-form pure-form-stacked"> <label for="hull_path"> Hostname and Path: </label> <input id="hull_path" class="pure-input-1" type="text" name="cabin[Hull][path]" value="*" /> <label for="hull_url"> Canon URL (for hyperlinks from other Cabins): </label> <input id="hull_url" class="pure-input-1" type="text" name="cabin[Hull][canon_url]" value="http://{{ SERVER.HTTP_HOST|e('html_attr') }}" /> <div> <input id="hull_https" class="inblock" type="checkbox" name="cabin[Hull][https]" value="1" {% if is_https %} checked{% endif %} /> <label for="hull_https" class="inblock"> Only allow HTTPS connections? (Recommended) </label> </div> <label for="hull_lang"> Language: </label> <select id="hull_lang" class="pure-input-1" id="bridge_lang" name="cabin[Hull][lang]"> <option value="en-us">English (U.S.)</option> </select> <hr /> </div> <fieldset class="cabin hull"> <legend>Extra Configuration</legend> {% set form_key_config = "config_extra[Hull]" %} {% set form_key_twig = "twig_vars[Hull]" %} {% set config_extra = { "blog": { "cachelists": false, "comments": { "depth_max": 5, "enabled": true, "guests": true, "recaptcha": true }, "per_page": 20 }, "cache-secret": "", "file": { "cache": 3600 }, "homepage": { "blog-posts": 3 }, "recaptcha": { "secret-key": "", "site-key": "" } } %} {% set twig_vars = { "title": "Airship " ~ airship_version, "tagline": "Even the sky shall not limit you!", "blog": { "title": "My Blog", "tagline": "Something classy goes here" }, "navbar": [ { "url": "~\/", "label": "Home" }, { "url": "~\/about", "label": "About" }, { "url": "~\/contact", "label": "Contact" }, { "url": "~\/blog", "label": "Blog" } ] } %} {% include "cabin_links/Hull/cabin_config.twig" %} </fieldset> </fieldset> <hr /> <div class="continue-btn-wrapper"> <button class='pure-button pure-button-primary'>Save and Continue &raquo;</button> </div> </form> </div> {% endblock %} {# Style definitions are stored in other Twig templates #} {% block js %} {% include "js/cabins.js.twig" %} {% endblock %} {% block css %} {% include "css/main.css.twig" %} {% include "css/cabins.css.twig" %} {% endblock %}