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File: src/Cabin/Bridge/public/blog_series.js

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  Classes of Scott Arciszewski   CMS Airship   src/Cabin/Bridge/public/blog_series.js   Download  
File: src/Cabin/Bridge/public/blog_series.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: CMS Airship
Content management system with security features
Author: By
Last change: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
Date: 6 years ago
Size: 5,793 bytes



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/** * Add a blog post to the list, exclude it (and its children) from being displayed * * @param new_item */ window.add_blog_post = function (new_item) { $("#blog_series_items_sortable").append(new_item); update_series_items(); }; /** * Add a series to the list, exclude it (and its children) from being displayed * * @param new_item */ window.add_blog_series = function (new_item) { $("#blog_series_items_sortable").append(new_item); update_series_items(); }; /** * Serialize */ window.update_series_items = function() { var ser = $("#blog_series_items_sortable") .sortable("toArray", { "attribute": "data-id" }); $("#blog_series_items_serialized").val(ser); var authorId = $("#author").val(); if (authorId > 0) { populate_series_select(authorId); populate_blogposts_select(authorId); } }; /** * Get all the items for a given type * @param type */ window.get_items = function(type) { var res = []; $("#blog_series_items_sortable li").each(function (i, el) { if ($(el).data('type') == type) { res.push( $(el).data('rowid') ); } }); return res; }; window.populate_blogposts_select = function(authorId) { window.existing_blogposts = get_items('blogpost'); var prefix = $("#bridge_main_menu_left").data('linkprefix'); $.post( prefix + "ajax/authors_blog_posts", { "author": authorId, "existing": window.existing_blogposts, "csrf_token": $("body").data('ajaxtoken') }, function (res) { if (res.status === 'OK') { $("#existing_posts").html(res.options); } } ); }; /** * Update the <select> dropdown for #existing_series * * @param authorId */ window.populate_series_select = function(authorId) { window.existing_series = get_items('series'); if ($("#series_id").length) { window.existing_series.push( $("#series_id").val() ); } var prefix = $("#bridge_main_menu_left").data('linkprefix'); $.post( prefix + "ajax/authors_blog_series", { "author": authorId, "existing": window.existing_series, "csrf_token": $("body").data('ajaxtoken') }, function (res) { if (res.status === 'OK') { $("#existing_series").html(res.options); } } ); }; window.populate_selects_for_author = function() { var authorId = $("#author").val(); if (authorId > 0) { populate_series_select(authorId); populate_blogposts_select(authorId); } }; /** * Bind the onClick event to delete a series or blog post from the list * * @param sel */ window.add_delete_event = function(sel) { $(sel).click(function () { var id = $(this).data('id'); $("#series_items_" + id).remove(); update_series_items(); }); }; $(document).ready(function() { $("#blog_series_items_sortable") .sortable({ "update": update_series_items }); $("#author").change(function() { populate_selects_for_author(); }); window.existing_series = get_items('series'); window.existing_blogposts = get_items('blogpost'); add_delete_event(".delete_item"); $("#add_series_btn").click(function() { var authorId = $("#author").val(); if (authorId > 0) { var addingId = $("#existing_series").val(); if (addingId > 0) { var prefix = $("#bridge_main_menu_left").data('linkprefix'); $.post( prefix + "ajax/authors_blog_series", { "add": addingId, "author": authorId, "existing": window.existing_series, "csrf_token": $("body").data('ajaxtoken') }, function (res) { if (res.status === 'OK') { add_blog_series(res["new_item"]); $("#existing_series").html(res.options); add_delete_event("#series_items_series_" + addingId + " .delete_item"); } } ); } else { alert("Please select a series"); } } else { alert("Please select an author"); } }); $("#add_blogpost_btn").click(function() { var authorId = $("#author").val(); if (authorId > 0) { var addingId = $("#existing_posts").val(); if (addingId > 0) { var prefix = $("#bridge_main_menu_left").data('linkprefix'); $.post( prefix + "ajax/authors_blog_posts", { "add": addingId, "author": authorId, "existing": window.existing_blogposts, "csrf_token": $("body").data('ajaxtoken') }, function (res) { if (res.status === 'OK') { add_blog_post(res["new_item"]); $("#existing_posts").html(res.options); add_delete_event("#series_items_blogpost_" + addingId + " .delete_item"); } } ); } else { alert("Please select a series"); } } else { alert("Please select an author"); } }); populate_selects_for_author(); add_delete_event(".delete_item"); });