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File: src/Cabin/Bridge/public/editor.js

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  Classes of Scott Arciszewski   CMS Airship   src/Cabin/Bridge/public/editor.js   Download  
File: src/Cabin/Bridge/public/editor.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: CMS Airship
Content management system with security features
Author: By
Last change: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 4,046 bytes



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/** * Basic editor with context switch */ var editors = {}; window.richTextLookups = {}; window.editor_is_wysiwyg = false; window.editor_html_wrapper = {}; $(document).ready(function() { window.richTextUpdate = function(_name, show_after) { var prefix = $("#bridge_main_menu_left").data("linkprefix"); _name = Airship.filter(_name, Airship.FILTER_ID); $.post( prefix + "ajax/rich_text_preview", { "format": $("#" + richTextLookups[_name]).val(), "body": $("#rich_text_" + _name).val(), "csrf_token": $("body").data('ajaxtoken') }, function (response) { if (typeof(response) === "string") { response = $.parseJSON(response); } if (response.status === "OK") { var preview_el = $("#rich_text_" + _name + "_preview"); preview_el.html(response.body); if (show_after) { $("#rich_text_" + _name + "_text").hide();; } } else { alert(status.message); } } ); }; window['richTextWrapper'] = function(name, format_name) { name = Airship.filter(name, Airship.FILTER_ID); richTextLookups[name] = format_name; var editTab = $("#rich_text_" + name +"_edit_tab"); editTab.addClass("active_tab"); { var _name = $(this).parent().parent().data('name'); $(this).parent().each(function () { $("a").removeClass("active_tab"); }); $(this).addClass("active_tab"); $("#rich_text_" + _name + "_text").show(); $("#rich_text_" + _name + "_preview").hide(); }); $("#rich_text_" + name +"_preview_tab").click(function(e) { var _name = $(this).parent().parent().data('name'); $(this).parent().each(function () { $("a").removeClass("active_tab"); }); $(this).addClass("active_tab"); richTextUpdate(_name, true); }); var format_name_el = $("#"+format_name); format_name_el.on('change', function(e) { for (k in richTextLookups) { var rich_text_el = $("#rich_text_" + k); if ($(this).attr('id') === richTextLookups[k]) { if ($(this).val() === "Rich Text") { window.useWysiwyg(k); } else if (window.editor_is_wysiwyg) { var cache_body = rich_text_el.val(); delete editors[k]; $("#rich_text_" + k + "_wrapper").html( window.editor_html_wrapper[k] ); rich_text_el.val(cache_body); $("#rich_text_" + k + "_tabs").show(); } if ($("#rich_text_" + k + "_preview").is(':visible')) { return richTextUpdate(k, false); } return; } } }); $("#rich_text_" + name + "_text").show(); $("#rich_text_" + name + "_preview").hide(); if (format_name_el.val() === "Rich Text") { useWysiwyg(name); } }; window.useWysiwyg = function (k) { window.editor_is_wysiwyg = true; window.editor_html_wrapper[k] = $("#rich_text_" + k + "_wrapper").html(); editors[k] = new wysihtml5.Editor( "rich_text_" + k, { toolbar: "rich_text_" + k + "_toolbar", parserRules: wysihtml5ParserRules, useLineBreaks: false, showToolbarAfterInit: true } ); $("#rich_text_" + k + "_tabs").hide(); }; });