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File: src/Phabstractic/Data/Types/None.php

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  Classes of Asher Wolfstein   PHP Registry with Singleton Trait   src/Phabstractic/Data/Types/None.php   Download  
File: src/Phabstractic/Data/Types/None.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: None Data Type
Class: PHP Registry with Singleton Trait
Set and get registry values using singleton trait
Author: By
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Date: 8 years ago
Size: 2,175 bytes



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/* This document is meant to follow PSR-1 and PSR-2 php-fig standards */

 * Object-Oriented Null (To Replace null)
 * This file contains the null class. The null class itself doesn't equate
 * to null, but it's field does, it's constant does, and function. This is
 * useful when you want to return a null value that isn't actually language
 * specific null because null might be a correct return type
 * The name of this class was in conflict with a reserved keyword in PHP 7
 * so it has been changed to None
 * @copyright Copyright 2016 Asher Wolfstein
 * @author Asher Wolfstein <>
 * @link The author's URL
 * @link
 * @license
 * @package Data
 * @subpackage Structures

 * Falcraft Libraries Data Types Namespace
namespace Phabstractic\Data\Types

     * Null Class - Defines a NULL Object
     * Some functions can return null, false, empty, etc.
     * but not indicate a failure. This object gives developers a class to use
     * that defines a truly null variable. This way a function could return
     * null, false, empty, etc. legitimately, and upon failure return new Null;
     * Example usage: if ( $loader instanceof Types\Null ) ...
     * 1.0: Created Null - May 10th, 2013
     * 2.0: Reproduced Null for Primus - April 2nd, 2015
     * 3.0: Formatted Null for inclusion in phabstractic
     * Changed classname to None - July 7th, 2016
     * @version 3.0
class None
        * The NULL constant redefined in the object
const NULL = null;
        * This is the null variable defined in the null object
public $null = null;
        * Everything equals to null in Null
        * @return null
public function null()