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File: src/common/motif_extra/rich_text_editor.twig

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  Classes of Scott Arciszewski   CMS Airship   src/common/motif_extra/rich_text_editor.twig   Download  
File: src/common/motif_extra/rich_text_editor.twig
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: CMS Airship
Content management system with security features
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 2,902 bytes



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<div class="rich-text-wrapper" data-name="{{ name|e('html_attr') }}" id="rich_text_{{ name|e('html_attr') }}_wrapper" > <div class="rich_text_show_one"> <div class="rich_text_textarea_wrapper" id="rich_text_{{ name|e('html_attr') }}_text" > {% include cargo("rich_text_toolbar") %} <textarea class="full-textarea editable{% if readonly %} readonly{% endif %}" name="{% if input_name %}{{ input_name|e('html_attr') }}{% else %}{{ name|e('html_attr') }}{% endif %}" id="rich_text_{{ name|e('html_attr') }}" placeholder="{{ placeholder|e('html_attr') }}" {% if readonly %} disabled="disabled" readonly="readonly" {% endif %} >{{ contents|e('html_attr') }}</textarea> </div> <div id="rich_text_{{ name|e('html_attr') }}_preview" class="richtext-render" ></div> </div> <div class="rich_text_tab_row" id="rich_text_{{ name|e('html_attr') }}_tabs" > <a id="rich_text_{{ name|e('html_attr') }}_edit_tab">{{ __("Edit") }}</a> <a id="rich_text_{{ name|e('html_attr') }}_preview_tab">{{ __("Preview") }}</a> </div> </div> <script nonce={{ csp_nonce() }}> if (typeof window.deferUntilExists !== "function") { window.deferUntilExists = function (func, poll, delay, counter) { var counter = counter || 0; if (counter > 1000) { return; } if (typeof(window[poll]) === "undefined") { window.setTimeout( function () { window.deferUntilExists(func, poll, delay, counter + 1) }, delay ); return; } return func(); } } if (typeof($) === 'undefined') { /** * We can't reliably depend on jQuery already being loaded. */ window.deferUntilExists( function () { window['richTextWrapper']( {{ name|json_encode|raw }}, "{{ format_element|default("format")|e("html_attr") }}"{# #}{% if input_name %}, {{ input_name|json_encode|raw }}{% endif %} ); }, "richTextWrapper", 100 // milliseconds ); } else { /** * If jQuery is already loaded, then just use it. */ $(document).ready(function() { window['richTextWrapper']( {{ name|json_encode|raw }}, "{{ format_element|default("format")|e("html_attr") }}" ); }); } </script>