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File: wurfl_parser.php

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File: wurfl_parser.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: XML parser for WURFL
Class: WURFL PHP Library
Get mobile device capabilities from WURFL files
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 19 years ago
Size: 18,551 bytes



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<?php /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is WURFL PHP Libraries. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Andrea Trasatti. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): Herouth Maoz. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* * $Id: wurfl_parser.php,v 1.16 2005/04/16 16:04:21 atrasatti Exp $ * $RCSfile: wurfl_parser.php,v $ v2.1 beta2 (Apr, 16 2005) * Author: Andrea Trasatti ( atrasatti AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net ) * Multicache implementation: Herouth Maoz ( herouth AT spamcop DOT net ) * */ /* * * * This is a VERY simple PHP script to demonstrate how you could parse the WURFL * and have an associative array. Once you have the array you can obtain all the * data you need. You will certanly need some filters and take in consideration, * mainly, the fall_back feature. It's not natively implemented here, that is to * say, if you don't know a phone's feature and it's not listed in its * characteristics, you (read "your software") will need to search in its * parent. * * In order to let this parser work you will NEED "wurfl.xml" in the same * directory as the parser, otherwise you will need to change WURFL_FILE define. * * To speed up I also implemented a simple caching system, I serialize $wurfl * and the mtime of wurfl.xml. Then I check that mtime with wurfl's mtime, if * they are different I update the cache. * NOTE: if wurfl's mtime is older than the one stored in the cache file I * will not update the cache. * * From some tests I ran, it looks like NOT using a php cache will make this * caching system not faster than reparsing the XML (tested with PHP 4.2.3 on * a P3 600). A php caching system is strongly suggested. * * Logging. Logging is not really part of the tasks of this library. I included * basic logging just to survive BIG configuration mistakes. Warnings and * errors will be logged to the WURFL_LOG_FILE or, if not present, in the * webserver's log file using the error_log function. * Really bad events such as a wrong XML file, missing WURFL and a few more * will still generate a die() along with a log to file. * Someone might also want to send an e-mail or something, but this is WAY * ahead of the scope of this script. * * More info can be found here in the PHP section: * * * Questions or comments can be sent to * "Andrea Trasatti" <atrasatti AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net> * * Please, support this software, send any suggestion and improvement to me * or the mailing list and we will try to keep it updated and make it better * every day. * * If you like it and use it, please let me know or contact the wmlprogramming * mailing list: * */ if ( !defined('WURFL_CONFIG') ) @require_once('./wurfl_config.php'); if ( !defined('WURFL_CONFIG') ) die("NO CONFIGURATION"); $wurfl = array(); $wurfl_agents = array(); $patch_params = Array(); // Author: Herouth Maoz // Check if var_export has the bug that eliminates empty string keys. Returns // true if the bug exists function var_export_bug() { if ( ! function_exists( 'var_export' ) ) { return false; } $a = array( '' => '!' ); $export_a = var_export( $a, true ); eval ( "\$b = $export_a;" ); return count( $b ) != count( $a ); } // this function check WURFL patch integrity/validity function checkpatch($name, $attr) { global $wurfl, $patch_params, $checkpatch_result; if ( $name == 'wurfl_patch' ) { $checkpatch_result['wurfl_patch'] = true; return true; } else if ( !$checkpatch_result['wurfl_patch'] ) { $checkpatch_result['wurfl_patch'] = false; wurfl_log('checkpatch', "no wurfl_patch tag! Patch file ignored."); return false; } if ( $name == 'devices' ) { $checkpatch_result['devices'] = true; return true; } else if ( !$checkpatch_result['devices'] ) { $checkpatch_result['devices'] = false; wurfl_log('checkpatch', "no devices tag! Patch file ignored."); return false; } if ( $name == 'device' ) { if ( isset($wurfl['devices'][$attr['id']]) ) { if ( $wurfl['devices'][$attr['id']]['user_agent'] != $attr['user_agent'] ) { $checkpatch_result['device']['id'][$attr["id"]]['patch'] = false; $checkpatch_result['device']['id'][$attr["id"]]['reason'] = 'user agent mismatch, orig='.$wurfl['devices'][$attr['id']]['user_agent'].', new='.$attr['user_agent'].', id='.$attr['id'].', fall_back='.$attr['fall_back']; } } /* * checking of the fall_back is disabled. I might define a device's fall_back which will be defined later in the patch file. * fall_backs checking could be done after merging. if ( $attr['id'] == 'generic' && $attr['user_agent'] == '' && $attr['fall_back'] == 'root' ) { // generic device, everything's ok. } else if ( !isset($wurfl['devices'][$attr['fall_back']]) ) { $checkpatch_result['device']['id'][$attr["id"]]['patch'] = false; $checkpatch_result['device']['id'][$attr["id"]]['reason'] .= 'wrong fall_back, id='.$attr['id'].', fall_back='.$attr['fall_back']; } */ if ( isset($checkpatch_result['device']['id'][$attr["id"]]['patch']) && !$checkpatch_result['device']['id'][$attr["id"]]['patch'] ) { wurfl_log('checkpatch', "ERROR:".$checkpatch_result['device']['id'][$attr["id"]]['reason']); return false; } } return true; } function startElement($parser, $name, $attr) { global $wurfl, $curr_event, $curr_device, $curr_group, $fp_cache, $check_patch_params, $checkpatch_result; if ( $check_patch_params ) { // if the patch file checks fail I don't merge info retrived if ( !checkpatch($name, $attr) ) { wurfl_log('startElement', "error on $name, ".$attr['id']); $curr_device = 'dump_anything'; return; } else if ( $curr_device == 'dump_anything' && $name != 'device' ) { // this capability is referred to a device that was erroneously defined for some reason, skip it wurfl_log('startElement', $name." cannot be merged, the device was skipped because of an error"); return; } } switch($name) { case "ver": case "last_updated": case "official_url": case "statement": //cdata will take care of these, I'm just defining the array $wurfl[$name]=""; //$curr_event=$wurfl[$name]; break; case "maintainers": case "maintainer": case "authors": case "author": case "contributors": case "contributor": if ( sizeof($attr) > 0 ) { // dirty trick: author is child of authors, contributor is child of contributors while ($t = each($attr)) { // example: $wurfl["authors"]["author"]["name"]="Andrea Trasatti"; $wurfl[$name."s"][$name][$attr["name"]][$t[0]]=$t[1]; } } break; case "device": if ( ($attr["user_agent"] == "" || ! $attr["user_agent"]) && $attr["id"]!="generic" ) { die("No user agent and I am not generic!! id=".$attr["id"]." HELP"); } if ( sizeof($attr) > 0 ) { while ($t = each($attr)) { // example: $wurfl["devices"]["ericsson_generic"]["fall_back"]="generic"; $wurfl["devices"][$attr["id"]][$t[0]]=$t[1]; } } $curr_device=$attr["id"]; break; case "group": // this HAS NOT to be executed or we will define the id as string and then reuse it as array: ERROR //$wurfl["devices"][$curr_device][$attr["id"]]=$attr["id"]; $curr_group=$attr["id"]; break; case "capability": if ( $attr["value"] == 'true' ) { $value = true; } else if ( $attr["value"] == 'false' ) { $value = false; } else { $value = $attr["value"]; $intval = intval($value); if ( strcmp($value, $intval) == 0 ) { $value = $intval; } } $wurfl["devices"][$curr_device][$curr_group][$attr["name"]]=$value; break; case "devices": // This might look useless but it's good when you want to parse only the devices and skip the rest if ( !isset($wurfl["devices"]) ) $wurfl["devices"]=array(); break; case "wurfl_patch": // opening tag of the patch file case "wurfl": // opening tag of the WURFL, nothing to do break; case "default": // unknown events are not welcome die($name." is an unknown event<br>"); break; } } function endElement($parser, $name) { global $wurfl, $curr_event, $curr_device, $curr_group; switch ($name) { case "group": break; case "device": break; case "ver": case "last_updated": case "official_url": case "statement": $wurfl[$name]=$curr_event; // referring to $GLOBALS to unset curr_event because unset will not destroy // a global variable unless called in this way unset($GLOBALS['curr_event']); break; default: break; } } function characterData($parser, $data) { global $curr_event; if (trim($data) != "" ) { $curr_event.=$data; //echo "data=".$data."<br>\n"; } } function load_cache() { // Setting default values $cache_stat = 0; $wurfl = $wurfl_agents = array(); if ( WURFL_USE_CACHE && file_exists(CACHE_FILE) ) { include(CACHE_FILE); } return Array($cache_stat, $wurfl, $wurfl_agents); } function stat_cache() { $cache_stat = 0; if ( WURFL_USE_CACHE && file_exists(CACHE_FILE) ) { $cache_stat = filemtime(CACHE_FILE); } return $cache_stat; } function parse() { global $wurfl, $wurfl_stat, $check_patch_params, $checkpatch_result; $wurfl = Array(); $xml_parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_parser_set_option($xml_parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false); xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElement", "endElement"); xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "characterData"); if ( !file_exists(WURFL_FILE) ) { wurfl_log('parse', WURFL_FILE." does not exist"); die(WURFL_FILE." does not exist"); } if (!($fp = fopen(WURFL_FILE, "r"))) { wurfl_log('parse', "could not open XML input"); die("could not open XML input"); } //$count = 0; while ($data = fread($fp, 4096)) { //$count++; if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp))) { die(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser))); } //if ( $count > 30 ) //return; } fclose($fp); xml_parser_free($xml_parser); $check_patch_params = false; if ( defined('WURFL_PATCH_FILE') && file_exists(WURFL_PATCH_FILE) ) { wurfl_log('parse', "Trying to load XML patch file: ".WURFL_PATCH_FILE); $check_patch_params = true; $xml_parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_parser_set_option($xml_parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false); xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElement", "endElement"); xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "characterData"); if (!($fp = fopen(WURFL_PATCH_FILE, "r"))) { wurfl_log('parse', "could not open XML patch file: ".WURFL_PATCH_FILE); } while ($data = fread($fp, 4096)) { if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp))) { die(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser))); } } fclose($fp); xml_parser_free($xml_parser); // logging? $checkpatch_result['device']['id'] } else if ( defined('WURFL_PATCH_FILE') && !file_exists(WURFL_PATCH_FILE) ) { wurfl_log('parse', WURFL_PATCH_FILE." does not exist"); } else { wurfl_log('parse', "No XML patch file defined"); } //reset($wurfl); //echo "<pre>"; //print_r($wurfl); //echo "</pre>"; reset($wurfl); $devices = $wurfl["devices"]; // I check if var_export loses any empty key, in this case I force the generic // device. if ( var_export_bug() ) { $wurfl_agents['generic'] = 'generic'; } foreach($devices as $one) { $wurfl_agents[$one['user_agent']] = $one['id']; } reset($wurfl); reset($wurfl_agents); if ( WURFL_USE_CACHE ) { if ( defined("WURFL_AGENT2ID_FILE") && file_exists(WURFL_AGENT2ID_FILE) && !is_writeable(WURFL_AGENT2ID_FILE) ) { wurfl_log('parse', "ERROR: Unable to remove ".WURFL_AGENT2ID_FILE); //die ('Unable to remove '.WURFL_AGENT2ID_FILE); return; } if ( isset($wurfl_stat) ) { $cache_stat = $wurfl_stat; } else { $cache_stat = $wurfl_stat = filemtime(WURFL_FILE); if ( defined('WURFL_PATCH_FILE') && file_exists(WURFL_PATCH_FILE) ) { $patch_stat = filemtime(WURFL_PATCH_FILE); if ( $patch_stat > $wurfl_stat ) { // if the patch file is newer than the WURFL I set wurfl_stat to that time $wurfl_stat = $patch_stat; } } } if ( WURFL_USE_MULTICACHE ) { // If using Multicache remove old cache files $wurfl_temp_devices = $wurfl['devices']; $wurfl['devices'] = array(); //Attempt to remove all existing multicache files if ( defined("MULTICACHE_DIR") && is_dir(MULTICACHE_DIR) && !is_writeable(MULTICACHE_DIR) ) { wurfl_log('parse', "ERROR: Unable to remove files from".MULTICACHE_DIR); return; } // Get all the agent file names in the multicache directory. Use // glob if available if ( function_exists( 'glob' ) ) { $filelist = glob( MULTICACHE_DIR . "/*" . MULTICACHE_SUFFIX ); } else { if ( $dh = @opendir( MULTICACHE_DIR ) ) { $filelist = array(); while (false !== ($file = @readdir($dh))) { $filename = MULTICACHE_DIR . "/$file"; if ( is_file( $filename ) ) { $filelist[] = $filename; } } @closedir( $dh ); } } foreach ( $filelist as $filename ) { @unlink( $filename ); } } $php_version = PHP_VERSION; list($php_main_version, $php_subversion, $php_subsubversion) = explode('.', $php_version); $fp_cache= fopen(CACHE_FILE, "w"); fwrite($fp_cache, "<?php\n"); // it seems until PHP 4.3.2 var_export had a problem with apostrophes in array keys if ( ($php_main_version == 4 && $php_subversion > 2 && $php_subsubversion > 2) || $php_main_version > 4 ) { if ( !WURFL_USE_MULTICACHE ) { $wurfl_to_file = var_export($wurfl, true); } $wurfl_agents_to_file = var_export($wurfl_agents, true); $cache_stat_to_file = var_export($cache_stat, true); fwrite($fp_cache, "\$cache_stat=$cache_stat_to_file;\n"); if ( !WURFL_USE_MULTICACHE ) { fwrite($fp_cache, "\$wurfl=$wurfl_to_file;\n"); } fwrite($fp_cache, "\$wurfl_agents=$wurfl_agents_to_file;\n"); } else { if ( !WURFL_USE_MULTICACHE ) { $wurfl_to_file = urlencode(serialize($wurfl)); } $wurfl_agents_to_file = urlencode(serialize($wurfl_agents)); $cache_stat_to_file = urlencode(serialize($cache_stat)); fwrite($fp_cache, "\$cache_stat=unserialize(urldecode(\"". $cache_stat_to_file ."\"));\n"); if ( !WURFL_USE_MULTICACHE ) { fwrite($fp_cache, "\$wurfl=unserialize(urldecode(\"". $wurfl_to_file ."\"));\n"); } fwrite($fp_cache, "\$wurfl_agents=unserialize(urldecode(\"". $wurfl_agents_to_file ."\"));\n"); } fwrite($fp_cache, "?>\n"); fclose($fp_cache); if ( defined("WURFL_AGENT2ID_FILE") && file_exists(WURFL_AGENT2ID_FILE) ) { @unlink(WURFL_AGENT2ID_FILE); } if ( WURFL_USE_MULTICACHE ) { // Return the capabilities to the wurfl structure $wurfl['devices'] = &$wurfl_temp_devices; // Write multicache files if ( FORCED_UPDATE === true ) $path = MULTICACHE_TMP_DIR; else $path = MULTICACHE_DIR; if ( !is_dir($path) ) @mkdir($path); foreach ( $wurfl_temp_devices as $id => $capabilities ) { $fname = urlencode( $id ); $varname = addcslashes( $id, "'\\" ); $fp_cache = fopen( $path . "/$fname" . MULTICACHE_SUFFIX, 'w' ); fwrite($fp_cache, "<?php\n"); if ( ($php_main_version == 4 && $php_subversion > 2) || $php_main_version > 4 ) { $wurfl_to_file = var_export($capabilities, true); fwrite($fp_cache, "\$_cached_devices['$varname']=$wurfl_to_file;\n"); } else { $wurfl_to_file = urlencode(serialize($capabilities)); fwrite($fp_cache, "\$_cached_devices['$varname']=unserialize(urldecode(\"". $wurfl_to_file ."\"));\n"); } fwrite($fp_cache, "?>\n"); fclose($fp_cache); } } // It's probably not really worth encoding cache.php if you're using Multicache if ( 0 && function_exists('mmcache_encode') ) { $empty= ''; set_time_limit(60); $to_file = mmcache_encode(CACHE_FILE, $empty); $to_file = '<?php if (!is_callable("mmcache_load") && !@dl((PHP_OS=="WINNT"||PHP_OS=="WIN32")?"TurckLoader.dll":"")) { die("This PHP script has been encoded with Turck MMcache, to run it you must install <a href=\"\">Turck MMCache or Turck Loader</a>");} return mmcache_load(\''.$to_file."');?>\n"; $fp_cache= fopen(CACHE_FILE, "wb"); fwrite($fp_cache, $to_file); fclose($fp_cache); } //echo "cache written"; } else { // not using WURFL cache $cache_stat = 0; } return Array($cache_stat, $wurfl, $wurfl_agents); } // end of function parse function wurfl_log($func, $msg, $logtype=3) { // Thanks laacz $_textToLog = date('r')." [".php_uname('n')." ".getmypid()."]"."[$func] ".$msg; if ( $logtype == 3 && is_file(WURFL_LOG_FILE) ) { if ( !@error_log($_textToLog."\n", 3, WURFL_LOG_FILE) ) { error_log("Unable to log to ".WURFL_LOG_FILE." log_message:$_textToLog"); // logging in the webserver's log file } } else { error_log($_textToLog); // logging in the webserver's log file } } if ( !file_exists(WURFL_FILE) ) { wurfl_log('main', WURFL_FILE." does not exist"); die(WURFL_FILE." does not exist"); } if ( WURFL_AUTOLOAD === true ) { $wurfl_stat = filemtime(WURFL_FILE); $cache_stat = stat_cache(); if ( defined('WURFL_PATCH_FILE') && file_exists(WURFL_PATCH_FILE) ) { $patch_stat = filemtime(WURFL_PATCH_FILE); } else { $patch_stat = $wurfl_stat; } if (WURFL_USE_CACHE && $wurfl_stat <= $cache_stat && $patch_stat <= $cache_stat) { // cache file is updated //echo "wurfl date = ".$wurfl_stat."<br>\n"; //echo "patch date = ".$patch_stat."<br>\n"; //echo "cache date = ".$cache_stat."<br>\n"; list($cache_stat, $wurfl, $wurfl_agents) = load_cache(); // echo "cache loaded"; } else { list($cache_stat, $wurfl, $wurfl_agents) = parse(); } } ?>