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File: src/EasyStatement.php

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  Classes of Scott Arciszewski   EasyDB   src/EasyStatement.php   Download  
File: src/EasyStatement.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: EasyDB
Simple Database Abstraction Layer around PDO
Author: By
Last change: Remove (and replace when needed) @psalm-taint-source annotations

The way they are used in the EasyDB codebase seems to be incorrect, it
looks they should be "taint sinks" instead.

For example I would expect the following example to flagged as insecure:
$db = \ParagonIE\EasyDB\Factory::fromArray([
$statement = \ParagonIE\EasyDB\EasyStatement::open()
->with('last_login IS NOT NULL')
->orWith('email = ' . $_POST['search']);
$user = $db->single("SELECT * FROM users WHERE $statement", $statement->values());

but with the current annotations it is considered fine.

`@psalm-taint-source` does not work on a specific parameter of a method
but on the returned value [0]. This PR only make sure the sinks are
properly defined but it could be interesting to mark the methods
returning something the DB in the EasyDB class as an input source.

Add more sinks/sources

- Change exceptions to extend the same base class
- Update code style to avoid \\ prefixes (use imports instead)
Make use of PHP 8's type system
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 11,609 bytes



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<?php namespace ParagonIE\EasyDB; use ParagonIE\EasyDB\Exception\{ MustBeEmpty, MustBeNonEmpty }; use RuntimeException; use TypeError; use function array_merge, array_reduce, count, is_object, is_string, sprintf, str_repeat, str_replace, trim; /** * Class EasyStatement * @package ParagonIE\EasyDB */ class EasyStatement { /** * @var array<int, array{type:string, condition:self|string, values?:array<int, mixed>}> $parts */ private array $parts = []; private ?EasyStatement $parent; private bool $allowEmptyInStatements = false; public function count(): int { return count($this->parts); } /** * Open a new statement. * * @return self * @psalm-suppress UnsafeInstantiation */ public static function open(): self { return new static(); } /** * @param bool $allow * @return self */ public function setEmptyInStatementsAllowed(bool $allow = false): self { $this->allowEmptyInStatements = $allow; return $this; } /** * Alias for andWith(). * * @param EasyStatement|string $condition * @param mixed ...$values * @return self * @psalm-taint-sink sql $condition */ public function with(EasyStatement|string $condition, ...$values): self { return $this->andWith($condition, ...$values); } /** * Add a condition that will be applied with a logical "AND". * * @param string|self $condition * @param mixed ...$values * @return self * * @psalm-taint-sink sql $condition * * @throws MustBeEmpty */ public function andWith(EasyStatement|string $condition, ...$values): self { if ($condition instanceof EasyStatement) { if (!empty($values)) { throw new MustBeEmpty("EasyStatement provided; must be only argument."); } $values = $condition->values(); $condition = '(' . $condition . ')'; } return $this->andWithString($condition, ...$values); } /** * Add a condition that will be applied with a logical "AND". * * @param string $condition * @param mixed ...$values * * @return self * * @psalm-taint-sink sql $condition */ public function andWithString(string $condition, ...$values): self { $this->parts[] = [ 'type' => 'AND', 'condition' => $condition, 'values' => $values, ]; return $this; } /** * Add a condition that will be applied with a logical "OR". * * @param string|self $condition * @param mixed ...$values * @return self * * @psalm-taint-sink sql $condition */ public function orWith(EasyStatement|string $condition, ...$values): self { if ($condition instanceof EasyStatement) { if (!empty($values)) { throw new MustBeEmpty("EasyStatement provided; must be only argument."); } $values = $condition->values(); $condition = '(' . $condition . ')'; } return $this->orWithString($condition, ...$values); } /** * Add a condition that will be applied with a logical "OR". * * @param string $condition * @param mixed ...$values * * @return self * * @psalm-taint-sink sql $condition */ public function orWithString(string $condition, ...$values): self { $this->parts[] = [ 'type' => 'OR', 'condition' => $condition, 'values' => $values, ]; return $this; } /** * Alias for andIn(). * * @param string $condition * @param array $values * * @return self * @throws MustBeNonEmpty * * @psalm-taint-sink sql $condition */ public function in(string $condition, array $values): self { return $this->andIn($condition, $values); } /** * Add an IN condition that will be applied with a logical "AND". * * Instead of using ? to denote the placeholder, ?* must be used! * * @param string $condition * @param array $values * * @return self * * @throws MustBeNonEmpty * @throws RuntimeException * @throws TypeError * * @psalm-taint-sink sql $condition */ public function andIn(string $condition, array $values): self { if (count($values) < 1) { if (!$this->allowEmptyInStatements) { throw new MustBeNonEmpty(); } // Add a closed failure: $this->parts[] = [ 'type' => 'AND', 'condition' => '1 = 0', 'values' => [] ]; return $this; } try { return $this->andWith( $this->unpackCondition($condition, count($values)), ...$values ); } catch (MustBeEmpty $ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid state reached", 0, $ex); } } /** * Add an IN condition that will be applied with a logical "OR". * * Instead of using "?" to denote the placeholder, "?*" must be used! * * @param string $condition * @param array $values * @return self * * @throws MustBeNonEmpty * * @psalm-taint-sink sql $condition */ public function orIn(string $condition, array $values): self { if (count($values) < 1) { if (!$this->allowEmptyInStatements) { throw new MustBeNonEmpty(); } return $this; } try { return $this->orWith( $this->unpackCondition($condition, count($values)), ...$values ); } catch (MustBeEmpty $ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid state reached", 0, $ex); } } /** * Alias for andGroup(). * * @return self */ public function group(): self { return $this->andGroup(); } /** * Start a new grouping that will be applied with a logical "AND". * * Exit the group with endGroup(). * * @return self */ public function andGroup(): self { $group = new self($this); $group->setEmptyInStatementsAllowed($this->allowEmptyInStatements); $this->parts[] = [ 'type' => 'AND', 'condition' => $group, ]; return $group; } /** * Start a new grouping that will be applied with a logical "OR". * * Exit the group with endGroup(). * * @return self */ public function orGroup(): self { $group = new self($this); $group->setEmptyInStatementsAllowed($this->allowEmptyInStatements); $this->parts[] = [ 'type' => 'OR', 'condition' => $group, ]; return $group; } /** * Alias for endGroup(). * * @return self */ public function end(): self { return $this->endGroup(); } /** * Exit the current grouping and return the parent statement. * * @return self * * @throws RuntimeException * If the current statement has no parent context. */ public function endGroup(): self { if (empty($this->parent)) { throw new RuntimeException('Already at the top of the statement'); } return $this->parent; } /** * Compile the current statement into PDO-ready SQL. * * @return string */ public function sql(): string { if (empty($this->parts)) { return '1 = 1'; } return array_reduce( $this->parts, /** * @psalm-param array{type:string, condition:self|string, values?:array<int, mixed>} $part */ function (string $sql, array $part): string { /** @var string|self $condition */ $condition = $part['condition']; if ($this->isGroup($condition)) { // (...) if (is_string($condition)) { $statement = '(' . $condition . ')'; } else { $statement = '(' . $condition->sql() . ')'; } } else { // foo = ? $statement = $condition; } /** @var string $statement */ $statement = (string) $statement; $part['type'] = (string) $part['type']; if ($sql) { $statement = match ($part['type']) { 'AND', 'OR' => $part['type'] . ' ' . $statement, default => throw new RuntimeException( sprintf('Invalid joiner %s', $part['type']) ), }; } /** @psalm-taint-sink sql */ return trim($sql . ' ' . $statement); }, '' ); } /** * Get the parameters attached to this statement. * * @return array */ public function values(): array { return (array) array_reduce( $this->parts, /** * @psalm-param array{type:string, condition:self|string, values?:array<int, mixed>} $part */ function (array $values, array $part): array { if ($this->isGroup($part['condition'])) { /** @var EasyStatement $condition */ $condition = $part['condition']; return array_merge( $values, $condition->values() ); } elseif (!isset($part['values'])) { return $values; } return array_merge($values, $part['values']); }, [] ); } /** * Convert the statement to a string. * * @return string */ public function __toString(): string { return $this->sql(); } /** * Don't instantiate directly. Instead, use open() (static method). * * EasyStatement constructor. * @param EasyStatement|null $parent */ protected function __construct(EasyStatement $parent = null) { $this->parent = $parent; } /** * Check if a condition is a sub-group. * * @param mixed $condition * * @return bool */ protected function isGroup(mixed $condition): bool { if (!is_object($condition)) { return false; } return $condition instanceof EasyStatement; } /** * Replace a grouped placeholder with a list of placeholders. * * Given a count of 3, the placeholder ?* will become ?, ?, ? * * @param string $condition * @param int $count * * @return string * * @psalm-taint-sink sql $condition */ private function unpackCondition(string $condition, int $count): string { // Replace a grouped placeholder with an matching count of placeholders. $params = '?' . str_repeat(', ?', $count - 1); return str_replace('?*', $params, $condition); } }