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File: READ_ME.txt

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  Classes of Er. Rochak Chauhan   Country From IP   READ_ME.txt   Download  
File: READ_ME.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Instructions
Class: Country From IP
Lookup the country of a given IP address
Author: By
Last change: Updates
Date: 19 years ago
Size: 529 bytes



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Configration Steps #1) Create a folder (Say IPTOCountry) in your root web directory #2) Place both "" and "Example.php" files in new created folder. #3) Unzip all the images from the in the "<New Folder Name>/Flags/" folder (download from the provided link ie. #4) Create one "CountryIPDatabase.txt" file from all 5 text files to create a single Country-IP Database. #5) Now run example.php GUD LUCK Rochak.