PHP Classes

Nice looking class, but it does not work - the decode() metho...

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Subject:Nice looking class, but it does not...
Summary:Package rating comment
Author:Junkie Narkosvin
Date:2008-10-09 21:03:54


Junkie Narkosvin rated this package as follows:

Utility: Insufficient
Consistency: Sufficient

  1. Nice looking class, but it does not...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Junkie Narkosvin Junkie Narkosvin - 2008-10-09 21:03:54
Nice looking class, but it does not work - the decode() method fails.

Tried feeding this class a two-dimensional array, and FastJSON::decode(FastJSON::encode($array)) gives an error message.

Tried both the PHP5 version, and the PHP4 version, both under the latest version of PHP - both produce the same error.

Also, your error handling looks strange - I tried to debug the problem, and it looks like __exit() is called simple because of null-values existing in the array I used ... you forgot to declare $result in one of your methods, which causes a notice - your error handler intercepts that notice and kills the application with a "security" notice.