PHP Classes

Letter Composer Multilingual: Generate personal salutations to use in messages

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2019-10-15 (18 hours ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 75 All time: 9,444 This week: 325Up
Version License PHP version Categories
letter-composer-mult 1.0Custom (specified...5Email, Localization, PHP 5, Text proc...
Description Author

This class can generate personal salutations to use in messages.

It can takes the name and the gender of a person and it generates a salutation that can be inserted in mail messages and other types of messages that salute the user.

The class supports many languages like Arabic, Czech, Danish, German, English, Spanish, French, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Ducth, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, etc..

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2017
Number 10
When you need to salute people in messages, you should do it according to the person gender and language of the message.

This package can guess the salutation to use in messages based on the gender of the person in many different languages.

Manuel Lemos
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 23x

Winner: 2x




Provides methods useful for composing letters (mail).


If you intend to use Czech language, you will also need to install library peterkahl/czech-name-declension.


use peterkahl\LetterComposer\LetterComposer;

$letterObj = new LetterComposer;
$letterObj->senderNamePlain = 'Customer Service Representative'. PHP_EOL .'Famous Company, Ltd.';
$letterObj->senderNameHtml  = 'Customer Service Representative<br>Famous Company, Ltd.';

# Example, Russian
$letterObj->lang            = 'ru';
$letterObj->recipientName   = '?????? ?????????';
$letterObj->recipientGender = 'f';
echo $letterObj->$letterObj->makeSalutation() . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '??? ??? ????? ??????.' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $letterObj->makeValedictionPlain();
'????????? ?????? ?????????,

??? ??? ????? ??????.

? ?????????,
Customer Service Representative
Famous Company, Ltd.'

# Example, Czech
$letterObj->lang            = 'cs';
$letterObj->recipientName   = 'Václav ?tvrtek';
$letterObj->recipientGender = 'm';
echo $letterObj->$letterObj->makeSalutation() . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'Zde je Va?e nové heslo.' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $letterObj->makeValedictionPlain();
'Milý Václave ?tvrtku,

Zde je Va?e nové heslo.

S pozdravem,
Customer Service Representative
Famous Company, Ltd.'
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