PHP Auto Style Fixer: Beautify PHP source code fixing its style

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2020-12-02 (9 months ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 138 All time: 9,070 This week: 257Up
Version License PHP version Categories
phpas-php-auto-style 1.0GNU General Publi...5PHP 5, Utilities and Tools, Parsers
Description Author

This class can beautify PHP source code fixing its style.

It can take as parameter PHP source code either in the form of a string or the name of a file to be parsed using pure PHP code.

The class can fix several types of formatting aspects of the given PHP source like:

- Remove multiple consecutive line breaks
- Remove needless spaces in statments like for, while, if, etc.
- Remove indenting
- Reformat comments
- Etc..


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PHP AS(Auto Style), PHP Beautifier

A tool for format and beautify the style of PHP code with my style.


We waste our time to format the code. So it will be a fantastic tool.

Anyway, I hope this tool can help you for format a PHP code easily and fast.


I developed this tool for myself, not for money, not for a special company.

Although it used in some software of a company in India.

Also it used as PHP snippet formate on

Main purpose

  • Remove extra space after "for", "while", "if" words...
  • Ident cleaning and auto tab for {} and statements...
  • Make clean the comment text
  • ...


Left: Output, Right: Input



/Include Class/
include "PHPAS.php"

/Create Class Instance with default options/
$autoStyle = new AutoStyle();

/or with optional configuratoin/
$options = [
	'identation' => '    ' // 4 spaces (default Tab)

$autoStyle = new AutoStyle($options);

/Format code from file/
print $AS->loadFile("test.php") ."\n";

/Format code from string/
print $AS->loadString("<?php\nprint 'hi';\n") ."\n";

Class Methods

| Method | Goal | | ------------------------- | ------------- | | setOptions($options) | Change formatter options... | | loadFile($fileName) | Auto Style, format a file and display output... | | loadString($codeString) | Auto Style, format a string code and display output... |


/inline comment/
for ($v = 7;$v <= 100 / 10;$v++) {
$b = $v;
$x = [];
for ($i = 1;$i <= $v;$i++) {
$x[] = $i;
for ($k = 3;$k <= ((floor($v - 1) / 2) + 1);$k++) {
$r = $k;
solve($x, $v, $b, $k, $r);


/inline comment/
for($v=7;$v<=100/10;$v++) {
	for($i=1;$i<=$v;$i++) {

	for($k=3;$k<=((floor($v-1)/2)+1);$k++) {



/inline comment/
for ($v = 7;$v <= 100 / 10;$v++) { $b = $v; $x = []; for ($i = 1;$i <= $v;$i++) {$x[] = $i;
for ($k = 3;$k <= ((floor($v - 1) / 2) + 1);$k++) { $r = $k;
solve($x, $v, $b, $k, $r); } }
$str="hello world!";


/inline comment/
for($v = 7;$v <= 100 / 10;$v++) {
	for($i = 1;$i <= $v;$i++) {

	for($k = 3;$k <= ((floor($v - 1) / 2) + 1);$k++) {
		solve($x, $v, $b, $k, $r);

$str="hello world!";

Partnership and development

Please send issue or pull request if you found a bug or problem. Feel free to discuss or send pull...


PHPBeautifier is licensed under the GNU General Public License.

  • screenshot.png
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 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
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All time:9,070
This week:257Up

For more information send a message to info at phpclasses dot org.