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Clico PHP CLI Color Text Output: Format text to display on a CLI console

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Version License PHP version Categories
clico 1.0GNU General Publi...5Text processing, Console, PHP 7
Description Author

This package can be used to format text to display on a CLI console.

It provides several means to format text with control character sequences so it display with colors or a specific layout in a console terminal. Currently it can:

- Format text to be displayed in a given color
- Format test to be displayed in a given style like bold, blinking, change the light weight, hide, highlight, underline
- Display text in a table
- Etc.

Name: TJ Webb <contact>
Classes: 2 packages by
Country: Canada Canada




Command Line Interface Coloured Output

Clico is a PHP package that gives you an expressive API to format text for CLI output. Clico gives chainable methods to set text background and foreground colours, weight, and other text decorations like underlining and blinking.

Clico also provides functionality for formatting tabular data for CLI output. The table class can also format the text in each row, each column, and each individual cell.

Clico is framework agnostic, just install and use the provided classes.

Full API Docs

Full API documentation can be found here, however the below guide should be enough to get most users started. Source Code


Install via composer.

composer require webbtj/clico


Once installed you can use the Text and Table classes in your own code.

use Webbtj\Clico\Text;
use Webbtj\Clico\Table;

Both the Text and Table classes return strings via their __toString methods.

Using Text

The Text class provides several chainable methods to alter the rendering of text in the CLI output.


  • black() - set the text or background colour to black.
  • blue() - set the text or background colour to blue.
  • cyan() - set the text or background colour to cyan.
  • green() - set the text or background colour to green.
  • magenta() - set the text or background colour to magenta.
  • red() - set the text or background colour to red.
  • white() - set the text or background colour to white.
  • yellow() - set the text or background colour to yellow.


  • b(), bold(), heavyWeight(), strong() - make the text bold.
  • blink(), flash() - make the text blink.
  • dim(), lightWeight(), thin() - make the text light weight (dimmer).
  • hidden(), hide() - make the text invisible.
  • highlight() - highlight the text (reverse background and foreground colours).
  • normal(), normalWeight() - make the text normal weight.
  • u(), underline() - underline the text.


By default the foreground (text) colour is being manipulated, however you can switch between changing the background and foreground colours with chain methods. Switching to either layer causes future chained colour methods to affect that layer.

  • background() - switch to manipulating the background colour.
  • foreground() - switch to manipulating the foreground colour.


  • dark() - makes subsequent colour methods use their dark variants.
  • darken() - changes the currently set colour (back- or foreground) to its dark variant.
  • light() - makes subsequent colour methods use their light variants.
  • lighten() - changes the currently set colour (back- or foreground) to its light variant.


  • getText() - returns the plain (undecorated) text.
  • length() - returns the length of the undecorated string.
  • repeat(int $repeat) - set the text to repeat $repeat times at render. repeat() does not affect the outputs of getText() or length().
  • setDefault(bool $setAll) - sets the currently set layer (back- or foreground) to its default colour. $setAll = true to change both layers.
  • text(string $text) - sets the text value. Multiple calls will override previously set values. $text can also be passed to the constructor.


use Webbtj\Clico\Text;

echo (new Text())->text('Example #1')->red()->bold();
  // will output "Example #1" in bold, red text.

echo (new Text('Example #2))->blue()->blink();
  //will output "Example #2" in blinking, blue text.

$text = new Text();
$text->test('Example #3');
echo $text;
  // will output "Example #3" in underlined, dark blue text
  // with a light red background

Using Table

The Table class provides an expressive API for formatting tabular data for CLI output. The class provides methods for adding header and body content, manipulating the characters used for the table layout, and provides all of the Text methods which can target the whole table, a row, a column, or a single cell.

Adding Data

  • __construct(Array $data, bool $firstRowAsHeader) - the constructor can optionally set the table data and can sepcify if the first row is the header.
  • addHeader(Array $row) - adds the provided data as the header row. Unsets the previous header row.
  • addRow(Row $row) - add a single Row to the end of the table.
  • populate(Array $data) - adds new rows for each entry in the provided array.
  • setFirstRowAsHeader() - make the first row the header row.

Setting Table Characters

  • setHeaderLineCharacter(string $char) - sets the character used to separate the header row from the table body.
  • setPipeCharacter(string $char) - sets the character used to separate table columns.
  • setRowLineCharacter(string $char) - sets the character used to separate tabke body rows.


The Table class provides all of the text formatting methods of the Text class. Those methods are, by default, applied to all cells in the table. You can specify an entire row, column, or single cell to target with subsequent text formatting methods.

  • cell(int $column, int $row) - set the specific cell to target for formatting. $column and $row are zero based.
  • column(int $index) - set the column to target for formatting. $index is zero based. Omit $index to unset a previously selected column.
  • distributeColumns(int $width) - sets the desired width (in characters) of the table. This happens automatically by default with a width of 160. If you want a different width, this should be called after all data has been populated and before rendering.
  • row(int $index) - set the row to target for formatting. $index is zero based. Omit $index to unset a previously selected row.

Meta Data

  • getHeaderLineCharacter() - gets the character used to separate the header row from the table body. This returns the decorated text version.
  • getHeight() - gets the number of rows in the table.
  • getPipeCharacter() - gets the character used to separate table columns. This returns the decorated text version.
  • getRowLineCharacter() - gets the character used to separate tabke body rows. This returns the decorated text version.
  • getWidth() - gets the number of columns in the table.


Contributions are always welcome on GitHub. Please open issues before submitting PRs and do tag the issue in your commit messages/PR description. Also, please adhere to PSR-2 as much as possible.

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