PHP Classes

PHP Person Name Case Corrector: Correct the case of personal names

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Version License PHP version Categories
namecase 2.1.1MIT/X Consortium ...7.2Localization, PHP 5, Text processing
Description Author

This class can be used to correct the case of personal names.

It can take a string of a personal name and convert the case of the its letters if possible to make the names appear correctly.

The class can also detect the country of origin of some well known personal names or tell if a given name is the lazy name of the full name for being an abbreviation.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2020
Some systems of the past may have forced storing the names of people in all upper case letters or other form that is not the correct way to write their names.

This class can fix the case of personal names of people of several countries when the case is of the letters is not correct.

Manuel Lemos
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 2x




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Forenames and surnames are often stored either entirely in UPPERCASE or lowercase. This package allows you to convert names into the correct case where possible. Although forenames and surnames are typically stored separately if they do appear in a single string, whitespace-separated, NameCase deals correctly with them.

Currently NameCase correctly name cases names which include any of the following:

Mc, Mac, al, el, ap, bat, ben, bin, binti, binte, da, de, das, dos, delle, della, di, du, del, der, den, ten, ter, la, le, lo, van and von.

It correctly deals with names which contain apostrophes and hyphens too.

> Warning! This is for version 2.0.x. > If you need PHP 5 compatible version, please use 1.0.x!


Via Composer

$ composer require tamtamchik/namecase


use \Tamtamchik\NameCase\Formatter;

// As a static call
Formatter::nameCase("KEITH");               // => Keith
Formatter::nameCase("LEIGH-WILLIAMS");      // => Leigh-Williams
Formatter::nameCase("MCCARTHY");            // => McCarthy
Formatter::nameCase("O'CALLAGHAN");         // => O'Callaghan
Formatter::nameCase("ST. JOHN");            // => St. John
Formatter::nameCase("VON STREIT");          // => von Streit
Formatter::nameCase("AP LLWYD DAFYDD");     // => ap Llwyd Dafydd
Formatter::nameCase("HENRY VIII");          // => Henry VIII
Formatter::nameCase("VAN DYKE");            // => van Dyke

// Or as an instance
$formatter = new Formatter();
$formatter->nameCase("LOUIS XIV");          // => Louis XIV

// Passing options
  'lazy'        => true,
  'irish'       => true,
  'spanish'     => false,
  'roman'       => true,
  'hebrew'      => true,
  'postnominal' => true,

// Or
$formatter = new Formatter(['spanish' => true]);

// Or 
    'lazy' = false, 
    'postnominal' => false

// Or even
Formatter::nameCase("VAN DYKE", ['lazy' = false]);


  • lazy ? Default: true. Do not do anything if string is already mixed case and lazy option is true.
  • irish ? Default: true. Correct "Mac" exceptions.
  • spanish ? Default: false. Correct el, la and spanish conjunctions.
  • roman ? Default: true. Correct roman numbers.
  • hebrew ? Default: true. Correct ben, bat.
  • postnominal ? Default: true. Correct post-nominal e.g. PhD.

Global function

This package used to have global function str_name_case. Now it does not have it anymore. But, if you still need to have it, use this snippet.


use Tamtamchik\NameCase\Formatter;

if ( ! function_exists('str_name_case')) {

     * Wrapper for NameCase object to be used as global function.
     * @param string $string  - string to NameCase.
     * @param array  $options - options for NameCase.
     * @return string
    function str_name_case($string, $options = [])
        return Formatter::nameCase($string, $options);

Exclude Post-Nominals


use Tamtamchik\NameCase\Formatter;


Formatter::nameCase('?ERNÝ MOST');


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.

Testing & Demo

$ composer tests
$ composer demo


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details.


If you discover any security-related issues, please email <> instead of using the issue tracker.


This library is a port of the Perl library and owes most of its functionality to the Perl version by Mark Summerfield. I also used some solutions from Ruby version by Aaron Patterson. Any bugs in the PHP port are my fault.


Original PERL Lingua::EN::NameCase Version:

  • Copyright &copy; Mark Summerfield 1998-2014. All Rights Reserved.
  • Copyright &copy; Barbie 2014-2019. All Rights Reserved.

Ruby Version:

  • Copyright &copy; Aaron Patterson 2006. All Rights Reserved.

PHP Version:

  • [Yuri Tkachenko][link-author]
  • [All Contributors][link-contributors]


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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