PHP Classes

PHP User Feedback System: Application to record feedback from customers

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  Author Author  
Name: Kishor Mali <contact>
Classes: 3 packages by
Country: India India
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Innovation award
Nominee: 1x

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This package implements an application to record feedback from customers.

It provides a complete system that can keep track of comments from customers of a business in a database. Currently it can:

- Import the list of customers of a Web site business from a MicroSoft Excel sheet.
- Assign the customers to business executive people.
- Record the feedbacks from customers and the time of the events they comment about.
- Take screenshot of their Web sites with one click.
- Display a small SEO Report of their website.
- Send company profile and portfolio via email with a PDF attachment.
- Record customers requirements and export as a PDF document.
- Generate PDF reports to present to business executives.
- List of daily schedules for feedback and follow-up responses.



> Project is currently under development.

Feedback system to record feedback of customers. This is for marketing purpose.


Small companies needs some software to keep track of their customers and provided services (communication purpose). This system is developed to fulfil their needs. The companies which are providing Software Services like Web Development, App Development, SEO, ERP, Desktop Software, Mobile Software - they can use this project for their internal purpose.

The executives of your company can call to customer from phone, and record their feedbacks and requirements in this portal.


  1. PHP 5.6 or greater
  2. MySQL 5
  3. Composer - To install php libraries.
  4. Gulp - To minify and uglify assets, js, css. Not necessary and will remove in next version.

Used PHP Framework & libraries

  1. CodeIgniter 3.1.6
  2. Microweber Screen : To capture screen-shot of website.
  3. Akeneo Spreadsheet Parser : To import huge amount of records from excel sheet.
  4. TCPDF : To export as PDF.

How to Install

  1. Clone or download the repository in your webroot.
  2. Goto `application/third_party/` folder and execute command `composer install` from command line (terminal on Linux).
  3. Create database in mysql using phpmyadmin and import sql file `feedbacker.sql` available in repository.
  4. Done!

Login Credentials

Hit url in your web browser `http://localhost/feedbacker/`, login screen will appear. Just login with following credentials.

Email :

Password : admin

Once you logged in using System Administrator credentials, you can change the credentials of others as you want.


  1. Login, Logout, Change Password.
  2. Create, Update, Delete Users.
  3. Import the list of customers (who are having websites) from excel sheet.
  4. Assign the customers to executives/telecaller.
  5. Record the feedbacks for customers & Timeline.
  6. Take screenshot (Desktop & Mobile version) of their websites within one click.
  7. Get small SEO Report of their website.
  8. Sending company profile/portfolio via email with pdf attachment.
  9. Record customers requirements and export as pdf.
  10. Generate PDF reports for exectives/telecaller for each day.
  11. Automatic grabbing of screen-shot if you set cron job.
  12. List of daily schedule for feedback/followup.

TODO (Remaining Features : Yet to develop)

  1. Versions of Requirements.
  2. Customer assignment history in case the executive is change.
  3. CRUD - serving companies
  4. CRUD - portfolio and profile attachements.
  5. CRUD - HTML email templates.
  6. Report - Summary

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Name: PHP User Feedback System
Base name: feedbacker
Description: Application to record feedback from customers
Version: -
PHP version: 5
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
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File Role Description
Files folder imageapplication (13 directories)
Files folder imageassets (1 file, 11 directories)
Files folder imagesystem (2 files, 6 directories)
Files folder imageuploads (1 file, 1 directory)
Accessible without login Plain text file .htaccess Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file feedbacker.sql Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file index.php Aux. Auxiliary script
Accessible without login Plain text file LICENSE Lic. License text
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Documentation

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