PHP Classes

Nano PHP Image Resize: Resize local or remote images

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Version License PHP version Categories
nano-image 1.0.3GNU General Publi...5PHP 5, Graphics


This class can resize local or remote images.

It can take an image's path or URL and create a resized copy of the image in a given local directory.

The class can create resized images that preserve the ratio between the width and height of the original image.

Picture of Ujah Chigozie peter
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 11x



require_once __DIR__ "/autoload.php";
$ImageTemp = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'];
$fileName = 'old-image.jpg';
$filePathAsset = __DIR__ . '/assets/img/nano/';
mkdir($urlPathAsset, 0755, true);

file_exists($filePathAsset . $fileName)){
unlink($filePathAsset . $fileName);

    if (@
move_uploaded_file($ImageTemp, $filePathAsset . $fileName)) {
$imagine = new NanoImage();
$image = $imagine->open($logoPath . $fileName);
$image->resize(360, 200, false);
$image->save($filePathAsset . $imageName, NanoImage::THUMBNAIL, 80);
$image->resize(116, 80, false);
$image->saveAs($filePathAsset . $imageName, NanoImage::THUMBNAIL, 100, $imagine::JPEG);
UnsupportedImageException $e){


Nano Image

NanoImage is a simple PHP image resize class. It can resize images and display them in the browser or save images in a directory


Installation is super-easy via Composer:

composer require peterujah/nano-image

Basic Usage

$image = new NanoImage();
  $image = $imagine->open("path/to/save/edit-image-size.jpg");

  $image->resize(360, 200, false);
  $image->save("path/to/save/new-image.jpg", NanoImage::THUMBNAIL, 80);

  $image->resize(116, 80, false);
  $image->saveAs("path/to/save/new-image.jpeg", NanoImage::THUMBNAIL, 100, NanoImage::JPEG);

}catch(UnsupportedImageException $e){
  echo $e->getMessage();

$img = new Peterujah\NanoBlock\NanoImage();

Initialize nano image class for use

Open and load any image from a directory path & file name

$img->open(__DIR__ . "/path/to/assets/image.jpg");

Or load string containing the image data.


Resize an image with the exact width and height passed, for example, 200x200. To resize an image using the aspect ratio set the third parameter to true

$img->resize(200, 200, false||true);

Blur image


Once image manipulation is done, display the output image on the browser. Pass quality of the image


Save an image to a directory, the first parameter specifies the path, the second sets the image naming option, and the third is image quality (90 by default)

$img->save(__DIR__ . "/path/to/assets/new-image.jpg", NanoImage::DEFAULT, $quality);

Save image as

$img->saveAs($to,  NanoImage::DEFAULT || NanoImage::THUMBNAIL || NanoImage::TIMESTAMP, $quality, self::JPEG)

Replace the existing image with a new one

$img->replace($to, $quality)

Remove temp image after editing and free memory


Free memory


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