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LOM PHP XML Library: Query XML documents to extract content by name

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lom_ 0.7Freeware5XML, PHP 5


This package can query XML documents to extract content by name.

It is an improvement on the class written originally by Jill Lingoff.

This version includes fixes that made it write XML documents correctly.

Picture of Free Ment
Name: Free Ment <contact>
Classes: 2 packages by
Country: Canada Canada
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x




$O = new O('write_test.xml');
// a bunch of write stuff, like writing one hundred times, or in the same place, or nested one hundred times; make it bullet proof then merge into main test file

/*$counter = 0;
while($counter < 1) {
/*$counter = 0;
//$string = '';
while($counter < 100) {
    //$string .= 'aaaaabbbbb';
//$O->new_('<taggo>' . $string . '</taggo>');
$counter = 0;
while($counter < 5) {
    $O->new_('<simple_write' . $counter . '></simple_write' . $counter . '>
/*$counter = 0;
$last_new = false;
while($counter < 5) {
    $last_new = $O->new_('<nested_write' . $counter . '></nested_write' . $counter . '>', $last_new);
// also test unnumbered nested writes once nested ones are working
$counter = 0;
$last_new = $O->enc('simple_write2');
while($counter < 5) {
    $last_new = $O->new_('<nested_write></nested_write>', $last_new);
$counter = 0;
$counter < 6) {
$counter % 2 === 0) {
$O->new_('<alternating_write' . $counter . '></alternating_write' . $counter . '>
    } else {
$O->new_('<alternating_write' . $counter . '></alternating_write' . $counter . '>', $O->enc('simple_write' . $counter));
// test writing out of nowhere into a nested tag
/*$O->new_('<into_the_nest1></into_the_nest1>', $O->enc('nested_write3'));
$into_the_nest2 = $O->new_('<into_the_nest2>some text</into_the_nest2>', $O->enc('nested_write2'));
print('$into_the_nest2: ');var_dump($into_the_nest2);
$O->new_('<into_the_nest3>some more text</into_the_nest3>', $into_the_nest2[0][1] + 20); // write right into the middle of the text
// + check for places where $offset_depths instead of defaulting to $this->offset_depths when expand() is called
// - do a simple check that lazy and greedy do what they should (probably grab whitespace at the end?) in expand(). no longer used
$O->new_('<complex1>text1<complex2>text2</complex2><complex3>text3</complex3>text4</complex1>', $O->enc('alternating_write4'));
//$O->new_('<alternating_write2>some debug text</alternating_write2>'); // debug
$O->__($O->enc('alternating_write2'), 'set text1');
/*$O->__($O->enc('alternating_write2'), 'set text2');
$O->__($O->enc('alternating_write2'), 'set text222');
$O->__($O->enc('alternating_write2'), 'set te2');
$O->__($O->enc('alternating_write2'), 'set text3');
//print('$O->offset_depths(): ');var_dump($O->offset_depths());
$O->__('complex2', 'new complex2');
//print('$O->offset_depths(): ');var_dump($O->offset_depths());
$O->__('complex3', '<nesty testy="yep">nesty text</nesty>');
//print('$O->offset_depths(): ');var_dump($O->offset_depths());*/

$O->new_('<complex1>some complex1 debug text</complex1>'); // debug
$O->__('complex1', '<selfclosing att="value" />');
$O->new_('<complex2>some complex2 debug text</complex2>'); // debug
$O->new_('<complex3>some complex3 debug text</complex3>'); // debug
$O->__('complex3', '<a><b>1</b><c>2<d></d>3</c><M><selfclosing att="value" />umm</M>');
// some new text tests, complex news, text in the middle of other text, new tags with text, also changing text, changing attributes, adding attributes, self-closing tags
$O->__('bubba', 'bbb');
$O->__('bubba', 'ccc<ill>ddd<healthy>eee</healthy></ill>fff<orange />ggg<grapes /><uppity><rouge type="color">hhh<red></red>iii</rouge>jjj</uppity>');
$O->__('grapes', '<cherries>five</cherries>');
$O->set_attribute('type', 'farbe', 'rouge');
$O->new_attribute('emotion', 'true', 'uppity');
$O->set_variable('my_orange', 'orange');
'my_orange: ');var_dump($O->get_variable('my_orange'));
$O->set_attribute('taste', 'sweet', 'orange');
$O->set_attribute('color', 'oran ge', 'orange');
'my_orange: ');var_dump($O->get_variable('my_orange'));

$O->set_variable('my_tricky', 'healthy|' . $O->enc('alternating_write2'));
'my_tricky1: ');var_dump($O->get_variable('my_tricky'));
$O->__('healthy', 'very healthy');
'my_tricky2: ');var_dump($O->get_variable('my_tricky'));
$O->__($O->enc('alternating_write2'), 'tricksome write');
'my_tricky3: ');var_dump($O->get_variable('my_tricky'));

$O->set_variable('my_easy', $O->enc('alternating_write0'));
'my_easy1: ');var_dump($O->get_variable('my_easy'));
$O->set_attribute('how', 'very', $O->enc('alternating_write0'));
'my_easy2: ');var_dump($O->get_variable('my_easy'));
$O->set_attribute('now', 'brown cow', $O->enc('alternating_write0'));
'my_easy3: ');var_dump($O->get_variable('my_easy'));
$O->set_attribute('how', 'kinda', $O->enc('alternating_write0'));
'my_easy4: ');var_dump($O->get_variable('my_easy'));
$O->__($O->enc('alternating_write0'), 'easy mode');
'my_easy5: ');var_dump($O->get_variable('my_easy'));

'my_orange, my_tricky, my_easy: ');var_dump($O->get_variable('my_orange'), $O->get_variable('my_tricky'), $O->get_variable('my_easy'));
$O->clear_variable(array('my_orange', 'my_tricky', 'my_easy'));
'my_orange, my_tricky, my_easy: ');var_dump($O->get_variable('my_orange'), $O->get_variable('my_tricky'), $O->get_variable('my_easy'));

// living variables useful, dddalthy, clean up debug

//print('$O->offset_depths(): ');var_dump($O->offset_depths());
//$b = $O->get_tagged('b');
//print('$O->offset_depths(): ');var_dump($O->offset_depths());
//print('$b: ');var_dump($b);
//$O->replace($b[0][0], '<newb>one</newb>', $b[0][1]); // replace isn't meant to be used externally
// + proper context updating for new_() not written yet!
// parent_node only obsolete??
// this->variables... test it
// check that context is properly updated for this like set_attribute
// add/change mixed content
// comment some debug stuff out
/* try all
context structure
    0 => selector
    1 => parent
    2 => matches array
    3 => offset depths

print('$O->code(): ');$O->var_dump_full($O->code());
'$O->context(): ');$O->var_dump_full($O->context());
'$O->code() 1: ');$O->var_dump_full($O->code());
'$O->code() 2: ');$O->var_dump_full($O->code());
'$O->code() 3: ');$O->var_dump_full($O->code());
'$O->code() 4: ');$O->var_dump_full($O->code());
'$O->context(): ');$O->var_dump_full($O->context());
$O->__('ill', '<unwell>contextually</unwell>');
'$O->context(): ');$O->var_dump_full($O->context());
$O->set_attribute('newatt', 'newval', 'selfclosing');
'$O->code() 5: ');$O->var_dump_full($O->code());




See test.php for usage examples.

To see an example of what's possible with LOM, check out some games made using it: (early adopters will more likely have their quests added and be reknowned in the game!)<br />

Version 0.7

Great optimizations. About 10 times faster again in practical cases!

Version 0.6

Great optimizations. About 10 times faster in practical cases!

Version 0.5

LOM is now feature complete. It has been made faster by fixing up some bugs. If something goes wrong (which happens a lot less now!) you can use O::debug(); to give you the debug messages. Some bug fixes included imprecisions in internal encoding, a rework of the offset_depths array system to make it consistent throughout, adding a few little useful functions, less hacks to make things work (this is a great change, not assuming what code is coming in and thus being universal). Enjoy, have fun!

Version 0.4.5

Some small bug fixes and optimizations.

Version 0.4

This is an excellent version. Writing works properly now. It's now fractal and refinements could still be made. Forked from <a href="">LOM</a>.

Version 0.2

If you are manipulating XML with PHP then this is the code you want. LOM used to use array-based internal data structure but now uses string-based internal data structure. With this type of optimization it's about 10 times faster. Another improvement is that the external data structure (that which is accesible as the results of queries) is now the more familiar (to users of PHP regular expressions) string-offset pairs.

Version 0.1

LOM is an XML querying language; or slang, if you prefer. In terms of other querying languages: this one would be said to use a dynamic, rather than static, context. So query results depend on code-wise previous query results. Basically, it allows a coder to write code more lazily by having LOM assume that something not very specifically referenced should be looked for within the most relevant contexts (usually the most recent ones). This pushes it a little towards being conversational rather than only logical. An example will probably clarify things:

Sarah: I want lots of friends. Do you have many friends?<br> Jill: I have some but my brother has more.<br> Sarah: Oh yeah, my brother has lots of friends too.<br> Jill: What are their names?<br>

Based on the above conversation, we can probably see that what we are interested in would be the names of Sarah's brother's friends and not the names of Jill's friends or the names of all the friends Sarah and Jill know or the names of everything in the universe. LOM makes the syntax for this query simple; it would be $O->_('name'); assuming that the rest of the conversation were similarly coded.

See test.php for usage examples.

  Files folder image Files (6)  
File Role Description
Plain text file O.php Class Class source
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Documentation
Accessible without login Plain text file test.php Example Example script
Accessible without login Plain text file test.xml Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file write_test.php Example Example script
Accessible without login Plain text file write_test.xml Data Auxiliary data

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