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Cryptonita: Encrypt and decrypt data with symmetric encryption

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cryptonita 1.0.0MIT/X Consortium ...7.4Cryptography, PHP 7


Encrypt and decrypt data with symmetric encryption.

It can encrypt a string of data using a given cryptography method, information vector, and hash. It returns a base64 encoded string of the encrypted data.

The class can also decrypt a base64 encoded version of the encrypted data using the same cryptography method, information vector, and hash.

The cryptography method, information vector, and hash are parameters that are read by the class from a configuration script.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2023
Number 6
Some applications must encrypt and decrypt data to protect it before sending it to an external system.

PHP supports several ways of encrypting data. The most robust methods include multiple additional parameters defining encryption methods, information vectors, and hashes.

This class can encrypt and decrypt data using the OpenSSL PHP extension.

Since this extension requires several additional parameters besides the actual data that it needs to encrypt and decrypt, the package can simplify the setting of those parameters by reading the respective values for an external configuration script.

This way, this package can simplify the encryption and data decryption process.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Rodrigo Faustino
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 23x

Winner: 3x



Encrypt Method ($this->encrypt_method):

The type of encryption method (e.g., "AES-256-CBC").

The exact method is defined in the external configuration file as METHOD.

Initialization Vector ($this->secret_iv):

An Initialization Vector (IV) is crucial for block cipher modes. In this mode, the IV is hashed to generate a derived value, and then the derived IV is trimmed to 16 bytes.

The exact value for the IV is defined in the external configuration file as SECRETIV.

Hash Algorithm ($this->hash):

The hashing algorithm derives the encryption key and IV from the secret IV.

The exact hash algorithm is defined in the external configuration file as HASH.

Encryption and Decryption:

The hidden function checks for an action parameter:

If $action is 1, it encrypts the input string using the specified encryption method, key, and IV.

The encrypted data is then encoded with base64 to provide a string easily stored or transmitted without special encoding.

If $action is 2, it first decodes the input string using base64, then decrypts the data using the specified encryption method, key, and IV.

Usage of openssl_encrypt and openssl_decrypt Functions:

These functions are from PHP's OpenSSL extension, which provides a way to use the OpenSSL library for data encryption.


require __DIR__ ."/vendor/autoload.php";


$cripto = new Crypto();
$nome="XXXXXXX faustino";
$email="[email protected]";
// resultado criptografado hidden(string, 1=criptgrafa)
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$criptografado []= $cripto->hidden($value);
"-------Resultado Criptografia---------------------";
// resultado Descriptografado hidden(string, 2=descriptgrafa)
foreach (
$criptografado as $key => $value) {
$descriptografado[]= $cripto->show($value);
"------Resultado Descriptografia-------------------";


CryptoPHP Documentação



A classe Crypto é responsável por encriptar e descriptar informações usando a criptografia OpenSSL. (criptografia simétrica) como o proposito exclusivo de esconder as informações no banco de dados e usar a mesma chave para mostrar os dados na aplicação

Início Rápido

  • clone o repositório (git clone
  • composer install


  • Composer e autoloader configurado.
  • Arquivo `config.php` com as constantes `METHOD`, `SECRETIV` e `HASH` definidas.


require __DIR__ ."/vendor/autoload.php";
use App\Cryptonita\Crypto;


  • Criptografar Informações
  • Para criptografar informações, instancie a classe Crypto e utilize o método hidden passando o valor 1 como segundo argumento:
    $cripto = new Crypto();
    $nome = "XXXXXXX faustino";
    $criptografado = $cripto->hidden($nome, 1);
  • Descriptografar Informações
  • Para descriptografar, utilize o método hidden passando o valor 2 como segundo argumento:
    $nomeDescriptografado = $cripto->hidden($criptografado, 2);
    ### Exemplo Completo
    require __DIR__ ."/vendor/autoload.php";

use App\Cryptonita\Crypto;

$cripto = new Crypto(); $nome="XXXXXXX faustino"; $email="[email protected]"; $likedin=""; $site=""; $data=[$nome,$email,$likedin,$site]; $criptografado=[]; // resultado criptografado hidden(string) foreach ($data as $key => $value) {

$criptografado []= $cripto->hidden($value);

} echo "-------Resultado Criptografia---------------------"; var_dump($criptografado); echo "--------------------------------------------------"; // resultado Descriptografado show(string) $descriptografado=[]; foreach ($criptografado as $key => $value) {

$descriptografado[]= $cripto->show($value);

} echo "------Resultado Descriptografia-------------------"; var_dump($descriptografado); echo "--------------------------------------------------";

### Contribuindo
- Contribuições são bem-vindas! Sinta-se à vontade para abrir uma issue ou um pull request.

### Licença
O Cripto é licenciado sob a licença MIT. 

Videos (1)  
  • Criptografia Avançada em PHP: Esconda os dados das pessoas!
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User Comments (1)
This package does NOT encrypt data.
1 year ago (John Conde)