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How to Use a PHP Wordle Implementation From the CLI Using the Package Wordle CLI: Run the Wordle game on the command line console

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wordle-cli 1.0Custom (specified...7Games, Console, PHP 7


This package can run the Wordle game on the command line console.

It provides a PHP implementation of the Wordle game that can be started from the command line console.

The game is available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Picture of Rodolfo Berrios Arce
Name: Rodolfo Berrios Arce <contact>
Classes: 5 packages by
Country: Chile Chile
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 3x


#!/usr/bin/env php

 * This file is part of Chevere.
 * (c) Rodolfo Berrios <[email protected]>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.


use function

__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$climate = new CLImate();
$climate->addArt(__DIR__ . '/app/banner');

$options = [
'en' => 'English',
'es' => 'Español',
'pt' => 'Português',
$input = $climate->radio('Language selection:', $options);
$lang = $input->prompt();

$climate->addArt(__DIR__ . "/app/lang/{$lang}/banner");

$en = [
'options' => 'Game options',
'length' => 'Word length [3, 8] (default 5)',
'responses' => 'Responses [0, n] (default 6, no limit 0)',
'looking' => 'Looking for <invert> %length% </invert> char word',
'try' => 'Try',
'must' => 'Word must be %s char length',
'unknown' => 'Unknown word (not in wordlist)',
'welcome' => 'Welcome to Wordle CLI!',
'instructions' => 'You have to guess a word of a certain length.',
'exact_match' => 'Exact match',
'partial_match' => 'Partial (wrong position)',
'no_match' => 'No match',
'tries' => 'tries',

$es = [
'options' => 'Opciones del juego',
'length' => 'Largo de palabra [3, 8] (defecto 5)',
'responses' => 'Respuestas [0, n] (defecto 6, sin límite 0)',
'looking' => 'Buscando palabra de <invert> %length% </invert> caracteres',
'try' => 'Intento',
'must' => 'La palabra debe ser de %s caracteres',
'unknown' => 'Palabra desconocida (no está en el diccionario)',
'welcome' => 'Bienvenido a Wordle CLI!',
'instructions' => 'Tienes que adivinar una palabra de cierta longitud.',
'exact_match' => 'Coincidencia exacta',
'partial_match' => 'Parcial (posición incorrecta)',
'no_match' => 'Sin coincidencia',
'tries' => 'intentos',

$pt = [
'options' => 'Opções do jogo',
'length' => 'Comprimento da palavra [3, 8] (padrão 5)',
'responses' => 'Respostas [0, n] (padrão 6, sem limite 0)',
'looking' => 'Procurando palavra de <invert> %length% </invert> caracteres',
'try' => 'Tente',
'must' => 'A palavra deve ter %s caracteres',
'unknown' => 'Palavra desconhecida (não está no dicionário)',
'welcome' => 'Bem-vindo ao Wordle CLI!',
'instructions' => 'Você tem que adivinhar uma palavra de certo comprimento.',
'exact_match' => 'Correspondência exata',
'partial_match' => 'Parcial (posição errada)',
'no_match' => 'Sem correspondência',
'tries' => 'tentativas',

$LANG = $$lang;

$climate->br()->out('? ' . $LANG['welcome'])->br();
$climate->out('? ' . $LANG['exact_match']);
$climate->out('? ' . $LANG['partial_match']);
$climate->out('? ' . $LANG['no_match'])->br();

$options = range(3, 8);
$climate->out('<green>' . $LANG['options'] . '</green>');
$input = $climate->input('<green>* ' . $LANG['length'] . ':</green>');
$wordLength = intval($input->prompt());

$input = $climate->input('<green>* ' . $LANG['responses'] .' :</green>');
$ansTries = intval($input->prompt());
$attempts = $ansTries === 0
? '?'
: $ansTries;

$wordListFile = filePhpReturnForPath(__DIR__ . "/app/lang/{$lang}/words/{$wordLength}.php");
$wordList = $wordListFile->cast()->array();
$randomWord = mb_strtoupper($wordList[rand(0, count($wordList))]);
$word = new Word($randomWord);
'? ' . $LANG['looking'] . ':',
'%length%' => $wordLength,
$emojiLines = [];
$answers = [];
$try = 0;
do {
$input = $climate->input(
strtr('? '. $LANG['try'] .' %try/%attempts:', [
'%try' => strval($try + 1),
'%attempts' => $attempts,
$ansTries = $input->prompt();
    if (
strlen($ansTries) === 0) {
$noMatch = true;
sprintf($LANG['must'], $word->length())

$attemptUpper = mb_strtoupper($ansTries);
$attemptLower = mb_strtolower($ansTries);
$against = new Word($attemptUpper);
    if (
$against->length() !== $word->length()) {
$noMatch = true;
sprintf($LANG['must'], $word->length())

    if (!
in_array($attemptLower, $wordList, true)) {
$noMatch = true;

$answers[] = $attemptUpper;
$compare = new Compare($word, $against);
$noMatch = ! $compare->match();
$explain = [];
$emoji = '';
    foreach (
$against->split() as $pos => $letter) {
$match = $compare->computed()[$pos][$letter];
$color = '' . match ($match) {
Word::CHAR_MATCH_EXACT => 'green',
Word::CHAR_MATCH_PARTIAL => 'light_yellow',
Word::CHAR_MATCH_NONE => 'dark_gray',
$explain[] = "<invert><{$color}> {$letter} </{$color}></invert>";
$emoji .= match ($match) {
Word::CHAR_MATCH_EXACT => '?',
Word::CHAR_MATCH_NONE => '?',
$emojiLines[] = $emoji;
$explain[] = ' <invert><green>(' . $compare->fraction() . ')</green></invert>';
$climate->out(implode('', $explain));
} while (
$noMatch && ($attempts !== '?' && $try < $attempts));
$climate->animation($noMatch ? 'lose' : 'win')->enterFrom('bottom');
$LANGdgame = strtr('%icon% GAME OVER (%tries% ' . $LANG['tries'] . ') ? %word%', [
'%tries%' => $try,
'%icon%' => $noMatch ? '?' : '?',
'%word%' => $randomWord,
$climate->flank($LANGdgame, '*', 3);
$climate->br()->out(implode("\n", $emojiLines));


Rodber's Wordle-CLI

<a href=""><img alt="Get it on macOS" src=".github/badge/macos.png" height="50" hspace="2"><img alt="Get it on Linux" src=".github/badge/linux.png" height="50" hspace="2"><img alt="Get it on Windows" src=".github/badge/windows.png" height="50" hspace="2"></a>

This is a Wordle CLI remix game:

  • Pick language to answer (En, Pt, Es)
  • Choose word length (3, 8)
  • Determine number of allowed responses (default 6)

Run binary

  • Get the latest binary from the releases page
  • Run `wordle-cli` from your terminal

Windows users can run wsl ./wordle-cli from the Windows terminal.

Run using Docker

docker run -it --rm --init --name rodber-wordle-cli ./wordle-cli

Build Docker image

docker build -t .

Run from source

composer install



Copyright Rodolfo Berrios A.

This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

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Accessible without login Plain text file build-words Example Example script
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Accessible without login Plain text file wordle-cli Example Example script

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