PHP Classes

Form Table Generator: Generate forms to add or edit MySQL table records

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2007-08-24 (9 years ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot enough user ratingsTotal: 2,437 All time: 1,530 This week: 1,042Up
Version License PHP version Categories
ftg 1GNU Lesser Genera...4HTML, Databases
Description Author

This class can be used to generate HTML forms, based on table schema automaically deterimend from a database table. The HTML can be customised.

It retrieves the list of fields of a given MySQL database table. Then it generates HTML forms for entering values of records of that table.

The table primary key field can be automatically omitted from the output.

The generated forms may be populated with default values when the forms are generated in edit mode.

An XML configuration file can be used to define how to map the table fields into form inputs. The configuration file can also be used to add, remove or customise form sections.

The generated forms can be returned as a string or saved to a file.

Picture of Michael Burgess
Name: Michael Burgess <contact>
Classes: 3 packages by
Country: United Kingdom United Kingdom

	Michael J. Burgess

Generate user-submission forms aligned with a html table by simply suppling a database link and a table name. 

Generate forms to 'add' or 'edit' data (forms have no php-based submission code associated) 
choosing 'edit' populates fields with php-variable default values. 

The primary key can be automatically removed from the output. 

Database field types e.g. varchar, are mapped in an xml config file, to html form fields. 

You can add, customise or remove any section of the html generated from within the xml file. 

Author-written documentation regarding configuration and use is supplied. 

The class either generates a string or saves to a file.

There are also many more possibilities accesible via configuration of the xml file.

Examples provided.
Test script provided.

Read Manual before use as default values may not suite your database.
  • extra/raw_output.jpg
  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageextra (5 files)
Plain text file FormTableGenerator.class.php Class Main Class File
Plain text file readme.txt Doc. Relevant Package Info
Plain text file Unserializer.php Class Modified PEAR Package
Accessible without login Plain text file ftg.config.xml Data Configuration File
Plain text file ftg.config.xsd.xml Data Configuration File XSD

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