PHP Classes

PHP Threader: MultiThreading-like Functionality in PHP[Win&*nix]

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2008-08-01 (8 years ago) RSS 2.0 feedStarStarStar 59%Total: 3,403 This week: 1All time: 980 This week: 1,047Down
Version License PHP version Categories
phpthreader 1.6MIT/X Consortium ...5Language, AJAX
Description Author

This class can be used to add MultiThreading-like Functionality to PHP.

Online Docs Here :

The Class has an OOP Dynamic structure allowing adding Thread-Calling Classes Or Communication Classes As add-ons

it Comes with 3 Default Thread Calling Methods :-

1. Sockets : in Sockets Method it uses PHPSockets to generate POST requests to server to trigger Thread Execution.

2. Ajax : in Ajax Method It generates Javascript to generate AJAX requests to trigger Thread Execution(Js must be enabled in Client side) .

3. CLI : in CLI Methods OS Specific Shell Calls are used to trigger Thread Execution [Exec() must be enabled].

Multiple scripts may be executed in parallel.

Each thread may take it's own parameters .

it Comes with 3 Default Thread Communication & Synchronization Methods :-

1. Shared Memory (Shmop Extension must be available)

1. Flat Files

2. MySql Heap Engine/Table (Offcourse MySQL must be availabe with table creating Prevaliges)

The Class has the Features of :-

1. Completely Cross Platform Threads

3. Threads can communicate directly & Share data (Communication is Fully encapsulated) .

4. Providing Tracing of each Thread State

5. Abstract Mutex Class which can be used from user defined Communication Clases .

6. Threads can interact directly with user in Ajax Method (works best with FireFox as it implements Ajax as it should) .

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
September 2007

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the magazine by PHP Architect
Some times applications need to execute tasks that may take a long time to finish.

Ideally the users should be able to keep track of the progress of the tasks being executed, so they know how much of the whole task has been done and what long it may take to end.

This class can help solving these problems using AJAX requests to trigger the execution of long one or more tasks on the server side, as well retrieving information about the progress of the tasks while they have not yet finished.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Mohammed Yousef
Name: Mohammed Yousef <contact>
Classes: 2 packages by
Country: Egypt Egypt
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x

Winner: 1x

  • Class_Illustration.jpg
  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageCom (4 files)
Files folder imageHandlers (2 files)
Files folder imageSync (1 file)
Files folder imageThread (4 files)
Files folder imageDoc (4 files)
Files folder imageExamples (11 files)
Plain text file AjT.js Aux. Js Class

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