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Language Detector: Detect the preferred language of the user

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Version License PHP version Categories
language-detector 2.1.0Free To Use But R...5.0Localization, HTTP, PHP 5
Description Author

This class can detect the preferred language of the user accessing the site.

It can look at the HTTP request accept header and determine the preferred language of the user from a list of supported languages.

The detected language can fallback to a language associated to the user country in case the Accept header is not sent by the browser.

The detected language can be stored in a cookie to avoid needing to detect the language again in subsequent requests.

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# Language Detector

Determines website visitor's most likely language. Works by parsing HTTP header Accept Language, or, when the header is not sent, other clues are used:

* The server may know the client's locale code. Language is then determined from locale.
* The server may know the client's country code (from IP address). Language is then determined from country code.

## Dependency

Package [peterkahl/country-to-locale]( "Required dependency") is a required dependency.

## Usage

use peterkahl\languageDetector\languageDetector;

# For testing purposes, we set the header. Otherwise to be omitted.
$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.5,en;q=0.25';

$langObj = new languageDetector;
$langObj->languageDefault = 'en-gb';
$langObj->languageMap     = array(
                              'zh-hk'    => 'zh-hk',
                              'zh-mo'    => 'zh-hk',
                              'zh-tw'    => 'zh-hk',
                              'zh-hant*' => 'zh-hk',
                              'zh-yue*'  => 'zh-hk',
                              'zh-cn'    => 'zh-cn',
                              'zh-sg'    => 'zh-cn',
                              'zh-my'    => 'zh-cn',
                              'zh-hans*' => 'zh-cn',
                              'zh'       => 'zh-cn',
                              'ja*'      => 'ja-jp',
                              'sk*'      => 'sk-sk',
                              'cs*'      => 'cs-cz',
                              'it*'      => 'it-it',
                              'nl*'      => 'nl-nl',
                              'fr*'      => 'fr-fr',
                              'ru*'      => 'ru-ru',
                              'es*'      => 'es-es',
                              'pt*'      => 'pt-pt',
                              'de*'      => 'de-de',
                              'en*'      => 'en-gb',

$langObj->countryCode     = 'DE'; # Value provided by GeoIP detection of your server
$langObj->anonymousProxy  = 'no'; # Value provided by GeoIP detection of your server

echo $langObj->getLanguage(); # zh-cn
echo $langObj->getMethod();   # accept-language
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