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Compete: Get site access statistics using the Compete API

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compete 1.0.9BSD License5.3PHP 5, Web services


This class can get site access statistics using the Compete API.

It can send HTTP requests to the Compete API Web server to retrieve access statistics of a given site.

The Compete API may return site access statistics for different metrics like unique visitors, visits, rank, page views, average stay, visits per person, pages per visit, attention time, reach, user gender, user age, user income, etc..

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2012
Number 5

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
Compete is as site that provides many different types of access statistics of any site on the Web.

This class can retrieve site access statistics for any site from Compete using its API.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Egor Gumenuk
Name: Egor Gumenuk <contact>
Classes: 3 packages by
Country: United States United States
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x



PHP wrapper for [Compete API]( ## Examples of usage Wrapper has generic method `get`. You can retrieve any kind of metric via this method: ```php <?php require 'Compete.php'; // Create API wrapper instance $compete = new Compete('YOUR_API_KEY'); // Basic usage $data = $compete->get('SOME_DOMAIN', 'METRIC_CODE'); // Get the number of people who visited a domain $data = $compete->get('', 'uv'); // Get the ranking of the domain by total number of unique visitors $data = $compete->get('', 'rank'); ``` Here is list of available metrics: <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td bgcolor="#eee">Metric Name</td><td bgcolor="#eee">Basic or All-Acces?</td><td bgcolor="#eee">description</td><td bgcolor="#eee">metric code</td></tr><tr><td class="first_column">Unique Visitors</td><td>Basic</td><td align="left" class="third_column">The number of people who visited a domain</td><td><em>uv</em></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#f0f0f0" class="first_column">Visits</td><td bgcolor="#f0f0f0">Basic</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#f0f0f0" class="third_column">The number of separate visits made to a domain by all unique visitors</td><td bgcolor="#f0f0f0"><em>vis</em></td></tr><tr><td class="first_column">Rank</td><td>Basic</td><td align="left" class="third_column">The ranking of the domain by total number of unique visitors</td><td><em>rank</em></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#f0f0f0" class="first_column">Page Views</td><td bgcolor="#f0f0f0">All-Access</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#f0f0f0" class="third_column">The number of times a page has been loaded from a domain</td><td bgcolor="#f0f0f0"><em>pv</em></td></tr><tr><td class="first_column">Average Stay</td><td>All-Access</td><td align="left" class="third_column">The average number of seconds that a visit lasts </td><td><em>avgstay</em></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#f0f0f0" class="first_column">Visits/Person</td><td bgcolor="#f0f0f0">All-Access</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#f0f0f0" class="third_column">The average number of times each unique visitor visits the domain</td><td bgcolor="#f0f0f0"><em>vpp</em></td></tr><tr><td class="first_column">Pages/Visit</td><td>All-Access</td><td align="left" class="third_column">The average number of pages displayed during a visit</td><td><em>ppv</em></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#f0f0f0" class="first_column">Attention</td><td bgcolor="#f0f0f0">All-Access</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#f0f0f0" class="third_column">The percent of total minutes spent by all US users on the internet that were spent on this domain</td><td bgcolor="#f0f0f0"><em>att</em></td></tr><tr><td class="first_column"> Reach (daily)</td><td>All-Access</td><td align="left" class="third_column">The percent of all US users on the internet that had at least one visit to this domain by day</td><td><em>reachd</em></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#f0f0f0" class="first_column">Attention (daily)</td><td bgcolor="#f0f0f0">All-Access</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#f0f0f0" class="third_column">The percent of total minutes spent by all US users on the internet that were spent on this domain by day</td><td bgcolor="#f0f0f0"><em>attd</em></td></tr><tr><td class="first_column">Gender</td><td>All-Access</td><td align="left" class="third_column">The split between males and females visiting a domain</td><td><em>gen</em></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#f0f0f0" class="first_column">Age</td><td bgcolor="#f0f0f0">All-Access</td><td align="left" bgcolor="#f0f0f0" class="third_column">Percent of unique visitors in various age brackets</td><td bgcolor="#f0f0f0"><em>age</em></td></tr><tr><td class="first_column">Income</td><td>All-Access</td><td align="left" class="third_column">Percent of unique visitors in various income brackets</td><td><em>inc</em></td></tr></tbody></table> Also you can use specific methods for getting data: ```php <?php // The number of people who visited a domain $compete->uniqueVisitors(''); // The number of separate visits made to a domain by all unique visitors $compete->visits(''); // The ranking of the domain by total number of unique visitors $compete->rank(''); // The number of times a page has been loaded from a domain $compete->pageViews(''); // The average number of seconds that a visit lasts $compete->averageStay(''); // The average number of times each unique visitor visits the domain $compete->visitsPerson(''); // The average number of pages displayed during a visit $compete->pagesVisit(''); // The percent of total minutes spent by all US users // on the internet that were spent on this domain $compete->attention(''); // The percent of all US users on the internet that // had at least one visit to this domain by day $compete->dailyReach(''); // The percent of total minutes spent by all US users // on the internet that were spent on this domain by day $compete->dailyAttention(''); // The split between males and females visiting a domain $compete->gender(''); // Percent of unique visitors in various age brackets $compete->age(''); // Percent of unique visitors in various income brackets $compete->income(''); ``` ## Response format Return values have same format but decoded via `json_decode` (wrapped in `stdClass`). Trends field name depends on specific metric. ```json { "status": "OK", "data": { "trends": { "uv": [ {"date": "200906", "value": 90714948}, {"date": "200907", "value": 98292793}, {"date": "200908", "value": 103509116}, ... ] }, "trends_low_sample": false, "query_cost": 13, "trends_frequency": "monthly" } } ``` ## Errors If there is some error in request wrapper will throw `CompeteException`. ## TODO * Add support for additional request params(date, graph, ...)

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