PHP Classes

Extract Name from Email Address: Extract person name from e-mail address header

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Version License PHP version Categories
extract-name-email 1.2.23Free To Use But R...5.0Email, PHP 5, Text processing
Description Author

This class can extract person name from e-mail address header.

It can parse given e-mail header line that should contain a person name and attempts to extract the person name from it.

The class uses certain heuristics to evaluate common ways people put their names in e-mail addresses to split the person names in its multiple parts.

A dictionary of common people names may be used to assure that the extracted names are part of the actual person name.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2012
Number 5
Some applications receive e-mail messages from users that do not specify their real name.

This class tries to guess the real name of a person that uses given e-mail address by parsing the address and splitting it in possible names that make part of the person real name.

Manuel Lemos
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 23x

Winner: 2x

# Name From Email String
Extracts person's real name from an email (or any) string.

## Usage

use peterkahl\nameFromString\nameFromString;

$email = 'johnbutterworth@genius.whatever';

echo nameFromString::getName($email); # John Butterworth


## Dictionary
This class depends on a dictionary of names.

While it is good to have large dictionary of all possible strings (names), having the dictionary too large may cause erroneous results. Remember, you can never expect a precise result from this class; in most cases, the results are quite precise.

For your convenience, extended version of the dictionary is provided. You may, also, create your own dictionary, especially if the one provided doesn't contain the names that are common in your geographical area.
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