PHP Classes

PHP Cookie Session Manager: Store and retrieve data in cookies or PHP sessions

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Version License PHP version Categories
cookie-session 1.0.8GNU General Publi...7.0HTTP, User Management, PHP 7


This package can store and retrieve data in cookies or PHP sessions.

It can set session values assigning individual variables or set several values using an associative array.

It can also check if a variable exists, retrieve or delete it is value.

Session data can be stored in PHP sessions or cookie values.

Picture of Pierre-Henry Soria
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 18x

Winner: 3x




CookieSession is a very light library to manage easily and simply the Session and Cookie with PHP 7+ (and without spending time by configuring and securing them).

Composer Installation

You can add it easily in your projec by using Composer.

$ composer require ph-7/cookiesession

Then, include Composer's autoload

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

Manual Installation

If you don't use Composer, you can install it without Composer by including the following

require 'src/autoloader.php';

Usage for Session

use PH7\CookieSession\Session\Session;

$oSession = new Session;

$oSession->set('lang_pref', 'English');

// Create some sessions with an array
$aData = [
    'my_session' => 'The value',
    'another_session' => 'Another value',
    'my_name' => 'Pierre-Henry'
// Add these sessions

// Get session
echo $oSession->get('lang_pref'); // Will display 'English'
echo $oSession->get('another_session'); // Will display 'Another value'

echo ($oSession->exists('my_name')) ? $oSession->get('my_name') : 'Well, well, we dont have a name in the session'; // Will display 'Pierre-Henry'

$oSession->remove('my_name'); // Remove 'my_name' session

echo $oSession->get('my_name'); // Will display nothing (empty string) as 'my_name' session has been removed

Usage with Cookie (very similar)

use PH7\CookieSession\Cookie\Cookie;

$oCookie = new Cookie;

$oCookie->set('mycookie', 'Amazing Value!');

// Create some cookies in array
$aCookies = [
    'name' => 'Pierre-Henry',
    'city' => 'Manchester',
    'job' => 'Software Engineer'

if ($oCookie->exists($aCookies)) {
    echo 'All the following cookies exist: ' . implode(', ', $aCookies);

echo $oCookie->get('name'); // Will display 'Pierre-Henry'
echo $oCookie->get('mycookie'); // Will display 'Amazing Value!'

$oCookie->remove($aCookies); // Remove all cookies

echo $oCookie->get('name');  // Will display nothing (empty string)


  • PHP 7 or higher

The Author

I'm Pierre-Henry Soria, Software Developer passionate about a lot of things and currently living in Manchester city, UK


You can send an email at pierrehenrysoria [AT] gmail {D0T} COM or at phy {AT} hizup [D0T] UK


Under General Public License 3 or later.

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The PHP Classes site has supported package installation using the Composer tool since 2013, as you may verify by reading this instructions page.
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 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
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