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ITE Event Manager: Manage events implementing PSR-14 interface

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Version License PHP version Categories
ite-event-manager 1.2BSD License5.6PHP 5, Language, Design Patterns, Traits, P...
Description Author

This package can manage events implementing PSR-14 interface.

It implements the event manager interface so it can work with the publish and subscribe pattern for registering listeners and dispatching events.

It provides a trait for attaching, triggering and removing event listeners in any class so it works as an event manager.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2016
Number 4
PHP Standards Recommendation number 14 (PSR-14) defines a specification for interfaces of classes that manage events using the publish and subscribe pattern.

This package provides an implementation of the PSR-14 specification.

It provides a trait that can be included in any class, so it can either register to listen to certain kind of events, or trigger the processing of any events and call registered function callbacks.

Manuel Lemos
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 5x


If-Then-Else Event Manager package


Set of classes the can be used for managing events (publish/subscribe pattern). It also provides a trait for attaching, triggering and removing event listeners within a custom class more in javascript style, turning this class into event manager itself.

NOTE: The psr interfaces are not part of this package, but are included for tests purposes. If you want to use them anyway, you must add their namespace and path to composer.json's autoload section.

This package implements PSR-14 (DRAFT) standards. See for more information.


You can see the examples in the 'tests' folder

Event manager example:


use Ite\EventManager\Event;
use Ite\EventManager\EventManager;


require_once './vendor/autoload.php';

// load psr interfaces if they not exists
// (not part of this package, but included for convenience):
if (!interface_exists('Psr\\EventManager\\EventInterface')) {
        require_once './psr/event-manager/EventInterface.php';
if (!interface_exists('Psr\\EventManager\\EventManagerInterface')) {
        require_once './psr/event-manager/EventManagerInterface.php';

# Create some callbacks:
$callback1 = function(Event $e) {
        echo $e->getName().PHP_EOL;

$callback2 = function (Event $e) {
        // return result to the trigger
        return 1;
$callback3 = function (Event $e, $result) {
        // get the result, returned by the events and dump it:
        // This callback will stop the event triggering

$callback4 = function (Event $e) {

// initiate the event manager
$eventManager = new EventManager();
// attach the callbacks:
$eventManager->attach('TestEvent', $callback1);
$eventManager->attach('TestEvent', $callback2);
$eventManager->attach('TestEvent', $callback3);
$eventManager->attach('TestEvent', $callback4);
// trigger the TestEvent. After $callback3 the triggering will be stopped
// and $callback4 won't be called:
$eventManager->trigger('TestEvent', null, ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]);

// remove $callback3
$eventManager->detach('TestEvent', $callback3);
// trigger the TestEvent again. This time $callback4 will be called:
$eventManager->trigger('TestEvent', null, ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]);
// attach to second event:
$eventManager->attach("Event2", $callback1);
$eventManager->attach("Event2", $callback4);
// trigger the second event:

Event listener manager example:


use Ite\EventManager\EventListenerManagerInterface;
use Ite\EventManager\EventListenerManagerTrait;
use Ite\EventManager\EventManager;
use Psr\EventManager\EventInterface;


require_once './vendor/autoload.php';

// load psr interfaces if they not exists
// (not part of this package, but included for convenience):
if (!interface_exists('Psr\\EventManager\\EventInterface')) {
        require_once './psr/event-manager/EventInterface.php';
if (!interface_exists('Psr\\EventManager\\EventManagerInterface')) {
        require_once './psr/event-manager/EventManagerInterface.php';

class EventManagerAwareTests implements EventListenerManagerInterface {

        use EventListenerManagerTrait;

        protected $checks = 'asd';


$manager = new EventManagerAwareTests();
$manager->setEventManager(new EventManager());

$manager->addEventListener('TestEvent', function (EventInterface $e) {
        var_dump($e, $this->checks); // will dump the event object and 'asd'
}, 0, true);

$manager->fire('TestEvent', $manager);
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