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What is the best PHP cron management class?: Manage cron in a visual environment

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What is the best PHP cron management class?


Picture of behnamy by behnamy - 4 months ago (2015-09-25)

Manage cron in a visual environment

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I want a package to manage cron jobs in a visual environment, create my own Web app and manage cron jobs, not in command line.

For example I want to create a Web page for admin of web site to add, delete, edit cron jobs and only I add one file in crons of my web hosting control panel, not 20! I want to add those 20 in my admin management part.

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2 Recommendations

PHP Cron Admin: Schedule jobs stored in files and MySQL

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Dave Smith by Dave Smith Reputation 5955 - 4 months ago (2015-09-30) Comment

If you have restricted access to the server, this class indicates it works like cron and can store the instructions in its own files or mysql tables. I haven't used it, so I won't be able to answer any questions, but you may want to give it a try.

cjpa's Crontab Class: Manipulate cron tab files to schedule programs

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 11100 - 4 months ago (2015-09-26) Comment

This class can do that for you. It can retrieve the crontab for a given user, list, add and remove cron jobs and write the updated crontab back.

  • 1 Comment
  • 1. Picture of behnamy by behnamy - 4 months ago (2015-09-27) Reply

    But I think this package doesn't work in shared hosting! (because of using exec function) think that you saved the urls of your scripts that you want to execute them in cronjob by a foreach loop. how can we do it? one options is require_once() each of them! It's very bad idea you can't execute script

    second options is using pcntl_fork function that it is not working in 99.99% of hosting. another option is using exec and shell_exec that these are not working in 90% of hosting.

    What do you suggest?

Recommend package