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File: test_form.php

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File: test_form.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Forms class test page script
Class: PHP Forms Class with HTML Generator and JavaScript Validation
HTML forms generation and validation.
Author: By
Last change: Added an alt tag to the content image submit button.
Date: 11 years ago
Size: 14,504 bytes



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<?php /* * test_form.php * * @(#) $Header: /opt2/ena/metal/forms/test_form.php,v 1.34 2008/08/16 04:53:46 mlemos Exp $ * */ /* * Include form class code. */ require("forms.php"); /* * Create a form object. */ $form=new form_class; /* * Define the name of the form to be used for example in Javascript * validation code generated by the class. */ $form->NAME="subscription_form"; /* * Use the GET method if you want to see the submitted values in the form * processing URL, or POST otherwise. */ $form->METHOD="POST"; /* * Make the form be displayed and also processed by this script. */ $form->ACTION=""; /* * Specify a debug output function you really want to output any * programming errors. */ $form->debug="trigger_error"; /* * Define a warning message to display by Javascript code when the user * attempts to submit the this form again from the same page. */ $form->ResubmitConfirmMessage= "Are you sure you want to submit this form again?"; /* * Output previously set password values */ $form->OutputPasswordValues=1; /* * Output multiple select options values separated by line breaks */ $form->OptionsSeparator="<br />\n"; /* * Output all validation errors at once. */ $form->ShowAllErrors=1; /* * CSS class to apply to all invalid inputs. * Set to a non-empty string to specify the invalid input CSS class */ $form->InvalidCLASS='invalid'; /* * Style to apply to all invalid inputs when you just want to override a * few style attributes, instead of replacing the CSS class * Set to a non-empty string to specify the invalid input style attributes * * $form->InvalidSTYLE='background-color: #ffcccc; border-color: #000080'; * */ /* * Text to prepend and append to the validation error messages. */ $form->ErrorMessagePrefix="- "; $form->ErrorMessageSuffix=""; /* * Define the form field properties even if they may not be displayed. */ $form->AddInput(array( "TYPE"=>"text", "NAME"=>"email", "ID"=>"email", "MAXLENGTH"=>100, "Capitalization"=>"lowercase", "ValidateAsEmail"=>1, "ValidationErrorMessage"=>"It was not specified a valid e-mail address.", "LABEL"=>"<u>E</u>-mail address", "ACCESSKEY"=>"E" )); $form->AddInput(array( "TYPE"=>"select", "NAME"=>"credit_card_type", "ID"=>"credit_card_type", "VALUE"=>"pick", "SIZE"=>1, "OPTIONS"=>array( "pick"=>"Pick a credit card type", "unknown"=>"Unknown", "mastercard"=>"Master Card", "visa"=>"Visa", "amex"=>"American Express", "dinersclub"=>"Diners Club", "carteblanche"=>"Carte Blanche", "discover"=>"Discover", "enroute"=>"enRoute", "jcb"=>"JCB" ), "ValidateAsDifferentFromText"=>"pick", "ValidateAsDifferentFromTextErrorMessage"=> "Pick the credit card type or set to Unknown if you do not know the type.", "ValidationErrorMessage"=>"It was not specified a valid credit card type.", "LABEL"=>"Credit card t<u>y</u>pe", "ACCESSKEY"=>"y" )); $form->AddInput(array( "TYPE"=>"text", "NAME"=>"credit_card_number", "ID"=>"credit_card_number", "SIZE"=>20, "ValidateOptionalValue"=>"", "ValidateAsCreditCard"=>"field", "ValidationCreditCardTypeField"=>"credit_card_type", "ValidationErrorMessage"=>"It wasn't specified a valid credit card number.", "LABEL"=>"Credit card <u>n</u>umber", "ACCESSKEY"=>"n" )); $form->AddInput(array( "TYPE"=>"text", "NAME"=>"user_name", "ID"=>"user_name", "MAXLENGTH"=>60, "ValidateAsNotEmpty"=>1, "ValidationErrorMessage"=>"It was not specified a valid name.", "LABEL"=>"<u>P</u>ersonal name", "ACCESSKEY"=>"P" )); $form->AddInput(array( "TYPE"=>"text", "NAME"=>"age", "ID"=>"age", "ValidateAsInteger"=>1, "ValidationLowerLimit"=>18, "ValidationUpperLimit"=>65, "ValidationErrorMessage"=>"It was not specified a valid age.", "LABEL"=>"<u>A</u>ge", "ACCESSKEY"=>"A" )); $form->AddInput(array( "TYPE"=>"text", "NAME"=>"weight", "ID"=>"weight", "ValidateAsFloat"=>1, "ValidationLowerLimit"=>10, "ValidationErrorMessage"=>"It was not specified a valid weight.", "LABEL"=>"<u>W</u>eight", "ACCESSKEY"=>"W" )); $form->AddInput(array( "TYPE"=>"text", "NAME"=>"home_page", "ID"=>"home_page", "ReplacePatterns"=>array( /* trim whitespace at the beginning of the text value */ "^[ \t\r\n]+"=>"", /* trim whitespace at the end of the text value */ "[ \t\r\n]+\$"=>"", /* Assume that URLs starting with www. start with http://www. */ "^([wW]{3}\\.)"=>"http://\\1", /* Assume that URLs that do not have a : in them are http:// */ "^([^:]+)\$"=>"http://\\1", /* Assume at least / as URI . */ "^(http|https)://(([-!#\$%&'*+.0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+\.)+[A-Za-z]{2,6}(:[0-9]+)?)\$"=>"\\1://\\2/" ), "ValidateRegularExpression"=> '^(http|https)\://(([-!#\$%&\'*+.0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+\.)+[A-Za-z]{2,6})(\:[0-9]+)?(/)?/', "ValidationErrorMessage"=>"It was not specified a valid home page URL.", "LABEL"=>"H<u>o</u>me page", "ACCESSKEY"=>"o" )); $form->AddInput(array( "TYPE"=>"text", "NAME"=>"alias", "ID"=>"alias", "MAXLENGTH"=>20, "Capitalization"=>"uppercase", "ValidateRegularExpression"=>array( "^[a-zA-Z]", "^[a-zA-Z0-9]+\$" ), "ValidateRegularExpressionErrorMessage"=>array( "The alias must start with a letter.", "The alias may only contain letters and digits." ), "ValidateAsNotEmpty"=>1, "ValidateAsNotEmptyErrorMessage"=>"It was not specified the alias.", "ValidateMinimumLength"=>5, "ValidateMinimumLengthErrorMessage"=> "It was specified an alias shorter than 5 characters.", "LABEL"=>"Acce<u>s</u>s name", "ACCESSKEY"=>"s" )); $form->AddInput(array( "TYPE"=>"password", "NAME"=>"password", "ID"=>"password", "ONCHANGE"=>"if(value.toLowerCase) value=value.toLowerCase()", "ValidateAsNotEmpty"=>1, "ValidationErrorMessage"=>"It was not specified a valid password.", "LABEL"=>"Passwor<u>d</u>", "ACCESSKEY"=>"d", "ReadOnlyMark"=>"********" )); $form->AddInput(array( "TYPE"=>"password", "NAME"=>"confirm_password", "ID"=>"confirm_password", "ONCHANGE"=>"if(value.toLowerCase) value=value.toLowerCase()", "ValidateAsEqualTo"=>"password", "ValidationErrorMessage"=> "The password is not equal to the confirmation.", "LABEL"=>"<u>C</u>onfirm password", "ACCESSKEY"=>"C", "ReadOnlyMark"=>"********" )); $form->AddInput(array( "TYPE"=>"text", "NAME"=>"reminder", "ID"=>"reminder", "ValidateAsNotEmpty"=>1, "ValidateAsNotEmptyErrorMessage"=> "It was not specified a reminder phrase.", "ValidateAsDifferentFrom"=>"password", "ValidateAsDifferentFromErrorMessage"=> "The reminder phrase may not be equal to the password.", "LABEL"=>"Password <u>r</u>eminder", "ACCESSKEY"=>"r" )); $form->AddInput(array( "TYPE"=>"select", "MULTIPLE"=>1, "NAME"=>"interests", "ID"=>"interests", "SELECTED"=>array( "other" ), "SIZE"=>4, "OPTIONS"=>array( "arts"=>"Arts", "business"=>"Business", "computers"=>"Computers", "education"=>"Education", "entertainment"=>"Entertainment", "health"=>"Health", "news"=>"News", "politics"=>"Politics", "sports"=>"Sports", "science"=>"Science", "other"=>"Other" ), "ValidateAsSet"=>1, "ValidationErrorMessage"=>"It were not specified any interests.", "LABEL"=>"<u>I</u>nterests", "ACCESSKEY"=>"I" )); $form->AddInput(array( "TYPE"=>"checkbox", "NAME"=>"notification", "ID"=>"email_notification", "VALUE"=>"email", "CHECKED"=>0, "MULTIPLE"=>1, "ValidateAsSet"=>1, "ValidateAsSetErrorMessage"=> "It were not specified any types of notification.", "LABEL"=>"E-<u>m</u>ail", "ACCESSKEY"=>"m", "ReadOnlyMark"=>"[X]" )); $form->AddInput(array( "TYPE"=>"checkbox", "NAME"=>"notification", "ID"=>"phone_notification", "VALUE"=>"phone", "CHECKED"=>0, "MULTIPLE"=>1, "LABEL"=>"P<u>h</u>one", "ACCESSKEY"=>"h", "ReadOnlyMark"=>"[X]" )); $form->AddInput(array( "TYPE"=>"radio", "NAME"=>"subscription_type", "VALUE"=>"administrator", "ID"=>"administrator_subscription", "ValidateAsSet"=>1, "ValidateAsSetErrorMessage"=> "It was not specified the subscription type.", "LABEL"=>"Adm<u>i</u>nistrator", "ACCESSKEY"=>"i", "ReadOnlyMark"=>"[X]" )); $form->AddInput(array( "TYPE"=>"radio", "NAME"=>"subscription_type", "VALUE"=>"user", "ID"=>"user_subscription", "LABEL"=>"<u>U</u>ser", "ACCESSKEY"=>"U", "ReadOnlyMark"=>"[X]" )); $form->AddInput(array( "TYPE"=>"radio", "NAME"=>"subscription_type", "VALUE"=>"guest", "ID"=>"guest_subscription", "LABEL"=>"<u>G</u>uest", "ACCESSKEY"=>"G", "ReadOnlyMark"=>"[X]" )); $form->AddInput(array( "TYPE"=>"button", "NAME"=>"toggle", "ID"=>"toggle", "VALUE"=>"On", "ONCLICK"=>"this.value=(this.value=='On' ? 'Off' : 'On'); alert('The button is '+this.value);", "LABEL"=>"Toggle <u>b</u>utton", "ACCESSKEY"=>"b" )); $form->AddInput(array( "TYPE"=>"checkbox", "NAME"=>"agree", "ID"=>"agree", "VALUE"=>"Yes", "ValidateAsSet"=>1, "ValidateAsSetErrorMessage"=>"You have not agreed with the subscription terms.", "LABEL"=>"Agree with the <u>t</u>erms", "ACCESSKEY"=>"t" )); $form->AddInput(array( "TYPE"=>"submit", "ID"=>"button_subscribe", "VALUE"=>"Submit subscription", "ACCESSKEY"=>"u" )); $form->AddInput(array( "TYPE"=>"image", "ID"=>"image_subscribe", "SRC"=>"", "ALT"=>"Submit subscription", "STYLE"=>"border-width: 0px;" )); $form->AddInput(array( "TYPE"=>"submit", "ID"=>"button_subscribe_with_content", "ACCESSKEY"=>"c", "Content"=>"<img src=\"\" style=\"border-width: 0px;\" alt=\"Submit button with content\" /> Submit button with <u>c</u>ontent", )); /* * Give a name to hidden input field so you can tell whether the form is to * be outputted for the first or otherwise it was submitted by the user. */ $form->AddInput(array( "TYPE"=>"hidden", "NAME"=>"doit", "VALUE"=>1 )); /* * Hidden fields can be used to pass context values between form pages, * like for instance database record identifiers or other information * that may help your application form processing scripts determine * the context of the information being submitted with this form. * * You are encouraged to use the DiscardInvalidValues argument to help * preventing security exploits performed by attackers that may spoof * invalid values that could be used for instance in SQL injection attacks. * * In this example, any value that is not an integer is discarded. If the * value was meant to be used in a SQL query, with this attack prevention * measure an attacker cannot submit SQL code that could be used to make * your SQL query retrieve unauthorized information to abuse your system. */ $form->AddInput(array( "TYPE"=>"hidden", "NAME"=>"user_track", "VALUE"=>"0", "ValidateAsInteger"=>1, "DiscardInvalidValues"=>1 )); /* * The following lines are for testing purposes. * Remove these lines when adapting this example to real applications. */ if(defined("__TEST")) { if(IsSet($__test_options["ShowAllErrors"])) $form->ShowAllErrors=$__test_options["ShowAllErrors"]; if(IsSet($__test_options["ErrorMessagePrefix"])) $form->ErrorMessagePrefix=$__test_options["ErrorMessagePrefix"]; if(IsSet($__test_options["ErrorMessageSuffix"])) $form->ErrorMessageSuffix=$__test_options["ErrorMessageSuffix"]; } /* * Load form input values eventually from the submitted form. */ $form->LoadInputValues($form->WasSubmitted("doit")); /* * Empty the array that will list the values with invalid field after validation. */ $verify=array(); /* * Check if the global array variable corresponding to hidden input field is * defined, meaning that the form was submitted as opposed to being displayed * for the first time. */ if($form->WasSubmitted("doit")) { /* * Therefore we need to validate the submitted form values. */ if(($error_message=$form->Validate($verify))=="") { /* * It's valid, set the $doit flag variable to 1 to tell the form is ready to * processed. */ $doit=1; } else { /* * It's invalid, set the $doit flag to 0 and encode the returned error message * to escape any HTML special characters. */ $doit=0; $error_message=nl2br(HtmlSpecialChars($error_message)); } } else { /* * The form is being displayed for the first time, so it is not ready to be processed * and there is no error message to display. */ $error_message=""; $doit=0; } if($doit) { /* * The form is ready to be processed, just output it again as read only to * display the submitted values. A real form processing script usually may * do something else like storing the form values in a database. */ $form->ReadOnly=1; } /* * If the form was not submitted or was not valid, make the page ONLOAD * event give the focus to the first form field or the first invalid field. */ if(!$doit) { if(strlen($error_message)) { /* * If there is at least one field with invalid values, get the name of the * first field in error to make it get the input focus when the page is * loaded. */ Reset($verify); $focus=Key($verify); } else { /* * Make the email field get the input focus when the page is loaded * if there was no previous validation error. */ $focus='email'; } /* * Connect the form to the field to get the input focus when the page * loads. */ $form->ConnectFormToInput($focus, 'ONLOAD', 'Focus', array()); } $onload = HtmlSpecialChars($form->PageLoad()); ?><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Test for Manuel Lemos' PHP form class</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <style type="text/css"><!-- .invalid { border-color: #ff0000; background-color: #ffcccc; } // --></style> </head> <body onload="<?php echo $onload; ?>" bgcolor="#cccccc"> <center><h1>Test for Manuel Lemos' PHP form class</h1></center> <hr /> <?php /* * Compose the form output by including a HTML form template with PHP code * interleaaved with calls to insert form input field * parts in the layout HTML. */ $form->StartLayoutCapture(); $title="Form class test"; $body_template="form_body.html.php"; require("templates/form_frame.html.php"); $form->EndLayoutCapture(); /* * Output the form using the function named Output. */ $form->DisplayOutput(); ?> </body> </html>