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PHP Forms Class with HTML Generator and JavaScript Validation: HTML forms generation and validation.

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Version License PHP version Categories
formsgeneration 1.0.47BSD License4HTML, Validation, AJAX


Class that generates HTML forms supporting:

- Multiple inputs may be interconnected in such way that client side events that occur on one input can trigger actions on the context of other inputs. Developers may use input interconnection support without writing Javascript code.
- Can be extended with new types of input controls plug-in classes.
- Custom input plug-in classes can be used to support for handling client site events on the server side without submitting the form or redrawing the whole form page
- Some control plug-in classes are made available:
* AJAX based form submission (without reloading the whole page)
* Auto-complete text inputs
* Select a location on a map using Google Maps API
* Calendar date input
* CAPTCHA test to prevent automated access by robots
* Linked select input to switch select options when the value of another input changes. An unlimited number of selected can be linked in cascade. Additional plug-in subclasses are provided to retrive option groups from a MySQL database or many other SQL databases using the Metabase PEAR::MDB2 PHP database abstraction layer APIs
* Manage animations that apply visual effects to the page form elements, like: fade-in, fade-out, show, hide, update content, etc..
- XHTML compliant output.
- Load submitted form field values even with register_globals option Off and strip slashes when magic_quotes_gpc option is On.
- Keyboard navigation support:
* Attachment of labels with activation keys to each form field.
* Tab navigation order index.
- Built-in server side (PHP based) and client side (Javascript 1.0 or better) field validation for:
* E-mail address
* Credit card numbers (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Carte Blanche, enRoute, JCB, any of these or even determined by a select field).
* Regular expressions.
* Field not empty.
* Field equal to another (useful for password confirmation fields).
* Field different from another (useful for reminder fields that must not be equal to the actual password).
* As set (for check boxes, radio buttons and select multiple fields).
* As integer number (with range limitation).
* As floating point number (with range limitation).
* Programmer defined client and server validation functions.
- Highlight invalid fields rendering them distinct CSS styles
- Security attack prevention by optionally discarding invalid values passed in fields that could not be edited by users but may be spoofed by attackers.
- Option to define a value that, when used in a field, it is accepted without performing any of the validations defined for the field.
- Ability to stop the user from submiting a form more than once inadvertdly.
- Sub form validation (validate only smaller set of field depending on the submit button that was used).
- Composition and generation of the form HTML output with fields displayed as fully accessible or in read-only mode.
- Generation of Javascript functions (useful to set to the page ONLOAD event):
* Set the input focus to a field.
* Select the text of a field.
* Set the input focus and select the text of a field.
* Enable and disable input fields
- Automatic capitalization of the text of a field:
* Upper case.
* Lower case.
* Word initials
- Replacement of text field expressions to perform adjustments like trimming whitespace or auto-complete values based on rules defined by regular expressions
- Compose forms with templates using plain HTML files with embedded PHP code or using the Smarty template engine with a supplied pre-filter plugin
- Etc.

Picture of Manuel Lemos
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PHP Form Example

Include the forms class directly or use vendor/autoload.php if you install it with composer.


Create a form object.

$form=new form_class;

Define the name of the form to be used for example in Javascript validation code generated by the class.


Use the GET method if you want to see the submitted values in the form processing URL, or POST otherwise.


Make the form be displayed and also processed by this script.


Specify a debug output function you really want to output any programming errors.


Define a warning message to display by Javascript code when the user attempts to submit the this form again from the same page.

    "Are you sure you want to submit this form again?";

Output previously set password values.


Output multiple select options values separated by line breaks

$form->OptionsSeparator="<br />\n";

Output all validation errors at once.


CSS class to apply to all invalid inputs. Set to a non-empty string to specify the invalid input CSS class


Style to apply to all invalid inputs when you just want to override a few style attributes, instead of replacing the CSS class. Set to a non-empty string to specify the invalid input style attributes

$form->InvalidSTYLE='background-color: #ffcccc; border-color: #000080';

Text to prepend and append to the validation error messages.

$form->ErrorMessagePrefix="- ";

Define the form field properties even if they may not be displayed.

    "ValidationErrorMessage"=>"It was not specified a valid e-mail address.",
    "LABEL"=>"<u>E</u>-mail address",

    "VALUE"=>"Submit subscription",

PHP Form Validation

Load form input values eventually from the submitted form.


Empty the array that will list the values with invalid field after validation.


Check if the was submitted as opposed to being displayed for the first time.


Therefore we need to validate the submitted form values.


It's valid, set the $doit flag variable to 1 to tell the form is ready to processed.



It's invalid, set the $doit flag to 0 and encode the returned error message to escape any HTML special characters.


The form is being displayed for the first time, so it is not ready to be processed and there is no error message to display.



The form is ready to be processed, just output it again as read only to display the submitted values. A real form processing script usually may do something else like storing the form values in a database.


If the form was not submitted or was not valid, make the page ONLOAD event give the focus to the first form field or the first invalid field.


If there is at least one field with invalid values, get the name of the first field in error to make it get the input focus when the page is loaded.


Make the email field get the input focus when the page is loaded if there was no previous validation error.


Connect the form to the field to get the input focus when the page loads.

    $form->ConnectFormToInput($focus, 'ONLOAD', 'Focus', array());

PHP HTML Form Example Output

$onload = HtmlSpecialChars($form->PageLoad());

<title>Test for Manuel Lemos' PHP form class</title>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<style type="text/css"><!--
    .invalid { border-color: #ff0000; background-color: #ffcccc; }
// --></style>
<body onload="<?php echo $onload; ?>" bgcolor="#cccccc">
<h1>Test for Manuel Lemos' PHP form class</h1>
<hr />

Compose the form output by including a HTML form template with PHP code interleaaved with calls to insert form input field parts in the layout HTML.

$title="Form class test";

Output the form using the function named Output.



  All examplesExternal page   AJAX form submissionExternal page   Auto CompleteExternal page   Form CRUDExternal page   General ExampleExternal page   Google Maps integrationExternal page   Linked select inputsExternal page   MapsExternal page   Multiple TabsExternal page   AJAX Form SubmissionExternal page  
  Files folder image Files (149)  
File Role Description
Files folder imagesmarty (2 directories)
Files folder imagetemplates (25 files)
Files folder imagetest (1 file, 2 directories)
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Plain text file form_ajax_submit.php Class Custom plug-in class to submit forms with AJAX to not need to reload the page
Plain text file form_animation.php Class Page element animation plug-in
Plain text file form_auto_complete.php Class Custom plug-in class to auto-complete text entered in text inputs
Plain text file form_captcha.php Class Custom input plug-in class for implementing CAPTCHA tests to prevent robots access allowing only humans
Plain text file form_crud.php Class Custom input to handle scaffolding CRUD events by accessing data source objects.
Plain text file form_custom_validation.php Class Example plug-in class to demonstrate how to perform new arbitrary validation types
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Plain text file form_file_edit.php Class File edit plugin class
Plain text file form_html_editor.php Class HTML editor plug-in input class
Plain text file form_layout_paged.php Class Custom container input class to layout inputs in tabbed pages
Plain text file form_layout_vertical.php Class Custom container plug-in class to render a group of inputs automatically without separate HTML or templates
Plain text file form_linked_select.php Class Custom linked select input class
Plain text file form_list_select.php Class Custom list select input class
Plain text file form_map_location.php Class Custom input plug-in class for implementing a world map location selection input using Google Maps API
Plain text file form_mdb2_auto_complete.php Class Custom auto complete input class using database queries with PEAR::MDB2 API
Plain text file form_mdb2_linked_select.php Class Custom linked select input class that retrieves options from a database with the PEAR::MDB2 API adapted by Lukas Smith
Plain text file form_metabase_auto_complete.php Class Custom plug-in class to auto-complete text entered in text inputs that retrieves completion texts dynamically from a database using the Metabase API
Plain text file form_metabase_linked_select.php Class Custom linked select input plug-in class that retrieves options from a database with the Metabase API
Plain text file form_mysqli_auto_complete.php Class Custom auto complete input class using MySQL database queries using MySQLi
Plain text file form_mysqli_linked_select.php Class Custom linked select input class that retrieves options from a MySQL database using MySQLi
Plain text file form_mysql_auto_complete.php Class Custom plug-in class to auto-complete text entered in text inputs that retrieves completion texts dynamically from a MySQL database
Plain text file form_mysql_linked_select.php Class Custom linked select input plug-in class that retrieves options from a MySQL database
Plain text file form_recaptcha.php Class reCAPTCHA custom input class
Plain text file form_scaffolding.php Class Custom container input to manage scaffolding forms
Plain text file form_secure_submit.php Class Secure form submit input plug-in class to prevent CSRF attacks
Plain text file form_upload_progress.php Class Custom plug-in class to monitor the progress of upload of a form with files and show a progress bar
Accessible without login Plain text file html_editor.js Data HTML editor Javascript class
Accessible without login Image file indicator.gif Icon AJAX load indicator animation icon
Accessible without login Plain text file locations.schema Data Locations database schema definition in format for the Metabase linked select inputs example
Accessible without login Plain text file locations.sql Data Locations MySQL database schema dump for the linked select inputs example
Accessible without login Plain text file markerclusterer.js Data MarkerClusterer Javascript class by Xiaoxi Wu
Accessible without login Plain text file md5.js Data Henri Torgemane's Javascript md5 encoding function
Accessible without login Image file noise.gif Data Example of noise GIF image to obfuscate the CAPTCHA input images
Accessible without login Image file noise.png Data Example of noise PNG image to obfuscate the CAPTCHA input images
Accessible without login Image file progress.gif Icon Upload progress bar stripe background image
Accessible without login Image file pulldown.gif Icon Pulldown menu button icon image
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Description
Accessible without login Plain text file rfc1867.php-4.3.11.patch Data Patch to enable upload progress monitoring in PHP 4.3.11
Accessible without login Plain text file rfc1867.php-4.4.4.patch Data Patch to enable upload progress monitoring in PHP 4.4.4
Accessible without login Plain text file rfc1867.php-4.4.9.patch Data Patch to enable upload progress monitoring in PHP 4.4.9 (use patch -p0 to apply)
Accessible without login Plain text file setup_locations_database.php Aux. Script to install the locations database schema definition in format for the Metabase linked select inputs example
Accessible without login Plain text file test_age_date_input.php Example Example to demonstrate how to use the custom date input with the ask age option
Accessible without login Plain text file test_ajax_form.php Example Example to show how to define and process a form with AJAX submit plug-in
Accessible without login Plain text file test_animation.php Example Example to demonstrate how to use the animation plug-in
Accessible without login HTML file test_animation_page.html Output Test HTML page generated by the class using test_animation.php script
Accessible without login HTML file test_auto_complete.html Output Test HTML page generated by the class using test_auto_complete.php script.
Accessible without login Plain text file test_auto_complete.php Example Example to show how to use the auto-complete text custom input plug-in
Accessible without login Plain text file test_auto_layout_form.php Example Example to show how to render a inputs with the automatic vertical layout plug-in
Accessible without login Plain text file test_captcha_input.php Example Example to demonstrate how to use the custom CAPTCHA input plug-in
Accessible without login HTML file test_captcha_input_page.html Output Test HTML page generated by the class using test_captcha_input.php script.
Plain text file test_crud_input.php Class Example to demonstrate how to use the scaffolding and crud inputs together
Accessible without login Plain text file test_custom_validation.php Example Example to demonstrate how to use the custom validation plug-in
Accessible without login Plain text file test_date_input.php Example Example to demonstrate how to use the custom date input plug-in
Accessible without login HTML file test_date_input_page.html Output Test HTML page generated by the class using test_date_input.php script.
Accessible without login Plain text file test_dependent_validation.php Example Example to demonstrate how validate inputs depending on the state of a checkbox
Accessible without login Plain text file test_encoded_password.php Example Example of password encoding before form submission
Accessible without login HTML file test_form_page.html Output Test HTML page generated by the class using test_form.html script.
Accessible without login HTML file test_form_results_page.html Output Test HTML results page generated by the class using test_form.html script.
Accessible without login Plain text file test_html_editor.php Example Example to demonstrate how to use the HTML editor custom input
Accessible without login Plain text file test_javascript_string_escaping.php Test Test script to verify the generation of escaped Javascript strings
Accessible without login Plain text file test_linked_select.php Example Example to demonstrate how to link multiple select inputs
Accessible without login HTML file test_linked_select_page.html Output Test HTML page generated by the class using test_linked_select_input.php script.
Accessible without login Plain text file test_list_select.php Example Example to demonstrate the list select input
Accessible without login Plain text file test_map_location_input.php Example Example to demonstrate how to use the Google Maps map location custom input plug-in
Accessible without login Plain text file test_mdb2_auto_complete.php Example Example to demonstrate how to auto-complete a text input with texts from a database using PEAR::MDB2 API
Accessible without login Plain text file test_mdb2_linked_select.php Example Example to demonstrate how to link multiple select inputs retrieving options from a database with the PEAR::MDB2 API adapted by Lukas Smith
Accessible without login Plain text file test_metabase_auto_complete.php Example Example to show how to use the auto-complete text custom input plug-in retrieving auto-complete texts from a database using the Metabase API
Accessible without login Plain text file test_metabase_linked_select.php Example Example to demonstrate how to link multiple select inputs retrieving options from a database with the Metabase API
Accessible without login Plain text file test_mysqli_auto_complete.php Example Example to demonstrate how to auto-complete a text input with texts from a MySQL database using MySQli
Accessible without login Plain text file test_mysqli_linked_select.php Example Example to demonstrate how to link multiple select inputs retrieving options from a MySQL database using MySQLi
Accessible without login Plain text file test_mysql_auto_complete.php Example Example to show how to use the auto-complete text custom input plug-in retrieving auto-complete texts from a MySQL database
Accessible without login Plain text file test_mysql_linked_select.php Example Example to demonstrate how to link multiple select inputs retrieving options from a MySQL database
Accessible without login Plain text file test_paged_layout_form.php Example Forms class example to render a inputs in tabbed pages with the paged layout plug-in
Accessible without login Plain text file test_recaptcha_input.php Example Example to demonstrate how to use the reCAPTCHA custom input
Accessible without login Plain text file test_scaffolding_input.php Example Example to demonstrate how to use the scaffolding input
Accessible without login Plain text file test_secure_submit.php Example Example to demonstrate how use the secure submit custom input to prevent CSRF attacks
Accessible without login Plain text file test_smarty3_form.php Example Forms class test page using Smarty 3 plug-in filter
Accessible without login Plain text file test_smarty_form.php Example Forms class test page using Smarty 2 plug-in filter
Accessible without login Plain text file test_upload.php Example File uploading example.
Accessible without login Plain text file test_upload_progress.php Example Example to show how to use the form upload progress custom input plug-in

The PHP Classes site has supported package installation using the Composer tool since 2013, as you may verify by reading this instructions page.
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Needed packages  
Class DownloadWhy it is needed Dependency
Metabase Download .zip .tar.gz Used by the custom linked select plug-in class that retrieves groups of options from many SQL databases Conditional
 Version Control Reuses Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
This week:0
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This week:51Down
User Ratings User Comments (20)
 All time
8 years ago (muabshir)
9 years ago (Umberto)
9 years ago (Yves Marie HAMAYON)
10 years ago (Pedro Casado)
Very useful class, very intelligent design.
11 years ago (Juan Carlos Neufeld)
It does what it has to do.
13 years ago (Boulet Adrien)
Olá Sr: Manuel Lemos, tenho pego muitos exemplos em seu site,...
14 years ago (Carlos Henrique Ponci)
nice work, thank a lot!
14 years ago (bartb)
15 years ago (Naga Subrahmanyam)
very good and easy to use and save time
15 years ago (Ashraf Mubarak)
nice classes.
15 years ago (Surya Pradinata)
15 years ago (Ewg)
This is a good class!.
15 years ago (Iaster C Aki)
Forms generation and validation package mostly suited for lea...
15 years ago (Allay)
if the java script is disabled the validation doesn't worth o...
16 years ago (Mat Patnik)
For a beginner may be hard , but after learning its easy .
16 years ago (Hari K T)
an excellent package, much appreciated
17 years ago (Brian Read)
A very powerful package that incorporates a lot.
16 years ago (Ian Holden)
Great class, easy to use and implement
16 years ago (tovia)
This package is great.
16 years ago (ibo kut)